Qahwaji Warns of Attempt to Sabotage Co-Existence, Destruct National Pact

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji warned on Tuesday of attempt to destruct the national pact and sabotage co-existence in Lebanon, stressing that the military will safeguard the nation.

In his Order of the Day on Lebanon's 70th Independence anniversary, Qahwaji said: “Our destiny as Lebanese is to celebrate our independence amid danger and security violations that our country and the Middle East is passing through.”

Qahwaji vowed that “the army will safeguard this country and confront Israel and it spying networks... And fight terrorism in all its forms and pursue violators and those who are meddling with the country's unity.”

The parliamentary telecommunications committee denounced last week Israeli espionage stations along the border as violation of Lebanon's sovereignty, pointing out that it is happening despite United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 and the presence of U.N. peacekeepers south of the Litani river.

The biggest espionage station is allegedly installed in al-Abbad and Jan al-Alam areas, which are located near the U.N. demarcated Blue line.

Qahwaji pointed out that as the region is establishing new pacts amid the recent developments “there are attempts in Lebanon to destruct its national pact and sabotage co-existence.”

Qahwaji urged officials to “safeguard Lebanon and exert efforts to resolve the crises without having heading to the unknown.”

The sharp rift among Lebanese foes over several issues reached a deadlock as disputes are ongoing over the line-up of the new cabinet, which Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam has been trying to form since his appointment in April and over calls by Speaker Nabih Berri's for the parliament to convene amid a resigned cabinet, in addition to several other disputes including the tasks that should be carried out by a caretaker cabinet, which is led by caretaker PM Najib Miqati.

Comments 10
Missing daviddk 19 November 2013, 11:47

Lebanon is similar to Iraq. The war can hit Lebanon anytime.
This war of independance is raging in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Algeria, Palestine, Egypt, everywhere.
Sykes Picot is unsustainable and will not stand. The imperialists and their Safavid clients will be defeated.

Default-user-icon Loubambo Taratitta (Guest) 19 November 2013, 12:13

No worries. After all, we have Abou Melhem at the Interior, Abou Salim as our PM and Koukou in Baadbda.

Thumb cedre 19 November 2013, 12:47

He knows who's behind this, actually he told us months ago that was going to happen. Condolences to family and relatives.

Thumb benzona 19 November 2013, 13:39


I spent my Saturday afternoon with a friend (the original benzona) in a church here consoling 120 afghanis who fled the Talibans. If I were in Lebanon I'd do the same with the Syrian kids, but I feel zerø empathy for today,s victims because the people there are soul-takers. I know it's terrible, because I hate violence but i can't even magine what the millions of displaced Syrians are feeling towards Hezbollah, Iran, and Bachar....

How could they be blamed?

Thumb cedre 19 November 2013, 13:47

benzona, terrorism is just unislamic, its against the quran and sunna. Our way of doing is fighting like men on the battlefield and target only our ennemies, not civilians, diplomats, kids or women.
Fighting Bashar or Khamenei, biggest oppressors of sunnis than israel, is a noble cause, but not in beirut, not with bombs.

Thumb benzona 19 November 2013, 13:59

Cèdre, ils ont utilisé le même mode opératoire que le Hezbollah iranien pour l'ambassade américaine et le drakkar. J'espère juste que les victimes sont des crapules et non d'innocents passants. Je te parle avec franchise... A moins que tu ne souhaites que je sois moins direct et hypocrite.

Thumb cedre 19 November 2013, 14:13

Je comprends tes sentiments mais faut pas se laisser emporter par les emotions. Je suis sure que les victimes sont des passants allant au boulot. Cet attentat a ete commanditer par damas, y a qu'eux qui ont interets et les moyens de le faire. Maintenant, ils ont surement utiliser des idiots utiles locaux, a la smaha. Now HizbIran va passer pour la victime et le protecteur des chiites contre la menace imaginaire takfirie.

Thumb chrisrushlau 19 November 2013, 21:24

I wish you would not speak Arabic to each other, cedre and benzona. Some of us do not have the benefit of your cosmopolitan education.
The headline to this story mentioned the National Pact, under which nominal Christians in Lebanon got a majority of the seats in Parliament, regardless of election results. We have moved on to the Taef Accord where the seats are allocated fifty-fifty between "Christians" and "Muslims", despite there only being about thirty-five percent of the public in the "Christian" category. Why is this National Pact an institution for General Jean to publicly stand for? This is law? This is equality? This is stability?
في أمان الله.

Thumb chrisrushlau 19 November 2013, 21:27

I note the word "hypocrite" in benzona's remark to cedre. The English (a lost tribe of the Germanic nation) may have invented civil equality, civil rights, the common man, etc., which in itself would be enough to distrust these concepts ("perfidious Albion"), but they seem to dovetail with mono-theistic notions of the dignity and responsibility of the individual in the face of Holiness (let me call it), into which other persons have only limited access. Individuality, then. How do you manage it? Either you create a party line, a Big Lie, which you torture people into pretending to accept, or you have elections based on civil rights.

Thumb chrisrushlau 19 November 2013, 21:31

contre la menace imaginaire takfirie.
Does that mean the takfiri menace is imaginary?
Ask the King of Saudi Arabia.