FPM to Hold Talks with al-Mustaqbal over Parliamentary Deadlock

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A delegation from the Change and Reform Parliamentary bloc will hold talks with al-Mustaqbal MPs on Thursday in Nejmeh Square in an attempt to reach a breakthrough over the parliamentary standstill.

According to An Nahar newspaper published on Monday, the meeting comes in light of Free Patriotic Movement's initiative to contact various parliamentary blocs to end the ongoing rift.

In October, the FPM, which is led by MP Michel Aoun, announced that it will hold talks with various parliamentary blocs to reactivate the work of the parliament and the legislative sessions.

The FPM bloc has boycotted previous calls by Speaker Nabih Berri to attend legislative sessions over the speaker's failure to include his bloc's items on the session's agenda.

On October 23, a two-day parliamentary session was postponed for the sixth time over lack of quorum amid sharp rift between the March 14 alliance and Speaker Nabih Berri on its constitutionality.

The session was postponed to November 20.

The controversial legislative session is set to discuss 45 items on its agenda, the same session that has been boycotted for five times since July over differences on whether the parliament can convene amid a resigned government or not.

The previous sessions were boycotted by the March 14 coalition, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati and Aoun's bloc.

Miqati and the March 14 alliance argue that the parliament can only discuss urgent items amid a resigned cabinet.

Comments 9
Thumb general_puppet 04 November 2013, 09:04

What are they going to hold talks for… did Berri agree to the Lunatic Aoun's demands? is Mr I Flip & I Flop when it suites me going to head the delegation or will he leave it up to son-in-law #1, which even his own block considers useless.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 04 November 2013, 09:29

God Bless Sayyed Al Mojamalah, ex-General Aoun for his relentless efforts to bridge differences among the various lebanese parties even if it is the Mustaqbal. The FPM has proved once again its secular and patriotic stand. Its openness towards its political enemies specially Mustaqbal proves beyond shadow of a doubt it is an all encompassing party with national interests at heart. The lines of young inductees of various religious denominations at FPM offices throughout the globe are no coincidence to the popularity of this patriotic and "reformical" bunch. God Bless

Thumb general_puppet 04 November 2013, 09:40

Again for the record, you are boring enough without repeating yourself… I thought you said for Lebanon all roads lead to Hizbullah?

Thumb general_puppet 04 November 2013, 12:09

...flamethrower… you have added another notch :-)

You are a somebody?? You are a joke and a pest that holds the record for most boots, and always comes back for more… that is when you are not too busy conducting the Resistance against the Israelis.

Thumb general_puppet 04 November 2013, 12:54

I am sorry abu-flamer… I will play nice. I know jobs are hard to come by and a suit case full of rials can not buy much now a days.

Thumb shab 04 November 2013, 15:37

No one with Lebanese blood hands on their hands should be president.

Missing peace 04 November 2013, 16:06

"ince July over differences on whether the parliament can convene amid a resigned government or not."

the constitution says that the parliament can convene only in extraordinary sessions when a gvt is resigning. the president and the PM can call it to convene.

Thumb beiruti 04 November 2013, 16:43

This is a very good sign. It may be part of the fallout of the new rapprochmente between the US and Iran. If Iran has found a path toward realizing its nuclear program through negotiations with the US rather than through confrontation, then Iran has a negative incentive to keeping Hezbollah on retainer and if Iran does not need Hezbollah, it surely does not need Hezbollah's satelitte, the FPM which means a cut off of funds to Aoun. In Lebanon, this is death to lose your source of funds from which patronage is paid.

Thumb beiruti 04 November 2013, 16:46

So, Aoun will talk with Future, to cut a deal and find a new source of funding. Survival is the game.

Hezbollah, for its part sees the writing on the wall as well emanating from Tehran and is getting its footing firm to attempt to make itself self sufficient in Lebanon and in control of the institutions of the State so as to secure itself.

This brings a degree of clarity to the Lebanon question. Neither Christian, Sunni or Druze wish to see the Lebanese system dominated by one sect to the exclusion of the others, so even FPM will talk with Future to create a blocking maneuver over Hezbollah.