Syrians, Lebanese Job Competition Adds to Tensions
Along busy Hamra street in west Beirut, Syrians fleeing their country's civil war have opened up scores of shops that compete with older ones run by Lebanese already hurting because of a sharp drop in tourism.
Many Lebanese businesses compensate by hiring Syrians who will work for very little salary, and Lebanese workers grumble that their bosses can now ignore their demands.
The competition is aggravating social tensions arising from the massive influx of Syrian refugees across the border. A tiny country with a weak central government, Lebanon has been paralyzed by disputes and sectarian divisions from the raging war next door.
"Syrians are competing with them (Lebanese) head to head and they don't pay taxes, they open illegally and they actually work at half the price of the Lebanese worker," said Kamel Wazne, a Lebanese economist and a professor of finance at the American University of Beirut. "It's a volcano waiting to explode."
Over the past two years, Lebanon has seen episodes of sectarian violence and kidnappings that reflect the dynamics of the Syrian conflict. It has also witnessed multiple bombings in recent months, the latest of which killed 47 and wounded more than 400 in its northern city of Tripoli in August.
The violence has devastated the tourism sector, a mainstay of the Lebanese economy. This past summer, there has been almost none of the Gulf Arab tourists who normally pack restaurants and street cafes to enjoy Lebanon's renowned cuisine and smoke fragrant water pipes. Beaches have been largely empty.
The country has been without a functioning government since March, and parliament is all but paralyzed because of political disputes. Lebanon is sharply split between supporters and opponents of the Syrian regime — a legacy of Syria's long political domination of its smaller neighbor.
The presence of over a million Syrian refugees is adding to those tensions, partly because of the surge in demand for public services and partly because of the new competition for employment.
Workers at Lebanon's state-owned electricity company have been on strike on and off for months over overdue salaries. One worker said the company recently tried to hire Syrians in a power plant north of Beirut, "but we stopped them and hopefully it won't happen again."
"Every Syrian that they employ means a job lost for a Lebanese and his family," the worker said while protesting at the company's headquarters. He declined to give his name for fear of reprisals from management.
At a bustling construction site in downtown Beirut, a Lebanese foreman, Nicholas Nakazi, oversees a dozen Syrian workers building a commercial complex, one of the many rising up in the capital despite a downturn in Lebanon's real estate sector.
He rejected the notion that the Syrians were robbing Lebanese of their jobs, pointing out that Syrian workers have always dominated the construction sector.
"Syrians have built up Lebanon because they have always been doing jobs Lebanese do not want to be doing," Nakazi said. "Granted, they've taken away some jobs from the Lebanese, but not as much as they say."
The government says it is trying to curb the rising competition between Syrians and Lebanese.
Caretaker Minister of Economy in Trade Nicholas Nahhas told The Associated Press that over the past three weeks, authorities have closed down 400 Syrian-owned shops that lacked permits to operate.
Wazne said that policing illegal Syrian businesses could be too little too late to keep a lid on the country's social tensions.
"When you jeopardize the livelihood of the people in the country, then this will cause tension."
On Hamra street, some stores and restaurants — including Damascus' famous al-Farouk food establishment that relocated to Beirut earlier this year — almost exclusively employ Syrians, including chefs, waiters, managers, florists and cleaners.
Syrian restaurants offer menus featuring traditional dishes from Aleppo and Damascus, drawing not only Syrian customers but Lebanese as well.
On street corners, Syrians sell everything from vegetables, falafel and flower arrangements, assembled and wrapped just like back home. Many of the neighborhood grocers' laborers, truck drivers and delivery boys are Syrian, and almost every doorman in the country seems to be from Syria these days.
Most Syrian businessmen try to keep a low profile in Lebanon, declining to speaking for fear that media attention could jeopardize their profits and draw interest from the authorities.
Aware of the tensions, several of the neighborhood's grocers assure their customers their produce is local.
"It comes from a Lebanese tree," a grinning salesman from the Syrian northeastern city of Raqqa told a Lebanese customer, holding up a green apple.
You can't blame the Syrians because they have to find a way to feed their families. Lebanese would do the same thing if they found themselves in the same situation. The blame falls on EVERY single politician in this country, regardless of their religious or political affiliations.
Indeed, but the politicians who don't enforce the laws are responsible first and foremost. Lebanese businesses who play it fair will be down because of the competition from other businesses that hires cheap workers.
"The problem is many lebanese are too proud to accept certain jobs."
An over-typed stereotype I'd say. Many people are explicitly saying they were fired to make way for refugees to work, i.e. they had a job they then lost.
You don't really seem patriotic FlameCatcher. I noticed you always criticize anything Lebanon does to improve itself or defend its right or citizens however little that happens given the widespread corruption of politicians. What's also interesting is you also cheer anything Israel does. At first I thought you were 'an independent' 'Lebanese' now I'm inclined to believe you're a miserable shill either hired or by your own volition to spread misinformation and drag the Lebanese name even further on the ground. Take a hike.
techtonic and southern.
Why are you attacking Flame catcher.
You can see from his post that he is a man on the ground, not in an ivory tower doing nazariyyeit.
