
Hariri Responding to Nasrallah: Hizbullah Linking Lebanon to Syria and Leading it to Destruction

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri slammed on Wednesday Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's latest speech, saying that he has completely “written off the Lebanese state” and substituted it with the party.

He said in a statement: “The most dangerous remark by Nasrallah was not his position on the Syrian revolt or his undying defense of President Bashar Assad, but his suicidal link of the fate of Lebanon to that of Syria.”

“We do not want to argue with Nasrallah's positions because most of them are disconnected from reality and any sense of responsibility as he has maintained his denial of the existence of the Syrian popular revolution,” he continued.

“Nasrallah has taken the final decision to stand with the ranks of the oppressors and announced his readiness to defend to the death Asssad's regime” at Iran's bidding, he said.

“The fate of the regime lies in the hands of the Syrian people who have taken the firm decision to topple it,” Hariri stressed.

“Nasrallah announced that the Lebanese state does not exist and the Syrian regime's continued existence is more important that the existence of Lebanon,” he added.

“Nasrallah has erased Lebanon off the political map,” he declared.

“Hizbullah alone makes decisions for the Lebanese people and it alone orders that Lebanon be dragged into regional and civil wars,” Hariri noted.

“Hizbullah alone has the right to issue fatwas to combat Syrians on their own soil and it alone has the right to direct insult after insult against the Lebanese state and army by repeatedly highlighting its inability to protect the Lebanese people,” said the former premier.

“Nasrallah announced the formation of an army to defend Lebanon's Shiites in the region and the entire world in a manner that makes it seem that the sect belongs to the party and is an entity independent from the state,” he continued.

“Based on this mentality, the party has given itself the right to expand its operations from southern Lebanon to include Syria's al-Qusyar region and Sayyeda Zainab shrine under the excuse of defending holy sites,” he remarked.

“Nasrallah announced that the Lebanese state is Hizbullah's hostage and the Lebanese people, starting with the president, primer minister, and speaker, have to base their actions based on this reality,” he noted.

“The state is Hizbullah's hostage along with all other groups and Lebanese sects,” he lamented.

“Hizbullah is leading Lebanon, starting with the Shiite sect, towards destruction and strife and we warn the Lebanese against falling victim to them,” he cautioned.

“This warning is directed to the national leaderships that are searching for constitutional and political solutions to form a new government and stage the parliamentary elections,” Hariri explained.

“Some sides however are linking their fate to that of the Syrian regime, and they will therefore not hesitate in sacrificing national Islamic unity for the sake of Assad's victory,” he said.

“Hizbullah alone is controlling Lebanon's fate and its secretary general not only announced the party's participation in the Syrian unrest, but he is threatening to spread this instability to Lebanon,” he warned.

“Hizbullah will inevitably find support among the allies of the Syrian regime in Lebanon, but we are banking on the real majority of Lebanese people and the free people of the Shiite sect who will not acquiesce to sacrifice their country and national unity for the sake of Hizbullah, Iran, and the Syrian regime,” he stressed.

The former prime minister renewed his call on the Lebanese people to reject through all possible democratic means to reject Nasrallah's positions.

It made its remarks in light of Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's speech on Tuesday during which he stated that the party had been taking part in the fighting Syria, saying that members were defending Lebanese border regions from attacks from Syria.

He also said that fighters are defending holy places in the country, explaining: “Armed groups are only hundreds of meters away from the Sayyeda Zainab shrine and Takfirist groups launched clear threats on the Internet that they will destroy the shrine should they enter the area."

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