
Military Court of Cassation Releases Arsal Army Ambush Suspect

The military court of cassation ordered on Wednesday the release on bail of Fadi al-Hujairi who was accused of involvement in the deadly attack on the Lebanese army in the northeastern town of Arsal more than two months ago.

The court headed by Judge Alice Shabtini ruled against a decision by the examining military magistrate, Judge Fadi Sawan, not to release al-Hujairi, the state-run National News Agency reported.

NNA said that Shabtini set a LL1 million bail to set him free. But she upheld a decision by Sawan not to release two others involved in the case.

Earlier this month, the court of cassation ordered the release of Naufal al-Hujairi on a LL1 million bail.

Two Lebanese soldiers were killed in February when members of an armed group ambushed their patrol that was in the area of Arsal to pursue a suspect wanted on terrorism charges.

The ambush raised tensions between the residents and the army after they accused it of approaching the town in civilian vehicles.

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