Let me give u an example.
Once I tried to be patriotic, and hired a Lebanese Akkari to do a construction related job that I would otherwize give to a syrian.
He cost around 30% more, I thought what the hell, let Lebanon benefit.
I came back home proud of my patriotism.
The second day, I saw that this Akkari had hired a syrian to do the job, and paid him 10% less than my syrian, planing to make 40% profit on the "saf2a"
This example happened over and over with me. Beleive me, if you are on the ground, you would understand that in theory u are right. But in practice, F.C. is.
arzak ya habboub, i know u r patriotic allah yi khalik, bes haydashhi ma bi sir ktir, wou msh ka2nno ga2b kouliyan mn gher nationals.
flamecacher attacks everything from everyone evn if constructive or helpful. the opposite of what a patriot should do which is criticizing and encouraging the good things.
He literally said all the jobs syrians are taking lebanese don't do, basically saying this whole article is a lie and that lebanese are lazy to have jobs migrants would do which is menial labor. My father broke his back to get me through university, shame on flamecacher for denying such lebanese exist. Tfeh wou mit marra tfeh
I agree with Flamethower on this one, the Lebanese are experts at doing whatever it takes to make an extra buck. They will take advantage of welfare systems when they are abroad, they will replace already cheap Lebanese labour with cheaper Syrian ones. I mean the wages in Lebanon already stink and are well below what the employees skills can offer, and now they do this. Already Lebanon has lost most of its skilled resources abroad, now even those left behind will leave and you are left with Syrians in Lebanon.
It is an impossible situation that Syrians can open business (illegally) dodge taxes and fees, hire cheap labour, not pay social security, and not pay VAT - and compete with established local businesses that have to pay (and been paying) all the above. It is one thing to open borders for the Syrians, and offer them a safe haven; however they have to abide by our laws, rules, financial system etc. It is the job of our government to assure that they do, those who don't must be shipped back to Syria. Those who do, are most welcome to stay.
Watr u guys talking about?! Of course you can't just expect a person, of any race not only Lebanese, to do the right thing in business! That's why we have a state, to protect its citizens from all kinds of harms!
In china children work in factories... That's what happens when a country doesn't regulate and enforce its labor laws. To blame the fox, when really it was the farmer that left the door open, is ridiculous.
The Law states that any foreigner that works in our Country MUST have a " Work Permit " !
It is Illegal for any Foreigner to work without a Work Permit Visa !
Any employer found hiring these foreigners' without " Work Permit Visas " should be prosecuted or shut down their business ! GREED IS BAD , NOT GOOD ! Otherwise the Lebanese are becoming Marginalised & Refugees' in their own country .....hence the death of the Lebanese off the coast of Indonesia , what drove them to such desperation ?
Signed Wolf !!
"the Lebanese are becoming Marginalised & Refugees' in their own country"
Yes, yes good point.
@ flamethrower, it is not illegal reducing your operatings costs by hiring workers that are payed less in a liberal economy. Unless you refer to socialist friendly country like France , Canada, Australia, etc.. I agree it is not the way it should be done, because even though workers can get fired in this type of economic choice, they have to get compensated for at least 5-6 month, depending of their experience in the company, as well as given a good reason for firing them and not only labor costs. But yet again, i agree with you on the greed of lebanese, specially restaurants, who already pay their workers less than 4$ an hour and having a minimum dish of 12$. They are making huge profits already and i bet there are no significant taxes they pay to the state or on income (like elsewhere). And now with the situation they want to make even more money by employing syrians, because they have to " survive " these tormented times...
@ flamethrower, it is not illegal reducing your operatings costs by hiring workers that are payed less in a liberal economy. Unless you refer to socialist friendly country like France , Canada, Australia, etc.. I agree it is not the way it should be done, because even though workers can get fired in this type of economic choice, they have to get compensated for at least 5-6 month, depending of their experience in the company, as well as given a good reason for firing them and not only labor costs. But yet again, i agree with you on the greed of lebanese, specially restaurants, who already pay their workers less than 4$ an hour and having a minimum dish of 12$. They are making huge profits already and i bet there are no significant taxes they pay to the state or on income (like elsewhere). And now with the situation they want to make even more money by employing syrians, because they have to " survive " these tormented times...
@ Flamethrower, i think the real people to blame are the lebanese themselves. not the politicians. They are laughing at us, im very sorry to say that whether you are an FPMer, Lfer,SSNPer, Hezbollah, or PSP fan, they are all doing a very good comedy show to keep us entertained and thinking they are at disputes while the real deal is that THEY ARE MAKING A MOCKERY OUT OF US. we all know we had " elections " that never happened, which is worse than any other country around us! and we are supposedly the middle east's most democratic country! They extended parliament because they ALL know most of them will never come back if elections happen! they all screwed up and stole. I mean sorry but exept Sami gemayel, who demanded no salary during extension ( which is a gd idea but a futile one because they know as MP's even without salary, they can do " legal" stuff and get more cash) who contested the extension afterwards again?
