Army Opens Fire on Driver for Not Stopping at Zgharta Checkpoint
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
A Lebanese man was lightly injured on Saturday when the army opened fire on him for failing to stop at a checkpoint in the district of Zgharta, the state-run National News Agency reported.
NNA said that the soldiers manning the checkpoint in the town of Ashash inspected Barraq Ammar's car and did not find anything suspicious in it.
When he was asked to advance, Ammar cursed one of the troops, NNA said.
The soldiers then opened fire on him because he didn't abide by their orders to stop for the second time, the agency added.
Ammar was taken to the Centre Hospitalier du Nord in Zgharta for treatment.

When he was asked to advance, Ammar cursed one of the troops, NNA said.
Obviously he stopped because they asked him to advance. They shot him because he cursed our mighty soldiers!

If you are not a terrorist and have nothing to hide, then stopping at checkpoints should not be a problem.

swearing at the army doesn't lead you to getting shot. not stopping for a second time when asked does lead to getting shot.

We7et wlede? People like should not Be allowed to breed ya roofus bin doofus poopthrower.