Nasrallah: State Not Lifting a Finger to Stop Networks from Planting Booby-Trapped Cars in Lebanon

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah criticized on Monday the state for failing to address the networks that are planting booby-trapped cars in Lebanon.

He said: “The state is aware of the activity of these networks, but is not lifting a finger to stop them.”

He made his remarks during a speech marking the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Great Prophet Hospital.

“The state is aware of the various security threats in Lebanon and it cannot be selective in tackling them,” he added.

Nasrallah therefore demanded that the caretaker government convene in order to address security threats, saying: “It should not convene only after an explosion takes place. These issues cannot be postponed.”

Addressing the clashes in the northern city of Tripoli, the Hizbullah chief urged the cabinet to take a “firm decision” to put an end to the instability in the city.

“The army and security forces should take over control in Tripoli and the people should provide them with the necessary support while they perform their duties,” he continued.

Commenting on the political deadlock in Lebanon and failure to form a new government, Nasrallah accused the March 14 camp of only prolonging the impasse by imposing various conditions on forming a cabinet.

He noted that the camp was and is still banking on the developments in Syria in order to take any political decision in this matter, saying that such actions will only maintain the deadlock.

“Doesn't ending the deadlock require some sacrifices? We won't present any sacrifices as we have already presented enough of them,” declared Nasrallah.

He therefore suggested that the March 14 camp “exercise some humility” and accept the formation of a cabinet that grants nine ministers to itself and the March 8 camp, while the remaining six be granted to centrists.

“We have exercised humility by accepting this formula seeing as nine ministers is less than what we deserve given our political weight,” he remarked.

Since his appointment in April, Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam has faced conditions and counter-conditions from the rival March 8 and 14 camps over the formation of a new government.

Furthermore, Nasrallah stressed the need for the caretaker government to convene in order to tackle the oil file and in order to order the army and security forces to take control of Tripoli.

He stated however that caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati is being pressured by Saudi Arabia and the March 14 camp against calling cabinet to session.

On the recent release of the Lebanese pilgrims who were held in Syria's Aazaz region, he congratulated them on their safe return to Beirut, hoping that this development would pave the way for resolving the case of Lebanese held in Israel and Syria and who have gone missing over the past two years or since the Lebanese civil war.

He therefore suggested that mechanisms be set in place to tackle these issues.

“A state that respects itself will address these humanitarian affairs,” Nasrallah said.

He revealed: “I have received word from Syria that it is willing to help resolve the cases of missing persons and we hope these efforts will yield happy endings.”

Nine Lebanese pilgrims, who were kidnapped and held in Syria since 2011, were released some two weeks ago and they returned to Lebanon on October 19.

Turning to the crisis in Syria, Nasrallah said: “The recent developments in Syria have helped us realize that there can only be a political solution, not a military one, to the unrest.”

“All concerned sides should approach dialogue in Syria without preconditions,” he demanded, while accusing Saudi Arabia of resorting to “all means” to topple the Syrian regime.

“Obstructing the political solution in Syria will lead to more death and destruction and negative repercussions on Lebanon and all other countries neighboring Syria,” he warned.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:40

    Nasrallah: Let cabinet convene in order to tackle these threats. It should not convene only after an explosion takes place. These issues cannot be postponed.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:39

    Nasrallah: The state is aware of the various security threats in Lebanon, such as booby-trapped cars and it knows where they are being prepared. The state cannot be selective in tackling these issues.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:37

    Nasrallah: The developments in Tripoli should no longer continue. The cabinet should convene in order to take a firm stand on the unrest in the northern city.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:37

    Nasrallah: The army and security forces should take over control in Tripoli and the people should provide them with the necessary support while they perform their duties.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:36

    Nasrallah: I call on Miqati and the ministers to hold a cabinet session in order to ease the deadlock in Lebanon. The session should address the oil file without preconditions.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:35

    Nasrallah: Caretaker PM Najib Miqati is being pressured by Saudi Arabia and the March 14 camp against convening cabinet.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:32

    Nasrallah to the March 14 camp: Doesn't ending the deadlock require some sacrifices? We have presented enough sacrifices.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:29

    Nasrallah: Once a new government is formed, the March 14 camp would acquiesce to returning to the national dialogue and parliament, which in turn would ease the economic situation in Lebanon.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:29

    Nasrallah: Nine ministers for the March 8 camp is less than what it deserves given its political weight.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:28

    Nasrallah said that the March 14 camp wants to impose its conditions in forming a new government.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:28

    Nasrallah: According to the March 14 camp, the only way to end the deadlock in Lebanon lies in forming a new government.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:26

