روايتان متضاربتان حول حادثة عرسال البقاعية وكلاهما "قيد التحقيق"
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تعددت الروايات حول حادث بلدة عرسال البقاعية الذي أدى الى مقتل المطلوب ابن البلدة خالد حميد والرائد بيار بشعلاني والرقيب الاول إبراهيم زهرمان وجرح عدد من العسكريين، في اشتباكات دامية دامت لساعات ليل الجمعة الماضي.
روت قناة الـ LBCI روايتين للحادث، الاولى تفيد وبحسب أهالي عرسال، أن سيارتين مدنيتين و فان أبيض اللون اعترضوا الشاب خالد حميد وهو متوجه لأداء صلاة الجمعة، وأطلقوا الرصاص على سيارته على بعد أمتار من منزله، ووضعوا جثته في السيارة وتوجهوا به الى منطقة جردية تسمى "الرعيان".
وروى الأهالي بحسب قناة الـ LBCI أنهم وفور علمهم بمقتل حميد، لحقوا بالسيارتين والفان الى منطقة "الرعيان"، ظنا منهم أن هؤلاء الأشخاص يخطفون جثة الأخير، حينها لاقت دورية من الجيش السيارتين والفان الى تلك المنطقة الجردية وحصل تبادل إطلاق النار بعدما سحب الأهالي جثة حميد من الفان الأبيض.
وفي الاشتباك ووفقا لأهلي البلدة، سقط من هم بلباس مدني وعسكري بين قتيل وجريح، وقاموا بنقل المجموعتين المدنية والعسكرية وسياراتهم المدنية والعسكرية إلى مبنى بلدية عرسال، ونقلوا الجرحى الى المستشفيات".
أما الرواية الأخرى وبحسب قناة الـ LBCI فهي وبحسب الجيش ، أن دروية لمخابرات الجيش دخلت البلدة لإلقاء القبض على حميد ، وذهبت به الى الجرود تفاديا للمرور بالبلدة فلحق بهم الأهالي وحصل الإشتباك.
ولفتت قناة الـ LBCI أن "الرواتين قيد التحقيق".
كما كشفت القناة عينها أنه بعدما تكرر أكثر من مرة ان لا مذكرات توقيف لخالد حميد، تبين أن هناك مذكرتين توقيف صادرتين من المحكمة العسكرية عن قاضي التحقيق العسكري فادي صوان.
وأوضحت أن "المذكرة الاولى صادرة في تشرين الاول 2012 بحق المدعو خالد احمد حميد والدته خديجة ملقب بأبو قتادة وابو مصطفى وعلي وابو عزام الشامي مطلوب توقيفه لانتمائه الى تنظيم مسلح بهدف القيام بأعمال ارهابية".
وذكرت أن "المذكرة نصت على توقيفه من قبل كل مأمور قوة مسلحة ونقله بلا ابطاء الى دائرة السجن المتوفر".
والمذكرة الأخرى وبحسب الـ LBCI "كانت صدرت في 14 تشرين الثاني من العام 2011 بحق الشخص ذاته خالد حميد وفيها طلب توقيفه في جرم محاولة قتل".
وأفادت المعلومات أن الروايتين هما قيد التحقيق.
وأشارت الـLBCI انه "تم توقيف أحد المشتبه بهم في قضية عرسال أحمد الحجيري "وهو يتنكر بزي راعي.
ويفرض طوقا أمنيا حول البلدة وسط تعزيزات عسكرية وإجراءات أمنية مشددة.

Wow. Talk about stories on opposite sides of the spectrum. What a cluster F this is. Either way nothing justifies the killing of our soldiers. Murderers should be convicted and the idiots that are responsible for putting these soldiers' lives in danger should get manslaughter!

