
Qaouq: New Govt. Mustn't Stab Resistance in the Back, March 14 Blinded by Lust for Power

Deputy head of Hizbullah's Executive Council Sheikh Nabil Qaouq on Sunday stressed that any new government “is required to refrain from stabbing the Resistance in the back," accusing the rival March 14 camp of betting on the Syrian crisis to "change the domestic political equations."

"The Resistance is vigilant on the border as Israel bets on the Syrian crisis to change the conflict's equations and as the March 14 forces -- who are drowning in their illusions – are betting on that crisis to change the domestic political equations,” said Qaouq at a memorial service in the southern town of al-Sawwaneh.

March 14 is “delusional to believe that the equation in Lebanon can change under the influence of the Syrian crisis and to believe that the doors have become open to a new American hegemony and to continuing the seizure of power,” Qaouq added.

“March 14's illusions and their foreign commitments made them bet on toppling the equations,” the Hizbullah official charged.

He noted that the rival camp believes that the upcoming parliamentary elections are a “strategic chance to topple the domestic equations, which reflects political ignorance and proves that the lust for power has blinded them.”

Qaouq accused March 14 of “practicing a policy of procrastination to force the Lebanese to choose between the 1960 (electoral) law and extending (parliament's mandate), in a deliberate behavior by this camp which does not want to reach a new law that doesn't grant it the parliamentary majority.”

“But they have forgotten that Lebanon cannot bear an anti-Resistance government or a government that seeks to incite strife, and that the equation of the resistance is stronger than any cabinet change, electoral laws and junctures, the Syrian crisis or the American diktats,” Qaouq added, noting that “Israel failed to do that in 2006 through its air raids, shelling, massacres and firepower.”

The top Hizbullah official stressed that “any new government is required to refrain from stabbing the Resistance in the back, inciting strife and being a dagger in Syria's flank."

Turning to the Syrian crisis, Qaouq said: "What kind of revolution is that that is taking place in Syria ... if its decisions are being taken in the U.S. and its wounded are being treated in (Israel's) Nahariya and Haifa, while its rhetoric is seditious?”

“What is currently taking place in Syria is an American-Israeli demand par excellence in order to neutralize Syria in the conflict with Israel and those pulling the strings of the armed opposition do not want a political solution to the crisis, as they're inflaming the fire and financing the policy of booby-trapped cars and chopped heads in the name of democracy, while they are the fiercest oppressors of democracy in their countries,” Qaouq added, referring to the Gulf countries that back the opposition.

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