Safa: No veto on army chief, only veto on Geagea

The head of Hezbollah's Coordination and Liaison Unit, Wafiq Safa, announced Sunday that his party does not have a "veto" on electing Army chief Joseph Aoun as president.
"The only veto to us is on (Lebanese Forces leader) Samir Geagea, because he is a strife and destruction scheme for the country," Safa added, from the site of the Sep. 27 airstrike that killed Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in Dahieh.
"Hezbollah is stronger and firmer than iron and it is stronger than before," Safa added.
"Hezbollah's capabilities have been repaired and it has the ability to confront any attack in the way it sees appropriate and let no one test us anymore," Safa went on to say, noting that "Speaker Nabih Berri will have a talk with U.S. mediator Amos Hochstein over the Israeli violations."
Asked about Hezbollah's reaction if the Israeli army does not withdraw from Lebanon after the 60-day deadline, Safa said: "The Lebanese Army and the monitoring committee have not been informed of this matter, but after the 60 days expire, the issue will be left to Hezbollah and the resistance to decide what to do, and as Sheikh Naim Qassem said, this is the responsibility of the (Lebanese) state that signed the agreement and it will follow up on the ceasefire measures or violations."

OK, so you were missed out of 99.999% of those targeted by Israel to kill, now you open your mouth and talk about the only guy who warned you 1 year ago about the mass destruction of Lebanon because of your ideology and the funny part you call him the strife and destruction scheme for the country, but 1- he turned his arms to the state 2- look at the dahye, bekaa and 60 villages of the south "massive destruction" caused by your ideology. So now I ask the people to judge because your head is still in its old unbeleif state, who is the one that calls for strife and destruction?

I forgot to mention, YES, you did win the war and freed not only Gaza but also prayed in Aqsa Mosque too.

Wish it was him instead of Syed Hassan.
This guy is the new Rustum Ghazaleh
Ok veto on Geagea. So what if all other MPs voted for Geagea except your militia and Nabi's goons and he has the necessary votes and is elected. What the you gonna do then?

I know what we prefer .. how about you?
Enough with your talk, you are finished and have not legitimacy.
You are a failed project!!

Hezbollah is stronger and their capability are repaired to do what?
You want every single house and every single hospital and every single school to be leveled to the ground JUST LIKE GAZA? Have you asked yourself where is ALI HEJAZI? Where is Bashar Assad? Try to think for just 5 seconds what the bombs from the air would do to you once your location is found.

INDEPENDENCE IS NOT GIVEN BUT EARNED! Put this criminal in jail now and roundup all Hizb criminals responsible for Syrian massacres and hand them to Syria, same with those involved in Yemen massacres and rocket training. Anyone with half a brain can see similarity between Hizb and Assad public support. 100% with arms 0% without arms. Hero with arms and criminal tyrant without. Army must give this criminal Iranian brigade that had assassinated Lebanon’s best 30-day notice to surrender all its weapon or take them by force. Even if the army has to confront these Iranian mercenaries and lose hundreds of soldier martyrs in the battle, this is a small price to pay for Independence from Iranian occupation, to free Lebanese Shia from this nightmare, to save the country from this malignant cancer. Parliament elections should take place before presidential election as current parliament elected by Hizb arms & Assad remnants and does not represent the people.