That is why a judicial independent investigation is necessary. It is easy to say that "nothing justifies the killing of our soldiers" but cluster F do happen and it seems to have been the case of lousy planning, lousy execution, decades of neglect to a town, people in town viewing that they are under threat ... I guess one can either handle this rationally or level the town and risk a civil war. People who are found guilty should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. However, we should insist about the primacy of law.

rafeh and tex. None of this makes any sense. Why send the undercover unit in without major backup into such hostile territory? You shoot first ask questions later but you also take the body with you and the town residents chase you but your reinforcements can't handle them? You didn't anticipate getting chased? none of this makes any sense at all! Sorry guys. Someone screwed up royally and it cost two soldiers their life.

Tex- if what you say is true then the town mayor played a hand in this and is responsible as well.
Rafehh- I do agree with you that leveling the town is not the answer. As a matter of fact it's never the answer. I also am with you on the neglect aspect of it. That is what happens to any town that gets neglected by governments. Militias and gangsters tend to take over.

anonymetexasusa - In Lebanon, there are many armed actors outside state control. This is making areas that feel targeted arm themselves. The solution is simple: disarm all non-state actors. The problem is when one side is armed to the hilt, the other sides will not accept this. The only areas that are truly controlled by the state and where armed non-state actors are not allowed are those in the mainly christian heartland in Lebanon.

anonymetexasusa - In addition, what did the Lebanese army do to protect Beirut and the Jabal from the Hizb and company in 2007? Granted, they were not able to do anything as it is likely the army would have collapsed and the Hizb is stronger than the army. In addition, why arrest people supporting the Syrian revolution while the Hizb is involved up to its knees in support of the regime? So let us not kid ourself here. All of us wants to live in a democratic country with security. But this will not happen when one side retains its arms and is willing to use force to impose its views.

anonymetexasusa - Neither of us were there. There are conflicting versions and that is why an independent judicial investigation is necessary. All what we are hearing are versions that are propagated by parties that have interest in presenting its views. We can go around and around but that does not change things: there are different versions and there is a need to determine what happened.

Tex- there are so many versions of this story on all the websites I'm all mixed up so forgive me if cross them up. But if what you say is true, how do you explain the pictures above, surely his leg is not going to be anywhere near the windshield. Also, if he was shot in the leg where did the rest of the bullets come from that killed him? ( I guess the truck could have been used in the chase and returned there). We really need an independent reliable investigation.

FT, can the army go to Dahye to arrest people. Also, undercover is fine, but for the "army" "intelligence" aka hizbocrap thugs to beat up and curse the religion of a local Imam is completely unacceptable and will inevitably cause a backlash.

it is simple:
hizbushaitan dragged the army into this.
some Arsal people did very wrong things and they should be judged for them, but the army showed poor command.
anyway, the army should show us that it really cares for Lebanon by arresting hizbushaitan thugs as in the case of Harb, Bulgaria, and Hariri for a start.
the army and so many people say there should not be closed regions in Lebanon, then prove it and let us see the army arresting them.

Karim - grow up! Even in US and Canada, police have been accused and been found of abuses and extra-judicial kilings. That is why there is always a process to investigate whenever someone is killed by police and this is done by an INDEPENDENT body.

The respect you have for human life just oozes out of your words. Did you ever stop and think for one second that there might be decent people living there that never had the opportunity to leave? That town militias can hold the rest of the people hostage with fear? When are we ever going to value human life?

Typical idiotic flamer response. Has nothing to do with the content of the post so you resort to personal attack against me. You must be related to auon.

Btw- here is my post from 2 days ago about someone claiming that all Shia should be eliminated. Naharnet removed the post because it was offensive (deservedly so) but my post still remains. What do you have to say now genius?
Don't you feel stupid?

Remember how many Crhistians and Lebanese your Assad and his father killed you idiot...

this arsal event is all a propaganda organised by hezbis. the proof?
the demonstrations in favor of the army by hezbis whereas not so long ago they refused its presence in the south and in dahiye...
arsal is a sunni village between alawites in syria and shia in bekaa so it s a thorn in the hezbi alawite project...
hezbis are leading investigations before handling suspects to the army...

Pity out army that has to go through such missions while terrorist and armed people are free to roam. Can our government take a firm stance on disarming people? Difficult when pro Syrian militias and hizbullah are untouchables.