الجيش الاسرائيلي يطلق قذائف مدفعية على جنوب لبنان ردا على سقوط صواريخ شمالا
Read this story in Englishقصف الجيش الاسرائيلي صباح الاحد منطقة حدودية لبنانية بحوالى عشرين قذيفة، وذلك بعد اطلاق صواريخ من الاراضي اللبنانية في اتجاه اسرائيل، بحسب ما ذكر مصدر امني لبناني لوكالة فرانس برس.
وقال المصدر "سقطت حوالى عشرين قذيفة صباح الاحد على منطقة العرقوب الحدودية في جنوب لبنان مصدرها الجانب الاسرائيلي، بعد وقت قصير من اطلاق صواريخ من الجنوب في اتجاه اسرائيل".
واوضح مصدر عسكري محلي لمراسل وكالة فرانس برس ان احد الصواريخ التي اطلقت نحو اسرائيل "وهو من طراز كاتيوشا، كان مصدره منطقة راشيا الفخار، وقد سقط في بلدة سردا بالقرب من الوزاني" المقابل لكريات شمونة الاسرائيلية.
واشار المراسل الى ان الجيش اللبناني قام بجمع بقايا الصاروخ.
واضاف المصدر العسكري ان القذائف الاسرائيلية اطلقت على "المنطقة التي انطلق منها الصاروخ وسقطت في حقول زراعية في مناطق الماري وراشيا الفخار والهبارية".
واكد الجيش الاسرائيلي انه رد باطلاق قذائف على انطلاق صواريخ من لبنان، وانه "استهدف القطاع الذي اطلقت منه" الصواريخ التي انفجر احدها غرب كريات شمونة.
واوضح متحدث باسم الجيش الاسرائيلي عبر "تويتر" ان "خمسة صواريخ اطلقت من لبنان هذا الصباح، وتم التأكد من انفجار احدها، "بينما يبحث الجيش عن مواقع سقوط الصواريخ الاخرى".
وسقطت القذائف والصاروخ في الجانبين في مناطق غير مأهولة من دون ان تتسبب بوقوع اصابات.
ونقلت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" عن الناطق الرسمي باسم "اليونيفيل" اندريا تيننتي أن "اليونيفيل تتابع الوضع ميدانيا على الارض والقائد العام الجنرال باولو سييرا يجري اتصالات مع الطرفين".
ولفتت الى أن الهدوء الحذر يسود في المنطقة حيث سجل سقوط اكثر من 100 قذيفة توزعت على مناطق الخريبة، طريق الماري في راشيا الفخار، وطى الخيام، خراج ابل السقي والوزاني.
وافاد مراسل فرانس برس ان اليونيفيل والجيش اللبناني يسيران دوريات في المنطقة الحدودية التي تسودها حالة من الحذر.
وظهر الاحد، عثر الجيش اللبناني عثر على أربع منصات خشبية في منطقة وادي الخريبة قضاء حاصبيا أطلقت منها الصواريخ.
وسجل توتر كبير على الحدود اللبنانية الاسرائيلية في 16 كانون الاول، عندما اطلق جندي لبناني النار وقتل جنديا اسرائيليا.
وكان ذلك الحادث الاخطر منذ آب 2010 عندما قتل جندي اسرائيلي وجنديان وصحافي لبنانيون في تبادل اطلاق نار على الحدود.
وباستثناء هذه الحوادث المتفرقة، يسجل هدوء على الحدود بين لبنان واسرائيل اللذين لا يزالان رسميا في حالة حرب، منذ حرب تموز 2006 بين حزب الله والجيش الاسرائيلي التي اوقعت 1200 قتيل في الجانب اللبناني معظمهم من المدنيين و160 قتيلا في الجانب الاسرائيلي معظمهم من العسكريين.
وسجل مرات عدة اطلاق صواريخ باتجاه اسرائيل تتبناها مجموعات غير معروفة، تكتفي اسرائيل بالرد عليها بشكل موضعي.
hizbushaitan needs a diversion from murdering Shatah.
they did not expect this reaction from the Lebanese people thus they need this diversion.
nothing will divert us from kicking iran out of Lebanon.
