
Geagea Urges Suleiman to Start Negotiations on New PM: Cabinet Must Save Lebanon from Crises

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea urged President Michel Suleiman on Friday to assign the dates for holding discussions over nominating a prime minister, expressing that premier Najib Miqati's resignation was a “brave” step.

"I praise Miqati's brave step especially after March 8 forces rejected the extension of security and military leaders' terms,” Geagea said in a released statement shortly after the PM announced the cabinet's resignation from the Grand Serail.

"March 8 insists on dragging Lebanon into a dangerous vacuum.”

Geagea urged Suleiman to hold meetings with parliamentary blocs to discuss the nomination of a new premier who will form a cabinet “that protects the people and the constitution.”

He remarked: "We want a cabinet that respects constitutional deadlines and that rescues Lebanon from the economical, political and security crises it is going through.”

Miqati announced his resignation after a cabinet session in which he failed to pass the extension of Rifi's term and the formation of the committee to oversee the elections.

Miqati stressed during his resignation speech that all political forces must shoulder their responsibilities to “pull Lebanon out of the unknown.”

Source: Agence France Presse

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