تشييع هاشم السلمان بأجواء من الغصب في عدلون ومنع دفنه في مقبرة البلدة
Read this story in English
شيعت بلدة عدلون بأجواء من الغضب القتيل هاشم السلمان الذي قضى برصاص أطلق عليه من قبل مجموعة من الشبان أمام السفارة الإيرانية الأحد.
وأفادت قناة "المستقبل" الإثنين أنه "لا صور رفعت ولا رايات ولا اعلام" في التشييع.
من جهتها كشفت قناة الـ"MTV" أن حزب الله وأمل رفضا دفنه بمقبرة البلدة :او حتى فتح النادي الحسيني للتعازي".
وذكرت القناة أن عائلة رئيس تيار "الإنتماء اللبناني" أحمد الأسعد - الذي ينتمي إليه سليمان - قدمت للعائلة أرضا لها ليدفن فيها.
كذلك ذكرت قناة الـ"LBCI" "ان الاجهزة الامنية لم تتصل بعائلة هاشم السلمان بعد لمتابعة اي تفصيل في القضية فيما" فيما رفض الأهالي التحدث إلى الإعلام.
أضافت الـ"LBCI" أن الأهالي "يرفضون المتاجرة بدم ابنهم كما يرفضون إخضاع شهيدهم للحسابات السياسية،وينفون البيان الصادر عن آل السلمان في كل من قرى مركبا، العاقبية، دردغيا وعدلون الذي تضمَّن تحميل رئيس حزب الانتماء اللبناني أحمد الاسعد مسؤولية موت ابنهم".
وتوفي السلمان الاحد متأثرا بجروح اصيب بها الاحد اثر اطلاق النار عليه قرب السفارة الايرانية الواقعة في منطقة بئر حسن.
وكان السلمان ضمن مجموعة من الشبان المنتمين للتيار المذكور المناهض لحزب الله توجهوا الى محيط السفارة للاحتجاج على مشاركة الحزب في القتال في سوريا.
وبعيد وصولهم الى المكان، تعرضوا لاعتداء من مجموعة من مناصري الحزب يحملون العصي. ثم سمع اطلاق نار، واصيب السلمان اصابة بالغة ادت الى وفاته في ما بعد.
وقالت قناة الـ"LBCI" مساء الأحد أن السلمان "قتل عمدا".

filthy militia.
they killed him and denied him a proper burial!

MOOwate, what does the US embassy have to do with this? hizbocrap killed him for opposing them fighting in Syria.

don t try to reason mowaten... those against hezbis are the savages and hezbis are peaceful sheep... that is what he wants to believe so let him be in his world of psychotic craziness....
even if you prove him with hard evidence he ll always say it is fabricated... typical behavior of any extremist around the world!

anonymetexasusa : Mowaten is probably the shooter!
Your challenge is SUICIDE ... he cannot hold a Lebanese and Hezbollah flag and shoot himself ... Oh hell, he'll probably drop the Lebanese Flag :)

waw... how civilized hezbis and amal are! who are they to judge in the name of God? lol!

Mon Dieu que c'est choquant. Quelle indécence et manque de civisme. We just had the confirmation (did we need another proof?) that Hezbollah and Amal don't beleive in God nor do they respect the Qur'an. This is shocking. WAKE UP FREE SHIITES OF LEBANON. Don't let them hijack your beliefs and lives.

Any wonder they belong to the same axis as the Baath and Ayatollahs...... it is the culture of violence and intolerance.

Is there still any doubt that Hezbollah killed Hariri, Gemayel, Tueni, Kassir, Eid, Al Hasssan and others?

No wonder why they didn't allow the dirty animals coming back in plastic bags from Qussair to be buried in Saida ! I hope that sooner than later Hassounah will be fed to fish the way Oussama was not so long ago!

That pig aka "sunni fighter" of hezballah was not sunni. His father was sunni and his mother was shiite, he had chosen to convert to shiaism and thats why he entered hezballah. His father wanted to burry him in a muslim cemetery for some strange reason even though his son had converted to shia. Hezballah doesnt accept non-shiite fighters in their ranks.