Come on L_F the south is controlled by Hizbullah 100%. Do you think that any one can just send two rockets without their blessing. I mean the United Nation cannot even take a single photo without HA knowing and often stopping them from doing so. It is so easy to point the figures at those takfiris to excuse ha.
The south is controlled and run by hezballah. They have surveilence, agents any other security all over the place. How does anyone manage to fire rockets and burn down alcohol shops several times without them noticing? Besides, there are no Pal takfiri groups per say, there are takfiri groups in the refugee camps but they are multi-national and do not hold nationality of importance. These groups are all backed by mukhabaret of several sides (Assadi, irani on one side and saudi-israel on the other) via their proxies. They both need to have unorganized takfiri groups at their disposal for when they need them to do their dirty work. Nothing is black and white. When it comes to lebanon, rafik hariri said, believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see. It's best if everyone could stop pointing fingers because when it all comes down to it, nobody knows anything and even proof are planted by the real culprits to misslead the investigation.
geha, all evidence points out that Hezbollah wasen't responsible, so drop your garbage somewhere else.
And i have to disagree with you @speakfreely, back in 1973 when Egypt and Syria almost forced the settlers to flee across the Mediterranean Sea.
Fact is if Anwar Sadat didn't betray Hafez Al Assad, and got bought by USA. Then there wouldn't be any Israeli state today.
please can you share with us all those evidences. OR is it stupid evidence taken out of your stupid mind.
Mystic, in yom kippur war, Arik Sharon almost went into Cairo. He was stopped by the US when he was only 101km from Cairo. Without the intervention of the US, Israel would have given a real kick ass to Egypt. The US aim was to allow Egypt to gain the Suez Canal so that Anouar el Sadat would agree to sign a peace deal. Get your stupid fact correct before you right any bullshit on this forum
Israel isn't as powerful as most people expected, that was indeed proven during the 2006 war.
@All zionists here... Ur apartheid will end sooner or later. Throughout history, every society you've infiltrated, has managed to expose and defeat you. Your arrogance, and love for wealth and power, will be your undoing.
Iran is a cancer that needs to be exterminated. Too bad the Obama administration is soft. If Bush was in charge Cheney would have neutralized them-- they need it.
lol then the whole world would be set ablaze, i can tell you one thing little bee stinger, Bush always feared Hezbollah ;)
1983 US marine barracks explosion say anything to you? US fears Hezbollah until today because of that, more than 250 marines died in one day. A proud moment
Hizbullah needs indeed a diversion and an excuse. I thought for a long time that in 2006 HA was the looser. It was pushed north of the Litany, and lost scores of fighters. But the actual result was indeed a divine victory for HA. Not over Israel, but over Lebanon. HA gained control of Lebanon both politically and militarily.
What is nice to notice is that in 2006 (despites political accusation between leadders) people have hoppen their houses in mont lebanon, beirut, tripoli, akar... Even in syria... And now what would u expect to happens?..
U think 13 assassinations, assassination attempts, black shirts, 7ayyar, hezbollah helping the regine that killed kamal jumblat ,rennee mouawad... Brought such destruction to lebanon... U think this has something to play in the way people now think....
At least they all admit that the first shots came from the Lebanese side of the border.
When you guys finally get rid of Hezbollah, you're all invited to my place in Tel Aviv for some Arak.
@Mystic: given that Israel fears us and given that u don't give a crap about your obligations to discuss going to war with anyone and given that u've got no problem whatsoever to destroy your own areas and risk killing your own people
Please do tell us about the undeclared peace with. Israel, where will u hide in lebanon? Even jabal loubnan el 3azim wont refuge you bc guess what they're as extremist as you. Plus who will fund emergency and recovery activities, europe that listed u as terrorists (thank you for making the lebanese passport shittier). so enough with your empty threats, u neither have the guts to go to war nor israel is willing to fight u
Hey so called resistance hizbollah why don't you shoot down one of the thousands of izraeli war planes that fly over lebanon if you are a true resistance bunch of hacks
"but a resistance which proved its capacity and decisive actions within that frame"
1200 poor lebanese killed thanks to hezbi adventures
billions of $ damage in infrastructure
never asked the lebanese if they were ok with a war or not
never asked lebanese if lebanese were ok with their "actions" or not...
sure hezbollah is very lebanese....
