WikiLeaks: Murr Said Hizbullah Part of Syrian Plot to Kill him

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Former Defense Minister Elias Murr accused Hizbullah of being part of a Syrian plot to murder him, revealed a leaked U.S. Embassy cable dated November 14, 2005.

The WikiLeaks cable spoke of the then defense minister’s fear that the Hizbullah would adopt a more aggressive position after the release of Detlev Mehlis’ report on the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on December 15, 2005.

Murr stressed that the party would seek to create Sunni-Shiite strife in Lebanon at Syria’s behest, adding that he became aware of these plans after intercepting a phone call between Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and As Safir newspaper journalist Ibrahim al-Amin.

“Syria still controls a number of terrorist groups in Lebanon, including armed Palestinian ones inside and outside refugee camps, as well as Hizbullah and its army,” he continued.

“Lebanon will not enjoy stability unless real change takes place in Syria,” he stressed.

Comments 12
Missing mabboud 12 July 2011, 12:21

Is this compatible with what he said and that was revealed in the HakikaLeaks on NewTv?

After what happened in 2006 (wikileaks), I think that the claim of HA might be looking to kill u could hold but in 2005? why not in 2007 when talking with the IIIC people and insulting president Sleiman who put u in charge!!

In the HakikaLeaks Murr stated that Hariri was not happy with 1559 because it could be used against HA, he also said that Hariri backed the resistance and he seemed very assertive on that.

What about a Christian commando in the army, armed by the US to attack the Muslim terrorist...Uh!

What about no fly crossing the Syrian frontier? or Claim victory in Naher Al Bared with the Lebanese army losing 60-70 more soldiers after Victory!!!

It might be true or wrong... but how could anyone trust such a clown, even the US ambassador (wikileaks) didn't take him seriously why should we?

Thumb shab 12 July 2011, 12:24

When the Syrian dictatorshib falls, Lebanon will be more able to fight the enemy within, meaning the filthy non-Islamic mafia militia and fatso in the hole.

Missing mabboud 12 July 2011, 13:07

did I miss it yesterday or Naharnet didn't mention the wikileaks released yesterday?

if u read them, u will c clearly how much the whole investigation was done with the only purpose of getting the criminals with no hidden agenda and no politics....

Selective wikis I guess a NN exclusive best of

Default-user-icon Gharrido (Guest) 12 July 2011, 13:22

I am surprised this filthy ungrateful, traitor, back-stabber hasn't killed himself yet. But this is exactly what someone with absolutely no dignity is not supposed to do. Actually, the same goes to Marwan Hamade, who is the embodiment of filth.

Default-user-icon Ali (Guest) 12 July 2011, 13:31

Yeah.... and when you were minister of defense what did u do about it Mr. Murr? You let the lebanese people suffer and let your army watch as the resistance thugs closed the airport and massacred people in cold blood. I watched you on TV several times, and you always denied there were arms smuggling to hizbullah, yet you knew what was happening. Didn't your father just give a vote of confidence to the cabinet of hizbullah? People like you will be remembered in history as backless humans with no principles.

Default-user-icon Abbas Hajj Zeaiter (Guest) 12 July 2011, 15:37

I agree with mabboud "what about a Christian commando in the army" that's why we need Hezbollah's arms, we cannot trust the Christians they are the problem of Lebanon from day one.

Look at Mr Rahi yesterday supporting the Zionist STL and before that asking for more powers to the Maronites. According to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah Taef still gives them too many powers, they don't even represent 18% of the population and I'm being generous.

Sheikh Naiim Qassem said we need to keep the Resistance's arms even if the Israeli threat is gone. The problem persists as long as the Christians collaborate with the US to block us.

Sayyed Hassan repeated it in his last speech the Christians are hoping for a Sunni-Shiite strife.

Missing may7 12 July 2011, 15:46

for a change wikki leaks was 100% right

Missing mabboud 12 July 2011, 17:08

Abbas, I didn't say anything, I was reporting Murr ill statement in one of the wikileaks. Christians aren't the problem, not more than Shi3a or Sunni... it is thinking Secular rather than building together that is the biggest problem for Lebanon.

Not Syria, not US or Israel... the biggest problem is lack of Solidarity, feudal and ethnic view of things.

Power shouldn't be used to exercise and abuse of it but rather a responsibility!!!

Murr is a racist irresponsible person and he doesn't represent Christians.

I didn't like Sfeir doing politics and I don't like Ra3i doing politics either; not even when the say things that please me, I respect them & what they represent in terms of religion but I disregard what they say when it comes to politics (in fact I criticize the fact that they do politics)

You should be more nuanced ya 3abas!

Missing peace 12 July 2011, 17:28

for my part he was the worst minister of defense ever...

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 12 July 2011, 18:54

Ant the truth about HA continues to emerge, anyone with a brain could tell Syria was behind the assassination campaign in Lebanon and that HA was well aware of it, but now it's becoming clearer that they were directly involved in doing the dirty work for their Syrian masters.

I guess resistance starts at home by killing people in the streets and bombing politicians, how heroic.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 12 July 2011, 18:57

This man and his father belong to the past , just like Hariri & co .

Default-user-icon Abs (Guest) 13 July 2011, 05:42

@Abbass. Once the traitor shiites are exterminated from Lebanon, we can all rest easy.

While ever we have these persian boot lickers in our presence, Lebanon will never evolve.

While ever we have fat men in dresses, wearing colourful turbans, giving speaches from their rat holes, Lebanon will never evolve.

While ever that garbage dump called the Dohiyeh is still in existance, filled with traitors and nawar, Lebanon will never evolve.

Long live Batrak Rai, and the Maronite Church.