
Geagea Suggests Forming Govt. of March 14 Figures, Centrists: March 8 Not Seeking Lebanon's Interests

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea noted on Monday that the March 8 camp's stint in government over the past two years demonstrated that it does not seek Lebanon's interests.

He therefore suggested during a press conference the formation of a technocrat government comprised of March 14 officials and centrists.

“The March 8 camp is incapable of building the state, but it is linked to a regional agenda that has nothing to do with Lebanon,” he remarked.

He labeled the current caretaker government as the most corrupt that had ever ruled Lebanon.

It failed in achieving reform and security and it tarnished Lebanon's image abroad, Geagea continued.

On calls that dialogue be held in order to tackle the government vacuum, he said: “Parliamentary consultations should be launched to appoint a new prime minister.”

Dialogue is not necessary because the constitution explains the steps needed in light of the resignation of a government, stated the LF chief.

“Claims that Lebanon's salvation lies in dialogue is a waste of time,” he added.

Any new government should not include members of the March 8 camp and centrists because the caretaker one was comprised of such figures and it demonstrated its failure, Geagea said.

Speaker Nabih Berri said Monday that the national dialogue at Baabda palace has become a necessity after the resignation of Prime Minister Najib Miqati's government.

The resumption of the dialogue has become “urgent and necessary” to study how the parliamentary elections could be held and the new government formed, he explained.

He said he personally rejects the formation of a neutral or technocrat government because the situation in the country and the region “requires a political cabinet that can rule and overcome this stage with the least damages.”

On suggestions that a national unity government should be formed, he noted that two such cabinets that were formed in the past were also met with failure due to obstacles thrown their way and various developments in the country, remarked Geagea.

“If the centrists and March 8 camp failed to reach an agreement to extend the term of Internal Security Forces chief Ashraf Rifi, then how would the March 8 camp fare with its rival March 14 one?” he asked.

Geagea therefore reiterated his suggestion to form a technocrat government comprised of March 14 officials and centrists that would help stage the elections, which would be held after a slight delay.

The elections are scheduled to be staged on June 9.

Asked if such a technocrat cabinet would be possible given Hizbullah's presence, Geagea responded: “Given the choice of being killed a slow death or an immediate one, then we would choose the latter.”

“Is it wrong to propose that the March 14 camp and centrists take their turn in government after the March 8 forces had their chance in power in the past two years?” wondered Geagea.

“We are free to make our own suggestions. I see no other solution given the failure of the previous government,” he stressed.

“Let Hizbullah react in whichever way it wants, but we should not be afraid,” he added.

He hoped that the centrists, starting with Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat, would seriously consider his proposal.

“No other suggestion would save Lebanon because Hizbullah is only concerned with fighting alongside the Syrian regime,” he remarked.

“Any government that includes Hizbullah will only bring about more destruction in Lebanon,” Geagea said.

He revealed to reporters that a petition will be submitted to Berri on Tuesday to urge him to call parliament to session in order to extend Rifi's term.

Asked if the March 8 camp is seeking a political vacuum in Lebanon, the LF leader noted: “One must take into consideration the fact that Hizbullah was certain that Miqati would resign if the government failed to extend Rifi's term.”

Miqati announced on Friday the government's resignation over its failure to extend Rifi's term and approve the formation of the authority to oversee the elections.

Source: Naharnet

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