سليمان: لتعاون الجميع بالاخص حزب الله والسفارة الايرانية لكشف ملابسات حادثة الاحد

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شدد رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان على ضرورة ان يتعاون كافة الافرقاء وبالأخص "حزب الله" والسفارة الايرانية في التحقيق لكشف ملابسات حادثة الاحد التي أدت الى مقتل شاب.

وطلب سليمان، الاثنين، في اتصالات اجراها مع مدعي عام التمييز بالوكالة القاضي سمير حمود ومسؤولين أمنيين، "العمل بسرعة على كشف ملابسات حادثة الامس أمام السفارة الايرانية والقبض على الفاعلين والمحرضين".

وأكد على اهمية "تعاون المواطنين وأحزاب المنطقة وخصوصاً حزب الله والسفارة الايرانية" لتسهيل مهمة الاجهزة المختصة في كشف كل التفاصيل والملابسات وتبيان حقيقة ما حصل وكيفية حصوله منعاً لتكرار حوادث مماثلة.

وأدى اشكال بين مجموعة من المتظاهرين أمام السفارة الايرانية في بئر حسن الاحد، والذين ينتمون الى "حزب الانتماء اللبناني" منددين بتدخل "حزب الله" في القتال في سوريا، ومجموعة من عناصر "حزب الله"، الى مقتل شاب وجرح 11 شخصاً من "حزب الانتماء اللبناني".

من جانبه دان رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري الاعتداء "الذي نظمته جهات تابعة لـ"حزب الله" قرب السفارة الإيرانية الاحد".

وأكد أن "اللبنانيين يرفضون أساليب التهويل والترهيب على أصحاب الرأي، ولن يرتضوا بالتأكيد أن تكون مناطق "حزب الله" محميات أمنية على الطريقة الإيرانية".

التعليقات 37
Missing allouchi 14:24 ,2013 حزيران 10

Thank you Mr. President but from previous experiences and incidents, these thugs of Hizb and Amal will not be handed over to the legal authorities...hizb is just a criminal organization and nothing more...

Missing maroun 14:35 ,2013 حزيران 10

bunch of drones ...MR President you must insist that they hand over the criminals.

Thumb thepatriot 15:56 ,2013 حزيران 10

The President talks a lot...

Thumb justice 14:49 ,2013 حزيران 10

..... oh, and their faces are very clear and identifiable on almost every newspaper or social site. Perhaps, that in itself would facilitate the job of our "competent" and "unbiased" security agencies to track down the culprits. One more thing, they were wearing Black Shirts with clearly identifiable logos that say "Hizbullah". You need any more clues, Sir?

Missing youssefhaddad 14:50 ,2013 حزيران 10

Another incident that shows an excerpt of the life under the "Islamic Republic". Suleiman forgot that he rules a different country.

Thumb _citizen_ 14:52 ,2013 حزيران 10

you mean "of Iran"?

Default-user-icon General CLAOUN (ضيف) 15:06 ,2013 حزيران 10

Tomorrow, Aoun will come up with a stupid excuse to defend hezbollah once again :

1- The demonstrators were israeli spies
2- It was not Hezbollah who beat them up but other israeli spies dressed up to look like hezbollah
3- This government and judiciary system is illegitimate so it doesn't have the right to call for justice
4- Hezbollah are all fighting in syria so they cannot have been fighting in Lebanon
5- Hassan, Would you Marry me ? Yours truly and forever, for better or worst, love, Michmoch.

Thumb jabalamel 15:10 ,2013 حزيران 10

genocidal zionist trash doesn't like general aoun, true patriotic lebanese.

Default-user-icon HabalJamel (ضيف) 15:18 ,2013 حزيران 10

What a stupid statement.

Being against Aoun and Hezbollah does not make you a zionist. Is this the only word you know that actually isn't an insult ?

Please demonstrate how General Aoun is a true Lebanese ? By fleeing the country ? By defending Hezbollah's internal and external terrorism ? By robbing the country of it's riches while accusing others of doing it ?

Did he actually HELP any lebanese ? Did he actually do anything for the country that has brought a positive impact ?

You're a stupid fool !

Default-user-icon Jamal (ضيف) 16:41 ,2013 حزيران 10

Neonazi hazbal gang was initially created to serve Israel.
And is still alive just thanks to Israel.
As the other khamenei-Israel groom the psychotic criminel named assad.

Thumb benzona 15:11 ,2013 حزيران 10

The puppet general willbe working hard. MDR!

Thumb jabalamel 15:07 ,2013 حزيران 10

look how genocidal zionist scum trash worms rats spread sectarian hate

Thumb bigsami 15:59 ,2013 حزيران 10

Siddo ya Habbalamal! Mustool;~!

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 16:46 ,2013 حزيران 10

Jabal:))))))))))))))) man oh man! I thought you were martyred in Qusayr you POS! How come you back? How you been? We missed your filth:) Don't worry though, your buddy Filth thrower with his numerous aliases is always here:) Welcome back MF...!

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 19:04 ,2013 حزيران 10

:)) Flame thank you! I have not been posting for sometime, but hey I appreciate the feedback. We go a long way back. I don't vote people, but cheers for you +1 from me:))))

Thumb jabalamel 15:08 ,2013 حزيران 10

and than he logs under different nickname to support himself

Thumb benzona 15:10 ,2013 حزيران 10

Mr president, you're so naive.... Are act like it.

