
Paris Says Current Political Vacuum Serves Indictment

France said that an initiative aimed at solving the Lebanese crisis is “not rational” especially with the expected release in the upcoming weeks of the indictment in the probe into ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination, the pan-Arab newspaper al-Hayat reported on Monday.

A High-ranking French source told the daily that the time taken by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon to issue the indictment paved way for Lebanese officials to “absorb” the results of the accusations.

The source said that a government formed with the participation of Hizbullah will seek to cut the relations with the STL after the indictment is issued.

It hinted that the current vacuum in the government benefits the STL, ruling out that the indictment will accuse Syria.

Concerning the delay in the cabinet formation, the source noted that Hizbullah is “incapable” of forming the government, since Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun is obstructing the process – but Hizbullah doesn’t want to end its alliance with him.

The source stressed the importance of renewing the term of the Central Bank governor. “It can be done through holding a session for the caretaking government with only one item on its agenda.”

The daily quoted the source as saying that Paris is not satisfied with the way Premier-designate Najib Miqati was tasked, but he is a “respected” person.

“The fact that he is incapable of forming the cabinet shows that he isn’t yielding to pressure,” the source said.

He stressed that the current vacuum in Lebanon “serves” Miqati, confirming that “France will work with the formed cabinet in Lebanon.”

On security issues, the source noted that Syria has no interest in taking the turmoil into Lebanon, while Iran is busy with the current situation in Syria.

“Different Lebanese parties chose not to meddle in the Syrian affairs, and rumors linking certain Lebanese parties to moving arms into Syria are completely not true,” the source told al-Hayat.

The source pledged that Paris and the countries having contingents in UNIFIL will protect their troops, and will reply firmly to further attacks on the peacekeeping force in the south.

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