Hariri Tackles Cabinet Crisis with Mustaqbal Senior Officials

Mustaqbal leader and former Prime Minister Saad Hariri discussed with the movement's senior officials in Jeddah the latest developments.
According to al-Liwaa newspaper published Saturday, Hariri met with head of al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc Fouad Saniora and Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq in presence of his adviser Nader Hariri.
The meeting tackled Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun's threats to paralyze the cabinet, the daily reported.
The government plunged in a further crisis on Thursday when it failed to agree on the appointments of high-ranking security and military figures.
Following the cabinet session, Mashnouq issued a decree effectively extending the term of Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ibrahim Basbous for two more years.
His move prompted Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil, who is a member of the FPM, to warn that Change and Reform bloc ministers would block any cabinet decision before security appointments are made.
Aoun has bluntly rejected any attempt to extend the terms of the officials.
He has been lobbying for political consensus on the appointment of Commando Regiment chief Brig. Gen. Chamel Roukoz as army chief as part of a package for the appointment of other top security officers.
Roukoz is his son-in-law.

The caporal and his gang want anyway to create the chaos and destroy the institutions. Let them go to hell.

I really wish there were elections tomorrow to show this imbassil that they represent less than 30% of the Christians.
Everyone can see they are corrupt, liars, agents and traitors.