    Nasrallah to the March 14 camp: You have failed in banking on the developments in Syria in order to impose your agenda in Lebanon.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:21

    Nasrallah: Those who are keen on the lives of the Syrians should lay blame on those who are obstructing the political solution.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:18

    Nasrallah: Obstructing the political solution in Syria will lead to more death and destruction and negative repercussions on Lebanon and all other countries neighboring Syria.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:17

    Nasrallah: Saudi Arabia is now seeking to obstruct dialogue in Syria and the Geneva 2 conference.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:17

    Nasrallah: Saudi Arabia resorted to all means to topple the regime in Syria and it failed.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:15

    Nasrallah: All concerned sides should approach dialogue in Syria without preconditions.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:14

    Nasrallah: The recent developments in Syria have helped us realize that there can only be a political solution in Syria, not a military one.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:12

    Nasrallah: At the end of the day, the Lebanese people will be able to judge who is obstructing the national dialogue and government and parliamentary work.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:10

    Nasrallah on Syria: The developments in Syria have a great effect on the developments in Lebanon on a variety of levels because there is a certain Lebanese camp that is linking the situation in the neighboring country to the situation in Lebanon.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:08

    Nasrallah: I believe that the pilgrims were kidnapped for political reasons and these issues should be tackled and not abandoned.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:07

    Nasrallah: I urge the Lebanese judiciary to tackle the case of the Aazaz pilgrims and determine why and how they were abducted.

  • 28 October 2013, 16:00

    Nasrallah: I have received word from Syria that it is willing to help resolve the cases of missing persons and we hope these efforts will yield happy endings.

  • 28 October 2013, 15:59

    Nasrallah: There are 17,000 people that have gone missing over the past few decades. These missing include Lebanese and Palestinians. These issues should be resolved.

  • 28 October 2013, 15:57

    Nasrallah: This is a resistance that does not deign leave behind the corpses or the remains of its dead fighters.

  • 28 October 2013, 15:57

    Nasrallah: This is a state that respects itself because the case of the Aazaz pilgrims was resolved.

  • 28 October 2013, 15:56

    Nasrallah: A state that respects itself will be able to tackle these humanitarian issues.

  • 28 October 2013, 15:53

    Nasrallah: The release of the Aazaz pilgrims should also pave the way for tackling the case of the Lebanese missing and arrested in Syria in the past.

  • 28 October 2013, 15:51

    Nasrallah: Their safe return to Lebanon offers hope that all other cases of kidnappings can be tackled.

  • 28 October 2013, 15:51

    Nasrallah: Mechanisms to follow up on other kidnapping cases should be devised, this includes the case of the two missing bishops and the Lebanese missing in Syria since 2011.

  • 28 October 2013, 15:50

    Nasrallah: We are pleased that the case of the Aazaz pilgrims has been resolved and we congratulate them on their safe return to Lebanon.

  • 28 October 2013, 15:47

    Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during a ceremony marking the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Great Prophet Hospital: This country deserves all sacrifices.

Comments 41
Thumb Dr.I.Mughniyeh_theheadless 28 October 2013, 16:26

can you girls hear, ok listen to this

Thumb sophia_angle 28 October 2013, 16:45

hahah bani mishma3rouf shu baddo ;)

Thumb lebanon_first 28 October 2013, 17:01

Hassan. Why dont you use your influence with Assad to get lebanese missing in syria since 1978, and not 2011?

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 28 October 2013, 17:10

Yislam Timmak Ya Sayyed Al Moqawalwh for these words of wisdom and truth. Alona and I were in tears during the whole speech. It was very emotional to see your face after such a long absence. Beloved Sayyed: Alona and I are soldiers in your army and we sacrifice our lives for you. You speak like a world leader, you wave your finger better than Benito Mussolini, your analysis of world events specially in Syria was overwhelming, your piercing eyes captivate us, your voice is soothing like honey. Sayyed you are the honey in my Atayyef, you are the jam in my jelly roll, you are the apple of my eye. God bless you and give you many seeds.

Thumb Elemental 28 October 2013, 18:11

Pretty much, the fact that they even created those fake accounts to "thumb down" is pretty sad, and also a testament to HA's brainwashing. Wait for it! That pavlovian M14/wahabi reflex of theirs will kick in, let's watch :P:P

Thumb joeleb 28 October 2013, 17:27

I don't think that there will ever be a way that we can coexist with Hizbollah and their allies. I hope that people will soon start arguing for partition rather than keeping Lebanon as one country. I am a huge supporter of Bachir Gemayel, I think he was the only hope for Lebanon, but unfortunately his famous "10,452" no longer holds true. We have two polarizing poles of the spectrum, neither side is willing to negotiate with the other and the country is falling apart. The people are as dumb as rocks following those leaders, but unfortunately this is the situation we are in. The only hope for whatever is left of Lebanon is to split.