The have always been terrorists, not sure why it took everyone so long to realize it. Had it not been for international pressure and the 20 billions the Gulf States spent rebuilding the south, the area would be considered a desert and shites still living in refugee camps.

Nothing can be more despicable than a young man killed in front of the eyes of the law keepers (Army and Security Forces were on scene during the attack), the murderer is not apprehended or stopped, the victim bleed to death in sight of the security forces that didn't move a finger to help him, and now he's not even being allowed to rest properly.
What has this country come to? Where have you reached in humanity when people are justifying on this forum these actions. It's shameful.

God rest his soul , he at least died peacefully & dignity. Our condolences to his family. Having said that ( with respect wrong place at the wrong time ) just wait till Full Time you Jihadist / Wahibist Canibals from the Free Savage Animals that is supported by the GCC States , you ain't seen anything yet !!!!!!

Alpha, it is you, unfortunately, who ain't seen anything yet. Hizb Shaitaoun is done...their days are numbered....

You all have been saying that for ...........????? Gees ,,,,, a very very long time now !!!!! HA is & always will stand for as long as your friends from Free Savage Animals are still roaming our neighborhood , bloody Cannibals !!!!!!

alpha..Remember this .Every dog has his day ..it has always been true since the beginning of time ..so the evil Hizb day will come.

anonymetexasusa, you little duckhead ! Is he or is he not associated with a M14 er Ahmed Assad who support your habbib Saoudi which are sanctioned by the KSA as well as The GCC states which are the major instigators for this Canibalism caused by the Free Savage Animals ( FSA/ Al Nusra ) in our Region ? ? Hopefully very soon I will pass our condolences to you , your family & the Canibal M14 party that you dearly love you son of a Witch !!! Think yes think before you write you Subhuman Mongrel , down with you & to all your Masters ( KSA GCC, M14 ) ..Full time is not up, just wait till the finals you idiot !!!!

@anonymetexasusa , obviously my first post was 100% right , thanks for your complaint to NAHARNET to delete it ! But regardless it does prove there is only one side to a story you M14s' want to portray.
To Answer your statement above :-
Hashem Salman is connected to your beloved Canibals ( Free Savage Animals, FSA / Al Nusra). He is involved as a member of " Lebanese Option Party " run by Ahmed Assad who is a supporter of your beloved leader Saad Harriri sanctioned by the KSA , & the GCC who are a Major sponsors' of the current Jihadist / Wahibist so called FSA ( Free Savage Animals ) in Syria . Now what is wrong with my opinion based on actual facts ? No need to have it deleted ? If your so called leaders' ( M14s) had a heart they should not stirred up this protest. They were testing the waters'....

How revealing that m8 supporters make no appearance and comments in this article.

@ anonymetexasusa ( Continued) from Alpha, ... Hashem ( god rest his soul ) was used as a guinea pig , he was there at the wrong place at the wrong time same goes to all these young and innocent protesters..imagine any M8 supporters protesting on the grave of Rafick Harriri's Downtown ? Or look at what happened @ the US embassy in Libya ? During this heated times you have be wise & avoid such confrontations , now my condolences to you your family & your beloved M14 Party supporters'

Hizbullah is a despicable militia they are not satisfied with murdering someone who disagrees with them, they will even try to punish them in their grave. This tells you that this murder has the Full backing of the so called "Party of God".

I am proud to call myself Lebanese, but I am ashamed the Lebanese bow down to the Iranian Hizbullah. They are NOT Lebanese....they are Iranians who control Lebanon. Calling a spade, a spade...enough of this crap....These Iranian stooges have been holding Lebanon hostage for over 30 years and shame on my fellow Lebanese or any religious sect, for allowing themselves to be held hostage by ANYONE...shame...

Isn't it nice to know that Islam is the religion of peace.
Even to allow a family to bury their son, there are those who object to it.

Yes islam is a a religion of peace, the fact that muslims or shias who think they are muslim sin is not the fault of islam. Are you not aware that many jews have been forbidden from being buried in jewish cemeteries because rabbis have considered them to not be jewish enough for not having jewish mothers? It happens regularly. I doubt that you would question judaism if this article was about jews which makes you a hypocrite.

