
Leah Remini Quits Scientology after 'Years of Interrogations'

Leah Remini, the star of "King of Queens," has reportedly quit Scientology.

According to the New York Post, Remini was subjected to "years of 'interrogations' and 'thought modifications'" after she questioned Scientology leader David Miscavige. A source told the Post that the church questioned Remini's family and "blacklisted" her before she quit.

The Brooklyn native admitted to being a Scientologist in a 2001 interview and has defended the church multiple times. She even hosted gatherings where she would help fellow church members get to the next level of Scientology practice. An email she wrote about the events, was published on Gawker. But Mike Rinder, a Scientologist blogger, wrote that the "drama surrounding Leah has been ongoing for some time."

Scientologist expert and former Village Voice editor Tony Ortega uncovered Remini's rift with the church earlier this week. He said that at the wedding of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, Remini asked Miscavige, who was also Cruise's best man, why his wife was absent. Ortega reported that Miscavige's wife has been "kept out of sight at a secretive Scientology facility near Lake Arrowhead." After the wedding, Remini wrote church-authorized reports in which she criticized Miscavige and his leadership. In the years that followed, the actress and her family were reportedly subjected to repeated questioning and hostility.

Source: The Huffington Post

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