Indeed Mystic, please engage in a new war against Israel we need a great divine victory once again and in all cases you don't need our consent and support (we just serve tea). But this time dear, u shall find no housing (already taken by other refugees plus the other citizens kind of resent you); Europe will never finance recovery activities and neither Iran bc the sanctions will never be removed if u touch israel
So enough with ur bullshit, lebanon is ur war arena now and in case you think you're above the law, international community and common sense please once again proceed and show the world what you've got
Here you have another unprovoked act of aggression by Lebanon against Israel -- this is how the war in 2006 began. The Lebanese should protect themselves by not committing such acts.
Israel knows verry well the situation and doesnot need to be provoked or exuses to got to war, u expect dessency from a governement that lets gaza people starving? Buil a wall of shame? Stealls land of villagors? Put childreen in prison for political reasons ; childreen... And so much more attrocities..
But at least the way to countercisrael should be a national issue, not one dessision in the hands of the islamic resistance of hezbollah... Maybe we kind find some other way?... No?...
Yalla bassita plus one for u also anyway :)
Imagine: Hard to understand how how deny that Lebanon's attack on ISrael today was unprovoked. As a reminder, in 2006 Lebanon also initated an unprovoked attack against Israel killing several of its soldiers and leading to war. On Gaza, tghey too attack Israel regularly. They have a border with a friendly Arab state and Gaza should not rely on Israel for support (that would be like Israel claiming that Lebanon has a blockade against it).
imagine_1979: well who like the Arabs are best teachers Israel can learn about humanity, human rights, women rights, love and respect to each other. Shame on you Israel.
Look around you Israel look at your loving neighbor Syria for example.
You should learn from the Syrian how to protect the human's lives.
Same with Lebanon. Look how the Palestinian living like kings in the refugee camps. They feel so good there that for over than 65 years they don't want to leave the camps although they get full rights, citizenship, the right to vote.
Shame on you Israel for your behavior. how van you build walls? so what if Arabs sending their children so called Shahids to blow up buses and shopping centers. So what if Arabs stubbing small babies. They are only Jews aren't they?
Hey beirut bastard thats why siniora showed up on public crying to the world with tears saying that Israel is destroying all our country in 2006 ? And no my friend the Zionist wont be eliminated soon ur dead wrong cuz before they ll be eliminated they will eliminate the entire the middle east including Iran with only pressing a couple of buttons ,a lot of ppl underestimate these Zionist power, but trust me they are keeping all they have for YOM EL DIN, so please before you talk think good,and dont reply just to write
Thank u.
Hey actionman its because hassouna is getting an asthma hiding in his hole shaking ,so how u want him to invade his own toilet ? Haha.....keep it up hassouna :)
Here we start again: Can't understand the Lebanese way of thinking.
Every few years they build new infrastructure and after its built they are looking to destroy it.
Leave the neighbor from South, you don't like him ? fine. but if no territorial dispute, what the hell is the reason for jeopardizing the Lebanese people's lives?
Do you think for a moment that you will act like the Son who killed his parents and was looking for mercy for being an orphan.
For a moment you think that any hostile act against Israel from Lebanese soil will pass with no reaction? Whom are you trying to full?
Keeping quiet the borders will bring prosperity to both sides.
If you looking for war, you know well Israeli people are more defended, better shelters and the ones who will pay the price will be the Lebanese people.
Israeli, once again rides to the rescue of Hezbollah. With Hezbollah being accused from all quarters for the Central City car bombing that killed Mohammad Chatah, Israel lobs in a rocket or two to south Lebanon to remind all that that "Resistance" remains relevant.
Israel and Lebanon? Hand meet glove.