
Al-Rahi from Brazil: Two Abducted Archbishops Not Involved in Syrian Crisis

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi demanded on Monday the release of the two abducted archbishops who were kidnapped in Syria.

He said: “Their kidnapping has nothing to do with the issues of dispute in Syria.”

He made his remarks during his trip to Brazil that is part of his ongoing tour of South America.

“The abduction should not be linked to the crisis in Syria,” added the patriarch.

“In the name of humanity, we demand the release of the archbishops and all captives,” al-Rahi said.

Moreover, he called on the international community to halt the “war, killing, terrorism, and violence in the Middle East.”

Yohanna Ibrahim, head of Aleppo's Syriac Orthodox diocese and Boulos Yaziji, head of the Greek Orthodox diocese in the same city, were kidnapped last week near the Turkish border.

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