Reports: Aoun intervenes to convince Aswad, Abu Zeid to be on same Jezzine list

President Michel Aoun has intervened to impose a “compulsory agreement” on Free Patriotic Movement parliamentary candidates Ziad Aswad and Amal Abu Ziad, obliging them to be on the same electoral list in the Jezzine-Sidon district, media reports said on Tuesday.
The FPM’s list was announced overnight, only hours from the midnight deadline for the submission of electoral lists to the Interior Ministry.
In addition to Aswad and Abu Zeid for the Maronite seats, the list comprises Salim Khoury for the Greek Catholic seat and Mohammed al-Qawwas and Ali al-Sheikh Ammar for the Sunni seats.
Abu Zeid had recently announced that he was withdrawing from the race due to his disputes with Aswad. And after having slammed Aswad without naming him earlier on Monday, Abu Zeid later announced that he was reversing his withdrawal decision “at the request and insistence of His Excellency the President and FPM chief MP Jebran Bassil.”
Abu Zeid also cited “intensive demands from my people, beloved ones and FPM comrades in the Jezzine region.”

This is a clear warning to all FPM candidates that they are on a list of traitors and the diaspora will bring them to trial for treason and corruption (among other corrupts) even if the process takes 10 years. Bassil argument is that he is accepting occupation by a militia created and funded by Iran radicals to avoid civil war. What a degrading and disgraceful comment. Imagine similar argument in Ukraine!!! He will be immediately court marshaled for treason. Lebanon and every country touched by Suleimani kiss of death have been destroyed and dishonored living in abject misery for the basij glory and nuclear nirvana. We owe it to our children and our beloved country to liberate future generation from the basij. We need the help of Imam Moussa Saddr’s Shia hurt by phony Berri and terrorized by Suleimani arms. Lebanon was and will be again the Resala and shining city on the hill.