تقارير عن مقتل 6 من حزب الله في كمين لـ"النصرة" في القلمون

Read this story in English W460

"قتل ستة عناصر" من حزب الله الاربعاء في كمين نصب لهم من قبل جبهة النصرة في منطقة القلمون.

وأفادت قناة "الجزيرة" عن "مقتل 6 من حزب الله في استهداف جبهة النصرة لسيارات الامداد التابعة له في القلمون".

وقال تلفزيون "اورينت تي في" المناهض للنظام، "قامت النصرة بعملية كبيرة اليوم ضد رتل إمداد لميليشيا حزب الله في القلمون, فجرت على إثره ست سيارات تابعة للحزب الشيعي الذي يقاتل لجانب الأسد منذ ثلاثة أعوام ضد الشعب السوري".

وأفاد نشطاء بحسب المصدر "عن انفجار كبير سُمع في القلمون لرتل عسكري تابع لحزب الله ودوّى انفجار كبير في المنطقة".

وتدور اشتباكات شبه يومية بين الجيش السوري وحزب الله من جهة ومقاتلي جبهة "النصرة" في منطقة القلمون.

وفي كانون الثاني قتل خمسة عناصر من حزب الله في اشتباكات دارت في جرود فليطة الحدودية.

وفليطة بلدة تربط جرود بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية، بجرود بلدة القلمون السورية.

وللقلمون موقع استراتيجي، حاول حزب الله بحسب تقارير سابقة اوائل السنة بـ"قطعِ إمداد المقاتلين بالوقود والمحروقات الضرورية للتدفئة لينهكَهم حتى بداية الربيع، ما يُسَهّل طردَهم من المنطقة والسيطرة عليها عسكرياً".


التعليقات 24
Thumb skeletor 18:27 ,2015 نيسان 29

Usually there is a mid week lull in intake of martyrs. This week I am keeping the fires stoked.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:37 ,2015 نيسان 29

Rest in peace.

Thumb justin 19:14 ,2015 نيسان 29

tell that to the syrian widows and orphans!!

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:30 ,2015 نيسان 29

I tell them the same. At the end of the day, these are people sent there by cynical old men and who think they are doing the right thing.

Thumb geha 05:55 ,2015 نيسان 30

may all terrorists rot in hell.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:39 ,2015 نيسان 30

nusra boys film e3verything they do, even when they eat they film themselves yelling allahuakbar as they chew away at the infidel meat.

If this "report" by "activists" was true there would be 100 videos about it.

Default-user-icon mowaten.fantoura (ضيف) 11:45 ,2015 نيسان 30

did hizbullah appoint you as their defense lawyer, mowaten?

Default-user-icon cityboy (ضيف) 11:53 ,2015 نيسان 30

You beat me to it _mowaten_. I was about to say the same thing, the same thing exactly. We are so similar in how we think, how we analyze events, and how we are paid to post. I hope people don't think we are the same poster.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:26 ,2015 نيسان 30

hi trolls.

Thumb EagleDawn 19:02 ,2015 نيسان 29

Good Riddance
I hope these iranian sectarian terrorists did not suffer too much teeeeheeeeheeee: D

Missing peace 19:30 ,2015 نيسان 29

sure we all know that hezbis are invincible, they do not die as God protects them , ma hek? Divine protection! at least it is what you hezbi propagandists try to pretend...

big lolllllll

Thumb ex-fpm 19:58 ,2015 نيسان 29

"delusionary report" sure, just like the report of the 15 year old hezbollah terrorist who was buried yesterday after performing his jihadi duty killing civilians in syria.

Missing peace 20:10 ,2015 نيسان 29

"maybe Iran and Russia would do us a favor."
what about hezbollah doing a favor to the country by placing itself Under the ORDERS of the lebanese army? no need for russians or any other ones!
what about hezbollah obeying the state of Lebanon?
what about hezbollah stop deciding for peace or war instead of the lebanese gvt?
what about hezbollah reinforcing the army by submitting their weapons and expertise to it?
what about hezbollah stopping to undermine the lebanese institutions by doing whatever pleases them?

but antilebanese people will never accept that the army to be the only armed force defending the country but a militia paid by a foreign country to which they pledged allegiance!

Thumb Mystic 20:59 ,2015 نيسان 29

Definitely not the first time that the Orient Salafi News TV, reported some fantasy story like this.

Thumb Mystic 22:51 ,2015 نيسان 29

Orient news also claimed several times, that Bashar Al Assad was dead.

Ofcourse you believe all that texas. No other news media reported this, I wonder why.

Missing peace 22:56 ,2015 نيسان 29

sure we all know that hezbis are invincible, they do not die as God protects them , ma hek? Divine protection! at least it is what you hezbi propagandists try to pretend...

Thumb shab 22:42 ,2015 نيسان 29


Default-user-icon Truly Lebanese (ضيف) 23:55 ,2015 نيسان 29

that makes my day ..crazy are those still supporting Dead man walking assad.
Alawites could have ditch the butcher from the beginning and negotiate their place in the new Syria in a strength position...instead they are going to lose everything.

and hizb would better come back and integrate in the Lebanese community otherwise the Shiaa will bear all the arab world hatred

Thumb Mystic 12:13 ,2015 نيسان 30

With or without Assad, the takfiris plan from day one was to eradicate all Alawites from the Middle east. All this was planned and began 2011, don't use Assad as an excuse.

Default-user-icon Can-Am (ضيف) 02:40 ,2015 نيسان 30

I see that Hizthrowup had a funeral for one of their fighters. A 15yo boy. A fifteen year old boy died for this terrorist organization. A child was sent to do battle or guard something in Syria. How is this a "resistance"? This boy will never be a father, be a teacher or fireman, see a free Lebanon away from the murderous Iran and its' proxy terrorist group. May peace be with Lebanon and Israel.

Missing helicopter 05:39 ,2015 نيسان 30

WHy do we have Lebanese loyal to Iran?
WHy do we have Lebanese loyal to Assad?
WHy do we have Lebanese loyal to KSA or any Gulf country?
Why do we have Lebanese getting killed on foreign soil for foreign ideologies?
Why can't we be one people whose sole loyalty is to Lebanon?
We are wasting our opportunities to be the best and richest nation in the Middle East.

Thumb geha 05:57 ,2015 نيسان 30

when you belong and follow this extremist terrorist iranian militia then you are iaranian and not Lebanese.
you have nothing to do with Lebanon. actually you are harming Lebanon and its people by existing on Lebanese soil.

Missing coolmec 09:37 ,2015 نيسان 30

Your above comment is excellent. I have been wondering myself why the Lebanese don't unite for the sake of Lebanon. We can be again the pearl of the world
Too bad!!

Missing helicopter 16:56 ,2015 نيسان 30

Thanks for sharing, we all can disagree on details regarding how to be a good Lebanese, but no one should disagree with the core issues such as placing loyalty to Lebanon above all other loyalties be it Sectarian or foreign..