
Aoun Reveals FPM Bloc to Propose Solution on Refugees Crisis, Says Neutral Cabinet 'Sparks War'

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun said Saturday that his Change and Reform parliamentary bloc will propose a draft-law to resolve the problem of Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

During a two-day visit to the eastern city of Zahle, Aoun warned against “the dangers and the repercussions” of the refugees' case as winter approaches.

He said the bloc will make the draft-law proposal next week after he expressed regret at the way the government was dealing with the issue of refugees.

Aoun made his remark at Zahle's Catholic bishopric.

Some 675,000 people fleeing Syria's conflict have sought shelter in Lebanon, the U.N. says, among them 60,000 Palestinians. It says the 28-month-old civil war has killed more than 100,000 people and created millions of refugees.

In the evening, Aoun accused "those deciding on the new cabinet of sparking war in the country if a neutral or technocrat cabinet was to be formed."

"There should not be political adventures by forming a technocrat or a neutral cabinet,” he said at a dinner hosted by the FPM in Zahleh.

“What decisions can such a cabinet take?,” he asked.

Aoun stated: “Marginalizing factions that represent the Lebanese people is a problem and it sparks war. I hold those in charge of forming the cabinet responsible for several mistakes, and for a crime against the country.”

The Christian leader said his party is looking to “restore the characteristics of the constitution.”

He criticized politicians in the country that “are unconsciously followers at a stage when the East is boiling.”

Aoun explained: “Lebanon is occupied by the politicians ruling in the country. They have liberated the land but they have not yet liberated their thoughts. I call on everyone to be awake again before it is too later and they regret it. We should not fight over the country but we should agree to preserve its stability.”

Source: Agence France Presse

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