Zelensky Urges Jews not to Remain Silent on Ukraine


Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky urged the world's Jews to speak out Wednesday after a Russian missile strike on a Kyiv television tower built on the site of a Holocaust massacre.

"I am now addressing all the Jews of the world. Don't you see what is happening? That is why it is very important that millions of Jews around the world not remain silent right now," he said. 

"Nazism is born in silence. So shout about killings of civilians. Shout about the murders of Ukrainians."

Comments 2
Thumb i.report 02 March 2022, 15:42

Nazis had their Kapos. Zelensky is one of them… he’s even getting weapons from Germany as we read this article.

Mr Zelensky owns 4 TV channels in Ukraine…. All funded with “Allies” money. Billions have been injected to manipulate the Ukrainians , and it looks like there won’t be returns on investment this time for the NATO countries.

Thumb chrisrushlau 03 March 2022, 19:25

I'm glad Israel's foreign backers are realizing the implications. The next likely operation would be a NATO blitz on the homes of Islamic terrorism: the Gulf monarchies. Israel's internal powers have placed a lot of weight on these new legitimizers. The globe is restructuring itself post-Western-imperialism. Those monarchies are the last line of colonial defense except Israel itself. What does it take to "topple" a monarchy? You only need to "topple" one person in each case.