Thumb joeleb 28 October 2013, 19:26

I agree, all the generations since the "civil" war are polarized and will never ever agree...partition is our only option and hope to live peacefully and plan and work on a future that we can aspire to provide to our children

Missing peace 28 October 2013, 17:34

and you are paid to defend the iranian militia.... poor sissy...

Thumb general_puppet 28 October 2013, 17:50

"State Not Lifting a Finger to Stop Networks from Planting Booby-Trapped Cars in Lebanon"... it is your brother Assad who is sending the car bombs, you miserable terrorist.

One of the most pathetic speeches ever made by the Iranian thug. The state should not be selective, but it lets Hezbulluh do what ever it wants... "camp was and is still banking on the developments in Syria", you have openly declared war in Syria on the side of Assad and it is Hizbullah & the Ayatollah who link their survival to Assad's... worts of all to bring up the fate of all the missing Lebanese that have been murdered or imprison by your Axis partner Assad when you have never lifted a finger to help them shows what a lying hypocrite you are.

Missing peace 28 October 2013, 17:56

"State Not Lifting a Finger to Stop Networks from Planting Booby-Trapped Cars in Lebanon"...
funny coz the army arrested many suspects in both bombings... LOL

Thumb general_puppet 28 October 2013, 17:57

..--..-..Flimflamthrower..-..--__-- you have posted more than that many times, so what does that make you?

Thumb general_puppet 28 October 2013, 18:08

..-__-..Flimflamthrower..-__-.. you are a good for nothing lowlife... "stop calling Assad names" "choose diplomacy with syria" this is laughable.

"if you want your boss to give you a raise"... You finally admit that Assad is your Boss :-)

Thumb Dr.I.Mughniyeh_theheadless 28 October 2013, 18:21

"Nasrallah: State Not Lifting a Finger to Stop Networks from Planting Booby-Trapped Cars in Lebanon"

the poor fellow doesn't seem to get any news from above down is the sewers where he lives..
Nasrallah, this for your benefit three examples of the state lifting fingers to stop networks from Planting Booby-Trapped Cars in Lebanon.. btw I'm lifting a finger right now, can you guess which one?

"14 Charged with Car Bomb Plots, Including One in Maamoura"
"Lebanese military prosecutors charged 7 men with strong ties to the Syrian government’s intelligence services in Tripoli double car bombing"
"Michel Samaha Arrested, Confesses to Plotting Bombings in North"

however and unfortunately a couple of guys did complain and threatened the state for actually lifting a finger

"MP Mohammed Raad, head of Hizbullah's Loyalty to Resistance, describes Samaha Case as 'Security Fabrications': We Won't Remain Silent"
"ADP official slams “political” arrest of Tripoli bombings suspect"

Thumb general_puppet 28 October 2013, 18:21

Only one of the 3 stooges has shown up for work today... where is Iran boy #1, momo? Your masters voice is calling all the faithful to spread the word from down-under.

Boys you don't get those suitcases full of rials to sit and catch fly's in your mouths... hit those keys and shake your pom-pons!

Thumb general_puppet 28 October 2013, 20:12

I can picture them jumping up and down shooting celebratory gun shoots into the ceiling every morning in front of their keyboards, declaring a divine victory in their Thumb Jihad :-)

Thumb lebanon_first 28 October 2013, 18:29

Such a hypocrit.

He blames the state to be one sided while the state is one sided towards HA!!

Thumb cedre 28 October 2013, 18:40

Banima3rof RULES...

Thumb EagleDawn 28 October 2013, 18:49

Nassrallah: You have destroyed my country; You have dimmed any glimmer of hope or future we may have had; You have taken our smiles and happiness.... I hate you.

Thumb _mowaten_ 28 October 2013, 19:06

man dont you have a life? a job? 33 comments from you alone on this article. paid poster.

Thumb EagleDawn 28 October 2013, 19:19

LOL...... I cannot believe what I am reading??? Mowaten Irani is complaining about too much posting? One time I counted 38 posts for you. At least Banimaroof posts make sense unlike yours. Paid mouthpiece

Missing lebcan 28 October 2013, 19:45

@eagledawn, if you don't mind i would like to quote you, because i feel and want to say the exact same thing...
'Nassrallah: You have destroyed my country; You have dimmed any glimmer of hope or future we may have had; You have taken our smiles and happiness.... I hate you.'