Yes islam is a a religion of peace, the fact that muslims or shias who think they are muslim sin is not the fault of islam. Are you not aware that many jews have been forbidden from being buried in jewish cemeteries because rabbis have considered them to not be jewish enough for not having jewish mothers? It happens regularly. I doubt that you would question judaism if this article was about jews which makes you a hypocrite.

We had the same idea at the same time, I posted my comment before seeing yours. Let's hope that justice will come to the murdering terrorists.

and still not a single word by the iranian embassy about any of this...
anyone shocked by this?

U are the first real bullet shot to Amal-Hizbelnawar's head .... enta awwal mesmar bi kafan hal 3keritt ... R I P Hachem!

If us Lebanese were proud citizens an army of the people would have already been in order to attack and destroy hizballah everywhere and this what we will call the Lebanses resistance! Hizbo. is worse than Israelis and people are begining to realise it!

they are showing more of there true color everyday that goes by.evil hizb

For Hizbelbajam guys like Salman (90% of Lebs.) dont have the right to Live or Die in Lebanon! they simply have to evaporate!

Hizbala and Al Qaeda are 2 faces of the same coin....they both cancers..

Hizbzballa now making the rules to their victims after they kill them!

What is fascinating is to see the M8 propagandists here attack us by calling us jihadists or Quaeda, or wahabists... we want none of this... we want peace, freedom, and democracy. Is it so hard to understand?
Are these notions so intolerable that you have to demonize the people who are against hezb zabala, and picture them as equally disgusting terrorists... pffff.... m8 are always in such lack of argumentation for the disgusting behavior of the hezbies that their line of defence is elaborated on crack!

Reading this string, I was really taken aback by alpha's attack on anonymetexasusa. Such a mentality that these Hezbollah people have to demonize those who disagree with them, turn them into subhumans (beasts) so as to justify what was done to Hashem, killing him for voicing a difference of opinion in a non-violent sit in.
The reaction of these Blackshirts (with Yellow arm bands) is not different that Assad's reaction on March 15, 2011 to the young boys in Daraa. They voiced dissatisfaction with the "Nazam" and were beaten to death for expressing their opinion. The people cannot stand such repression. The Syrian people have arisen against their oppressors, the Lebanese Shiites will rise against theirs. Hasham is Lebanon's Muhammad BouAzizi

it is the exact same way of thinking that nazis and fascists have: demonizing those who oppose them to better justify their crimes... same in all dictatorships , history speaks for itself and extremists are still repeating it believing they are more intelligent when in fact they are just as stupid as their elders.....

Reading this string, I was really taken aback by alpha's attack on anonymetexasusa. Such a mentality that these Hezbollah people have to demonize those who disagree with them, turn them into subhumans (beasts) so as to justify what was done to Hashem, killing him for voicing a difference of opinion in a non-violent sit in.
The reaction of these Blackshirts (with Yellow arm bands) is not different that Assad's reaction on March 15, 2011 to the young boys in Daraa. They voiced dissatisfaction with the "Nazam" and were beaten to death for expressing their opinion. The people cannot stand such repression. The Syrian people have arisen against their oppressors, the Lebanese Shiites will rise against theirs. Hasham is Lebanon's Muhammad BouAzizi

Who want's to be burried in a Hezbollah / Amal junkyard anyway ?
They also need the full space to receive the thousands of terrorists that will hopefully die in syria.

I've noticed that anyone who supports hizbullah is a absolute and complete brainwashed individual with no respect to human life. Half of those who support M14 are just as brainwashed, but more willing to believe other arguments in cases where human life is at risk.
To anyone who is concerned about this event, nobody brought guns. There were no shots fired during the demonstration, and it's very unlikely that batons and sticks operated by hizbullah would be the ideal choice against an armed group as some dumbasses on this forum have so outwardly claimed. The shots were heard in other neighborhoods, I would say about at the time when the protester was proclaimed dead.

Someone was murdered and fingers are pointed in one direction, but still we have no name. Who is hiding who? Who is hiding the justice to take place?

I do not believe they do not know the killer
Why don't they bring him to justice?
Who is preventing justice?