Hariri meets US ambassador, Grand Mufti Daryan in Beirut


Ex-PM and al-Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad Hariri met Tuesday at the Center House in Beirut with American Ambassador Lisa Johnson and Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan.

Johnson told reporters as she left the Center House that the meeting with Hariri was "excellent".

Hariri, who had withdrawn from political life two years ago, arrived Sunday night in Beirut to prepare for the 19th anniversary of the martyrdom of his father Rafik Hariri and his companions on February 14.

Hariri had resigned as prime minister after unprecedented nationwide protests broke out in 2019 to demand the wholesale overhaul of Lebanon's political class.

He was designated the following year to form a technocratic government that would implement much-anticipated reforms, but he failed to broker a consensus and threw in the towel.

Media reports said Hariri will also meet with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, who will seek to bring him together with ex-PSP chief Walid Jumblat.

Comments 2
Missing herewego 13 February 2024, 11:54

Back to step 1.

What an idiotic society.

Missing herewego 13 February 2024, 12:06

It's amazing how this Zionist cult is able to activate and deactivate characters, such as hariri, or groups such as houthis or jizzbola, according to their desire. It's like they have a main switch and when they decide to start or stop, they just press a switch.
But there is no one to blame other than the one who participates, and that includes the believers/followers before anyone else.