Thumb jabalamel 15:11 ,2013 حزيران 10

genocidal zionist trash is especially rabid these days, because they know assad is winning in syria big time and nothing has changed

destruction of zionist entity has been postponed by events in syria bay half a year.
enjoy that half a year.

Thumb Chupachups 15:31 ,2013 حزيران 10

Jabal Amel w siben.... U r a really bad troll.if u r being serious then u r a really sad sad human .

U think the destruction of Israel was delayed by half a year? Hahahahahaha what a fool you are .... The Assads had 30 yrs + to "destroy israel" ... I mean they didn't even get the golan back, and never will ... Law badda tshate ken ghayamit

Thumb benzona 16:32 ,2013 حزيران 10

Assir, you're right.... Sadly ;-)

Thumb thepatriot 15:59 ,2013 حزيران 10

ya ahbal! Makes us a favor, go blow yourself in Qusayr, Golan, israel, syria... who cares!

Thumb habib 15:48 ,2013 حزيران 10

Ya a3da2 alla yalli bet sammo 7allkon hezbo alla bari2 menkon ya a3da2 lensaniyi ya atba3 blis ya shayatin lared bet3edo 7alkon as7ab 7a2 webtetehmo takfiriyin bel ejram maento ajram mennon wa kofar aktar mennon yalli 3anbetomo bi absha3wa ashna3 lmajezer bi 7a2 atfal lqosayer wa 3ammat sha3eb bi sourya ento wa lmejrem bashar ajram men sahayni wa takfiriyin wel erhabiyin ya safalat nas wa mesh ashrafon ya andal nas wa mesh ajra2on ya katalet labriya2 johannm wabo2sal masir la3anakom Allah ya hezbalatiyin ya iraniyi

Missing peace 16:04 ,2013 حزيران 10

i wonder what aounis or hezbis would have done if that happened to them in front of the US embassy ! they d cried their pants out LOL!

Default-user-icon PeaceOut (ضيف) 16:17 ,2013 حزيران 10

First of all, Aounies and Hezbies do not dare protest in front of the US embassy ... they don't know how to protest... they only know terrorism.

Second, even if they protest, they would not get beaten up or shot at because the other side are not murdering animals, thieves and smugglers.

Thumb phoenician 18:47 ,2013 حزيران 10

Bartition blease.

Thumb jabal10452 19:41 ,2013 حزيران 10

What does Bart has to do with it? He has problems of his own with Homer.

Thumb jabal10452 19:36 ,2013 حزيران 10

Dear Mr. present, enno bayné ou baynak: a Chinese peasant plowing his fields in Xinjiang has more influence on the affairs of Lebanon than you do. If you need anything at all done, please book a meeting with our capo de capo in Dahié, take a number, sit down and wait for your turn.

Thumb jabal10452 19:39 ,2013 حزيران 10

* Mr President. Stupidass iPad autocorrect....

Missing -karim_m2 21:13 ,2013 حزيران 10

I wish Suleiman was as eager for an investigation when FSA-Al Qaeda and their February 14 Saudi-Wahabi allies assaulted and killed the Lebanese army soldiers in Arsal multiple times.

Missing helicopter 21:40 ,2013 حزيران 10

Karim, start with the bridge in your own eye. How about I wish YOU are as eager for an investigation in this matter and all such crimes committed by your own allies (Hezb, Syria, Iran and other M8 parties) as you are investigating Alqaeda/KSA/Salafists.Whabis crimes? I am on the record for equal justice for all (HOW ABOUT YOU?).

Missing samiam 21:57 ,2013 حزيران 10

it's called deflection--it is a defense mechanism used by people who are insecure. They like to look at faults of other people to appear superior. the m8ers also like to use rationalization to justify the wrongs that they do while pointing out the faults of the other side--nothing new and getting really old.

Thumb bashir 21:31 ,2013 حزيران 10

Iranian embassy = Hizbshaitan

Missing ghzayel 21:41 ,2013 حزيران 10

if the assailants looked like hizbis walked like hizbis talked like hizbis and behaved like hizbis they surely must be from hezballah!!!!(verite de la palisse)

Missing ghzayel 21:47 ,2013 حزيران 10

correction:(verite de la palice)

Default-user-icon Ben-USA (ضيف) 23:20 ,2013 حزيران 10

I read some of the posts!

Dear Mr. President;

I would assign Chistian "Armies" to those areas and the with Local groups and the ISF secure the borders to those areas. I would do the same with Sunni, Druze, Orthodox ow whomever includung the shia! Have Lebanese troops on the border of ALL Lebanon. Someone mentioned above that if it happened in front of an American embassy that the protesters would have been safe...hell they would have been supported by who knows. This is deplorable Mr. President for you to "urge". I honestly don't know what to say. May peace be with Lebanon and Israel.

Thumb general_puppet 06:18 ,2013 حزيران 11

In this instance as President you must do more, then condemn and ask the killers to "help investigators". There is nothing surprising about Hizbullah's actions, they will murder anyone that gets in their way. But to be shot and bludgeon to death in the street in broad daylight in front of a crowd and security personal, by thugs of the glorious militia... just for protesting. If you let them gat a way with that, you might as well resign and hand over the title to the Iranian Nasrallah.

Default-user-icon assaad (ضيف) 12:16 ,2013 حزيران 11

what i couldn't support was the declaration of the army about the incident. shame on us. than the problem is not only the murder, what about violent repression by people we did see in photos. No one will arrest them ??