
Aoun: Only Corruptors Will Be Held Accountable, Roumieh Prison Ward Being Prepared for them

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun criticized on Tuesday the opposition’s attack on the new government, labeling it as “rude” because a new cabinet should be granted a 100-day grace period.

He said after the movement’s weekly meeting: “They didn’t appreciate our ‘one way ticket’ joke. A new ward is being prepared for them in Roumieh prison and they will be granted a ‘one way in’ ticket for it.”

“Their greed had affected their sense of humor,” he added.

“Isn’t there a location farther than Paris the opposition can convene at? Let them go to Washington. We want justice, but we don’t want the forgery of the truth,” he noted.

Addressing Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman, Aoun said: “He is a strange creature and he believes that he is the only person coming from a free country, but he comes from a state that enslaves people.”

“He has grown accustomed to forming Lebanon’s government, but this time it slipped through his fingers,” he said.

“We are part of an axis of evil against its axis of evil. We are proud to be part of it. We are aware of all the good the Americans brought to Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Pakistan,” Aoun added sarcastically.

“Spite and settling scores aren’t on our agenda. We want to build a state on the basis of laws and justice,” he stressed.

Furthermore, he revealed that he had contacted President Michel Suleiman, denying that they had discussed the national dialogue.

On Friday’s clashes in the northern city of Tripoli, Aoun stated: “Prime Minister Najib Miqati didn’t wrongfully accuse anyone. I believe the unrest was planned.”

In addition, he urged Lebanese expatriates and foreigners to head to Lebanon during the summer, slamming the rise in ticket prices by the Middle East Airlines, an issue he said should be looked into.

“It is hindering tourism and the Lebanese people’s return,” the MP declared.

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