Thumb general_puppet 28 October 2013, 19:56

"why do i waste time"

... ..-__-..Flimflamthrower..-__-.., in your own words here is the answer... you show up to work on Naharnet and spew your propaganda so that your boss will give you a raise. BTW they have found a good use for rial notes in Venezuela as an alternative to toilet paper.

Thumb general_puppet 28 October 2013, 20:05

3 top explanations for Souther:

1- A 12 year old kid, parroting the propaganda he has listened to from the cradle.
2- A true believer, blind or ignorant of reality.
3- A paid cheerleader of the Glorious Axis.

Missing -karim_m2-- 28 October 2013, 20:49

There appears to be quite a high concentration of Al Qaeda sympathizers around here.

Thumb Elemental 28 October 2013, 20:53

OR MAYBE, just MAYBE, people who don't sympathize with Qaeda or HA...thought about that hippie?

Thumb Elemental 28 October 2013, 20:54

Totally true Tony.

Thumb Mystic 28 October 2013, 23:14

Wow you are really trying to make it impossible, for the rest of us to comment here.

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (Guest) 28 October 2013, 23:18

Reading into his speech suggests that HA has lost considerable ground, and Hassan is clutching at straws to redeem lost territory. HA has crossed the line and Hassan knows full well that there is no room for reconciliation. Saad offered him a deal and in return he will forgive and forget, but Hassan foolishly refused and instead continued removing obstacles from his path in the hope that there would be no one left to answer to. The tribunal is nearing HA and his Aouni do... are in fix. If the M14 camp had any dignity thay would stand their ground and refuse to have anything to do with HA, let alone form a government with them.

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 29 October 2013, 00:15

Oh now that you are not the ones doing the car bombs you want the state to protect you? I thought Hizb Allah was able to defend Lebanon and itself? If you are unable to then put down your weapons.

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 29 October 2013, 00:19

Why would the Syrian government look into the file of disappeared Lebanese in Syria now after decades of not doing so? They can't even control half their country, what are they going to find out?

Thumb benzona 29 October 2013, 00:31

Nasrallah: State Not Lifting a Finger to Stop Networks from Planting Booby-Trapped Cars in Lebanon.

walla bahloul, his hezbollah faction is part of this expired and incompetent government.... mich ma3'oul chou khafif el zalameh.

Missing VINCENT 29 October 2013, 00:55

Mr. Nasrallah, we can not support a political party who is guilty of the same mischief your party is complaining and fighting against.

Missing sharshaf 29 October 2013, 01:39

All we need is a Hero to save Lebanon from the absolute distraction.

Guys we need "GRENDIZER"

Missing sharshaf 29 October 2013, 01:40


Default-user-icon Joe (Guest) 29 October 2013, 02:26

I started reading some of the comments listed and found them to be so inflammatory and hateful.
All this hate is so thoughtless.. A couple of questions I want to ask you all
1. you can scream and insult all you want, the question is are you changing anything?
2. can you ever dream of being a leader in this country, without being from a certain family / sect / lineage? How empowered are you?
3. why is it that we keep voting for the same leaders?
4. do we really deserve a country? have we earned it? Do we respect the rule of law? Do we respect other sects? do we even respect individuals? Do we treat our housekeepers like human beings?
5. how come that our opinions change based on our leaders when it should be that our opinions need to change our leaders?
You are not empowered and cant change anything. All these politician dont care about you, dont care if you have jobs, dont care if you have healthcare. Just my two cents.

Missing formerlebaniz 29 October 2013, 03:52

Let me get this straight Mr. Nasrallah,

You want to involve your youth to fight and die against someone fighting for their freedom in their OWN country, and in the meantime you want our youth and army to protect you against the retaliation of these people in your own country?

To sum it up you will go kill Sunni's ruthlessly in Syria (seen the videos), but you want the Lebanese Sunni's, Christians, Druze in Lebanon to protect your people against the Syrian Sunni's retaliating against you?

Your likes should have a hell dedicated for them.

Thumb _mowaten_ 29 October 2013, 10:50

eagledawn: dont you have something to do? yalla, log in and out with your 45 other accounts, there are dozens and dozens of your colleague's comments to upvote.

Thumb eli-g 29 October 2013, 14:03

I gave my biggest thumbs up to Joe(the guest). I hear you and feel your pain.

Thumb Senescence 29 October 2013, 14:47

Wack rhymes nigga.

Thumb shab 29 October 2013, 17:41

filthy militia

Default-user-icon Jeannine (Guest) 12 February 2014, 12:11

This text is worth everyone's attention. When can I find out more?