انفجار قذيفة على طريق تعنايل الدولية ومعلومات عن استهدافها فاناً
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أدى انفجار عبوة ناسفة على طريق تعنايل-المصنع الدولية الى احداث حفرة صغيرة، وسط معلومات عن أنه استهدف سيارة "بي أم" وفان.
فقد نقلت الـLBCI عن مصادر أمنية أن "الفان المستهدف اكملتا طريقهما نحو المصنع وهناك بقايا من لوحة عمومية على الارض تعود لاحدهما".
وكشفت أن "الانفجار أحدث حفرة صغيرة والخبير العسكري توجه الى المكان للكشف على طبيعته".
وأضافت الـLBCI أن "انفجار تعنايل أدى لسقوط جرحى في صفوف عناصر مسلحة كانت داخل الفان".
ولفتت مصادر أمنية مطلعة الى أن "ركاب الفان يخضعون في هذه الأثناء للتحقيق لدى القوى الأمنية على معبر المصنع لتحديد ملابسات الحادث".
من جانبها أفادت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3)، أن "الحفرة بعمق نصف متر وقطر متر واحد".
بدورها، أشارت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" الى أن "الانفجار ناجم عن قنبلة صوتية"، في حين أفاد تلفزيون "المنار" أن "الانفجار سببه قنبلة يدوية ألقيت على محل لبيع قطع غيار للسيارات".


Where is Josh criticizing the Nusra Canibals? We all know that extremists of all sects are capable of horrific acts, but in this case the extremists (animals) happened to represent a vicious regime and a majority of Lebanese Shiites. Wake up my Shiite friends and reject such barbarism being perpetrated in your name.

Ban the Free Savage Animals ( FSA /Al Nusra ) first they eat Humans & show it to the world , whilst you are trying to convince us that they are better than HA ? Man your are one hell of a sick Animal yourself , this is what you call a " Knee Jerk " reaction to the Savage Animals by HA.

Filthy FSA-Al Qaeda terrorists. Find them, arrest them, and hang them in public.

Looks like I hit one of your raw Al Qaeda nerves. Hopefully that doesnt encourage you to blow yourself up or go around eating people's hearts out.

Step away from the hallucinogen-laced kabsa and calmly take off your suicide-bomb vest. If your ikhwan see a corpse lying around they may be tempted to go for the heart (quite literally, if you know what I mean).

karim you already know who did this? waw! better than the lebanese authorities! bravo!

It's pretty simple peace. Act of terrorism? Pretty much narrows it down to FSA-Al Qaeda or their Lebanese allies (February 14 Saudi-Wahabi movement).

So easy to sit behind your computer and spew your filth. Keep barking, your end is near.

if this is FSA that did it then how can you blame them? hizbocrap is fighting alongside ASSad in Syria so they want to stop these killers from reaching Syria.

"gunmen entered syria"... heik? no questions asked? who are these men?

This forum is getting disgusstingly and sectrerian. Insult a party, not a relion!

That's because all actors that took part in the civil war are still around and not in jail in holland. Obviously from all sects.

"Several gunmen riding the vehicle were injured but they continued their way and headed to the Masnaa border crossing where they were questioned by General Security officers. They later entered Syrian territories."
What the f#ck is wrong with this country? Questioning gunmen and letting them go??? No wonder things are going to shit here...

the1phoenix .......... I know exactly what you mean but unfortunately many Lebanese on this forum (and that is a good representation of our general population) have not learned the lessons of that war. We brag about being a well educated people, but very few of the Lebanese are literate (big difference between education and literacy). Many are so sectarian, backward in their thoughts and upbringing that they are more than capable of putting Lebanon in danger again. Our country needs lots of prayers.

The chicken and the egg lol, same logic that Israel uses when they attack Gaza and Lebanon ( before the 06 peace treaty and unifl peace keepers). Hitler too had an alibi to attack Poland

You make a lot of Good points, the truth to the matter is that there's a group in Lebanon, armed to the teeth, and arrogant enough to believe they can dictate the Lebanese equation forever, they now moved to try to dictate the Syrian equation. We both know this is not new in Lebanon (plot and lf before), but unfortunately it looks like it's Gonna take another civil war (far deadlier and with no borders) for people to realize that arrogance is man's worse enemy

You make a lot of Good points, the truth to the matter is that there's a group in Lebanon, armed to the teeth, and arrogant enough to believe they can dictate the Lebanese equation forever, they now moved to try to dictate the Syrian equation. We both know this is not new in Lebanon (plot and lf before), but unfortunately it looks like it's Gonna take another civil war (far deadlier and with no borders) for people to realize that arrogance is man's worse enemy

mcbeth007 , I think you have just finished eating Human Organs ! Raw ! Also infected with AIDS, HEP B, & HENDRA virus , maybe you should cut back on your consumption & choice of food ? Maybe this will calm down , you sick fool .

I like how security forces questioned them then allowed them into Syria armed lmao Lebanon is a sad joke