Syria State TV Reports Death of al-Nusra Front Chief al-Jawlani

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Syrian state television said Friday night that the leader of the jihadist al-Nusra Front had been killed, but state news agency Sana quickly withdrew an alert saying the same thing.

"The terrorist Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani, chief of the al-Nusra Front affiliated to al-Qaida, has been killed in the campaign in (the northwestern province of) Latakia," the television said, without providing details.

No confirmation was immediately available from other sources.

The al-Nusra Front, a jihadist group affiliated with al-Qaida, is one of the more powerful rebel groups battling to overthrow President Bashar Assad.

If confirmed, Jawlani's killing would be a major coup for the regime, which brands all of the rebels fighting against it "terrorists," including mainstream groups backed by the West and Arab states.

In May the United States designated Jawlani a global terrorist, saying he had been tasked by al-Qaida with installing Islamic sharia law across Syria and had ordered multiple suicide attacks.

Al-Nusra was designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. late last year.

Comments 21
Thumb primesuspect 25 October 2013, 23:58

¡Beautiful news!
He's w/ bin laden awaiting his 3rd partner nusralla.

Thumb primesuspect 26 October 2013, 00:13

Extremely happy. All fanatics mentioning Allah in their names or on the battlefield belong w/ bin laden. We, m14/pro advanced democracy r secularists, want god 2 remain in the hearts of the people, not in politics. ¿entiendes?

Thumb king.of.kings 25 October 2013, 23:58

eh confirm it first and then excite the crowd walla you just put news to attract audience even if its not sure??

Thumb primesuspect 26 October 2013, 00:02

Stop whining. U r worse than a 7 year old child.

Thumb cedre 26 October 2013, 00:10

5th time he's being killed...

Thumb Dr.I.Mughniyeh_theheadless 26 October 2013, 00:26

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to What's his face
Happy Birthday You.

Default-user-icon wassim (Guest) 26 October 2013, 00:36

Now it is confirmed. This news site is not serious and brings unconfirmed and bias news, that later shows to be lies. Are you a mouthpiece for the terrorist and criminal syrian regime? Btw. dont expect my comments to be posted.

Thumb cedre 26 October 2013, 00:40

i just read on twitter, it's not Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani but Siqr al-Jowlani that was killed...

Thumb primesuspect 26 October 2013, 00:51

Well, he's Syrian from the Golan ifnim not mistaken. Its strictly Syrian business.... Why is hizballa after him? He wants to free his country, the libertador!!! Like Bolivar and the Che. Let him fight his dictator and die without interfering unless we want 2 see his terrorists attack lebaneon.

Thumb primesuspect 26 October 2013, 00:55


Thumb cedre 26 October 2013, 01:33

dont forget that ur friend Bachar need takfiris in Syria to pretend he's fighting terrorism and not sunnis, that's the reason why he released so many of them, called back the ones that he was using in Iraq...

And vice versa, takfiris need bashar coz the day he's gone, syrian people'll get ride very quickly of this scum...

Default-user-icon tarik (Guest) 26 October 2013, 00:54

A question to How come you put up a picture which is not of abu Muhammad al Joulani? Is this allowed, to write an article about a person, and post a picture of another man? Very serious newssite!

Default-user-icon Follando Berzangui (Guest) 26 October 2013, 01:15

GabbyMarch14 is in a deep depression over the untimely passing of his brother-in-warriorship the terrorist Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani not for anything but because it will push back the fall of the "ASSad" regime from Wednesday of every week to Friday! This one, too, shall pass, gabbaguybo. Another problem is that the fall of Hizbocaine, aka Hizbushaitan, shall also be pushed back to Saturday of every week instead of Thursday. The bright side is that they shall both fall ONE OF THESE DAYS, but perhaps not in NostraGabbyMarch14's lifetime.

Thumb cedre 26 October 2013, 01:42

dont give too much importance to the picture coz we're not even sure it's jolani, we know nothing about the guy, not even sure he exists. Ex-Nusra fighters admitted they never saw him...

Thumb king.of.kings 26 October 2013, 02:51

most of you are being sarcastic and in most of the cases when you comment you are just trying to dominate one another. But if you think about it and if you simply see what's happening it is Very obvious that Syria is Cleansing its territory and it is also very Clear that the world has already made a Plan B and a started implementing it , and this Plan B is the same as the 70's except this time it will be cause by the Syrian rather than the Palestinians. We have more Syrians here now and soon will have more Syrians than we have Lebanese, Plus the export of terrorists and weaponry to Lebanon and the storage which is a clear meaning that someday soon it will all start in Lebanon as a war between terrorists the Army and Hizbullah then introduced by a Civil War and then another Israeli try for occupation and then a Syrian interference. And remember me when this happens. Im not happy about it though !

Thumb king.of.kings 26 October 2013, 03:03

GMA it seems like you struggle hard to write English are you translating from malawakh to english on google translate ?

Thumb primesuspect 26 October 2013, 04:45


Missing helicopter 26 October 2013, 04:26

Gaegae thinks of Nusra and HA as two faces of the same coin. I am sure he is very happy hearing this and I am also sure he will be equally happy if HA leaders meet the Ayatolla Khomeini wherever he is.

Thumb primesuspect 26 October 2013, 04:46

Smell of roses, rotf!

Missing -karim_m1-- 26 October 2013, 04:54

Yes! Excellent news!

Burn in hell terrorist!

Default-user-icon Hassan (Guest) 26 October 2013, 08:41

God bless the Syrian Army