EU Ambassador Hails Lebanon's Anti-Russia Vote

EU Ambassador to Lebanon Ralph Tarraf held talks Friday at the Baabda Palace with President Michel Aoun.
“I am here today to thank Lebanon, on behalf of the European Union and its Member States, for its position in the United Nations General Assembly on the crisis in Ukraine,” Tarraf said after the meeting, referring to Lebanon’s vote in favor of a U.N. General Assembly resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
“Lebanon joined 140 countries in condemning the unprecedented Russian military aggression against Ukraine. It is an unjustified and unprovoked military action that violates international law and undermines European and global security and stability,” Tarraf added.
He noted that the Lebanese understand the “meaning of this fight” because they faced “invasions, occupations and foreign interventions.”
“Lebanon, the founding state of the United Nations, remained faithful to the principles of non-resort to the use force and the peaceful settlement of disputes, and this is something we highly appreciate,” Tarraf went on to say.

Those who have Lebanon to Syria and the Golan to Israel are hailing Lebanon looool. What a world of hypocrites.
And once their deal with Iran will be done, Lebanon will be given to Iran…. Tfehhh

and in 11 years of ethnic cleansing and massacres by Assad including the confirmed use of chemical weapons the International Criminal Court did not bet an eye. Five days after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the same Court opened a case against Putin and Russia for committing war crimes-:)

I was raised western style, and was a supporter of “western civilization” (i don’t want to sound like mowaty) but the west has so much blood on its hands. I was okay with removing Saddam Hussein the dictator, but what they did was far worse… then came Obama’s redline for chemical weapons in Syria that he and Francois Hollande didn’t enforce. Now they left an arsenal worth 50 billion dollars to the Taliban (80 billions according to Trump). Khalas, it’s gone too far. Look at the Palestinians I’m not particularly fond of, they’ve been living what Ukraine lived for a week … since 1947… no to double standards, period.
Russia was loyal to Syria despite all the horror it involves, but what bothered the west was that France lost 3 former African colonies to Russia’s Wagner private militia . republic Centrafrique, Mali and another one. It’s a $$$ war and the Ukrainian people will be sacrificed by the West just for the sake of weakening Putin, and I’m not okay with this.