@ Flamethrower, Lebanon is a failed state, because of its people who suffered a lot during civil war, because of each sect trying to have the upper hand on the others for a while, who are we kidding? we are going backwards at the speed of sound. the politicians are only the reflections of our true greed , if we wouldnt love them and love their ways which many of us have the same or even worse, they would have been toppled long time ago like in egypt, tunisia, libya. What do we lack that those other people have? courage? i dont think so. Good? possibly. they are the reflections of most of the lebanese people. Greed, selfishness, jealousy, powerhungry, violent, the list goes on... if there would to be a revolution , it would be a civil war again, between the " good " lebanese who want a change and live like humans, and the "bad" lebanese that love the hell we are at. Not a religious or sects war. period.
wolf. syrians do not need work permit in lebanon.
FT. Businesses are after profit. Not after doing the right thing. If Syrians are available and legal, they will be given work. Those businesses who want to do the right thing pay caritas at the end of the year. They will not employ a nagging lebanese employee who gives half the productivity.
Industry and agriculture would be not viable in lebanon were it not for the syrian labor. They would not be able to compete internationally. Industry in lebanon is competing against china, egypt, syria, jordan, the GCC (indian labor). All those have way cheaper labor than our workers who are very very expensive and demanding by international standards compared to their productivity.
Lebanese are so expensive that they should target white collar medium level jobs and up. Which is not a bad thing. What bothers me is when I see syrian accountants and engineers in lebanon...
yes BB00. valet parking and taxi drives are job that lebanese with no skill love. No boss, free hours, not menial, not tiring physically (not incompatible with the kirsh), and socially respected.
FT. Syrians are legal. Condition only to register them in CNSS.(damane)
You are living in an ivory tower, probably in some liberal profession where everyone around you wears a jacket to work, and can afford to give free nathariyyeit. I will make it simple for you. Would you pay 30% extra to buy your appartment because Lebanese labor build it? and accept 30% less quality in the same time?
I'm sorry L_F I totally disagree with you on this one .
In other words you are stating illegal immigrants / Refugees in our Country can Work ?
Is so , then you are stating that we as Lebanese are in support for Slave & Child labour ?
No , I totally disagree ! The next thing you will be saying that they don't need a Citizenship to join the LAF or our Security Forces ! I think you have your facts wrong on this one.....
Signed Wolf !
ya wolf I am not advocating child labor. La wein ri7it. I am just saying that there are some jobs that Lebanese wont do and that syrians will do. Lebanese are tradesmen, and artists and engineers. Syrian are peasants and workers and technicians.
We are not GCC, we have local manpower. True. Highly educated manpower mostly. I am advocating that the jobs that the lebanese WANT go to them, and those they dont want go to syrians.
If you dont understand me, try to hire a Lebanese domestic helper.
30 percent less ? You have no substantiation lf, i'd caution you against making such claims
Mikati thinks he is catering to his sunnite constituents by keeping our borders wide open to syrians. In fact he is shooting himself in the foot and doing a disfavor to sunnites. That is because sunnites are the only competition of syrians in low level jobs.
Christians tend to take higher level jobs, no competition against syrians, Chiites are anyway on Hezbollah payroll or employed by berri in state jobs, so no competition against syrians Sunnites are the only ones affected.
One day Mikati will realize his blunder and start regulating the borders.
Who controls the police at the borders? Leftist commies? M14? No. It is Mikati. He is to blame.
and if M8 did not encourage bashar and side with him and fight with him after all what syria did to lebanon... so once again you are trying to say that the rebellion in syria is all M14's fault! so ridiculous ..LOL...
lf, regarding your earlier post: syrians were used for cheap labor but minimally compared to now. NOW they're taking jobs Lebanese want. U can't justify it like flamecatcher no marba.
John. True the after Assad period is very important.
However, we tried to Assad period for 40 years, and it sucked. It sucks to be in the sphere of influence of the iran syria axis. No state, no jobs, bad image etc...
M14 prefer being in the saudi "new syria" axis. More jobs, a better state, more economic stability, more integration in the international community...
Saudi put 1Billion dollars in Lebanon when Israel bombarded us. Qatar rebuilt the south. What did Assad do? systematically kill every big balled lebanese leader and try to create strife.
So true, let us think about the post Assad period. But it cannot possibly be as bad as the assad period.
yes but M8 thanked syria for all the "good" things they did to leanon... worse than israel... LOL
"More than half of you m14 used to work for Assad and the others INVITED the Syrians to come to Lebanon to save you."
and that is an assumption based on what you want to believe.... pathetic how you omit to say the number of M8 people who collaborated AND STILL do! who is better? those who have collaborated many of whom BY FORCE (aoun said it!) or those who STILL collaborate with a regime that harmed lebanon more than israel?
LOL so it was naughty for M14 to collaborate but all right for M8 ! see how your posts are purely based on your propaganda but not on logic whatsoever! LOL
"You remind me of the ignorant Americans when they talked about "taking out Saddam"
aoun used to shout that the syrian regime must be ousted for years when he was in france.... i guess he was an idiot then! LOL
sure but all the gvt does is say there is a problem but they do nothing to solve it! as usual LOL