ISF Commandos Evacuate Qabbani from al-Khasheqji Mosque as Uproar Erupts over His Arrival
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةMembers of the ISF Intelligence Bureau's Strike Force on Sunday managed to evacuate Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Qabbani from the al-Khasheqji Mosque after a number of young men erupted in anger over his arrival to take part in the funeral of Mohammed al-Chaar, a 16-year-old teenager who was killed in the bomb attack that targeted ex-minister Mohammed Shatah.
A major commotion broke out inside and outside the mosque as protesters shouted angry slogans in scenes broadcast live by local TV stations.
Security forces carried out several fake evacuations in a bid to divert the attention of the protesters before they managed to secure the safe exit of the mufti in a military armored personnel carrier, amid strict security measures in the area.
Media reports said a Mustaqbal newspaper photographer was injured in the stampede outside the mosque and security forces transferred him to hospital.
“Calm has returned to the vicinity of the al-Khasheqji Mosque and some security forces have started to leave,” MTV reported later.
“A number of young men protested the presence of the mufti ... and Sheikh Ahmed al-Omar led the prayer for the dead,” state-run National News Agency reported earlier on Sunday.
LBCI television said a number of Mustaqbal Movement MPs entered the mosque to persuade the mufti not to lead the prayer and he accepted.
“Young men have gathered outside to express their anger over his presence,” trapping the mufti inside for several hours, LBCI said.
In an earlier interview with LBCI, Jamaa Islamiya official in Beirut Rabih Dandashi said: “We contacted the commander of Beirut Police and we're trying to reach a solution to secure the safe exit of the mufti.”
“It is unacceptable to assault the mufti and Mustaqbal MPs are inside trying to calm down the young men,” said Dandashi.
“We are in charge of the logistics of the funeral and had the mufti sensed the delicacy of the situation, we would've advised him not to come,” he noted.
Meanwhile, Dar al-Fatwa sources told al-Jadeed television that they hold the defense ministry responsible for the safety of the mufti.
The funeral was attended by several Beirut figures, officials, popular delegations and the slain teenager's family and friends.
Chaar was then laid to rest at the nearby Martyrs Cemetery.
The 16-year-old died Saturday of wounds incurred in the Starco bomb attack. A picture of him and three friends taken moments before the explosion has gone viral on social networking websites.
The booby-trapped, golden Honda CRV used in the attack appears behind the teenagers in the picture.
The bomb attack took place on Friday morning in downtown Beirut, leaving Shatah, his bodyguard and six other people dead.

normal that this hizbushaitan agent would cause such an uproar!
why is he trying to provoke the mourners?

right on Geha
His presence was unnecessary and I am glad of the people's reaction

Agree..... People seems more pissed than politicians... Things are not looking so good...

He wants to be the Mufti of Sunnis despite their wishes.....! They have every right to kick him out.

No he didn't ...we don't like him anymore because he has sided with m8 thugs you reeeee...

Ahhhhhh Oookay FT I Think you missed the boat on that one... It's like you just don't understand anything in life!

he knew he would be ousted but went there just by pure provocation... this pro syrian lackey should at least have the decency to stay home...
so now M8 can play the victimization card as usual, and brainwash their sheep...

Where are the M14s? You keep on playing it Sunni and you are....even the highest Sunni leader is playing against lock him up and raise Al Qaida flags...what a shame....ze3ran wa respect whatsoever for the martyrs

where is the extremism tell us? was he wounded? was he beaten? just people telling to leave because of his indecent provocation!
oh! yes because he is pro hezbollah then he should have the right to do anything he likes too right? LOL

LOL the army intervened long after he entered the mosk , and he was not beaten moron...
go and spread your hatred elsewhere little boy....

FT always in denial...i guess if hariri goes in dahiye people will let him and do nothing because hezbi lovers are "civilised" LOL
but keep on the good work of looking ridiculous and support your pro syrian lackeys, proud little "patriot" LOL

Yes yes so extermist the sgouted at him and throwed some shoes... Tfou!!
They should have gone there, suddenly dress black shirts, beat them all, kill some in front of cameras and go back home like nothing happened..
Really what a bunch of takfiri those mousaqball guys!!!!
Plus one man , bravooooo....

Sorry hezbollah got the copyrights for this kind of acting and de preference in front of iranian embassy....
Man really... Some common sence...

who are you to discuss this matter?
this man and his son are pure thieves stealing from their community.
if they do not want him there, why are you meddling in their affairs?

it is not your business. stick to your business of bombing people, you Iranian terrorist traitor.

As Southern, AS nothing to do with Qabani, AS a person who put his nose in anything, as a person who has nothing to do ...
The best things for you to do is please keep you mouth shut.

Southern the fanatic.... Saudi Arabia just gave 3 billion dollars to the Lebanese army. Perhaps, you should zip it.

your hezbi friends thanked and praised qatar when they helped rebuild dahiye.... i guess they should not have then! LOL

3 years ago, Qabbani was on Hariri's payroll and 8 years ago, Geagea was considered as one guy that murdered sunnits
now geagea is considered as a hero for the sunnits and Qabbani as a criminal.
Sunnits are easy to influence when they are being paid, right Geha?
Liberty will be reached through laicity

Go away fake Mufti! Hariri is the true Mufti! Da3sh! Da3sh! Da3sh!

Respect is not in your agenda. Mohamad Alshaar, rest in Peace and my your blood not go in Vain.

True and also Qabbani has less support among the Sunna than Aoun amongst the Christian ... You know I don't know of anyone that like him except the m8 thugs and true terrorists.

And the "ASSad" regime continues to fall every Wednesday. Guys, you know the impossible! God bless you and bless all moubassirins of Farts 14 and Sanni First. Dr. Arreet 7akeh, the Lebanese mkhashkhash NostraDamsel must be proud of such brilliant followers and fans.

Seriously your ASSad killed 120000 out of the 126000 Syrians with his barrel bombs, tanks and planes... He is the definition of a terrorist and tyrant...

you people speak of syria and bashar? guess what your dreaming

Flamethrower?are you saying that Geagea Intimidated Khreich and Sfeir?It was not Michel aoun who sent his followers to attack Bkerki which was supposed to be protected by the lebanese army who let the protestors into Bkerki? ?

Lol! Come on FT. Are you on crack or is it just me cracking up at your ignorance? LOL...
This should clarify who attempted to scare the Batrak into submission. Failed at it miserably as he has in everything he's attempted (fight against syria, fight against his fellow Christians, etc.).
FT - you crack me up!!! Oops, meant to say "you're on crack".

The Lord our God, The Lord is one!
Love The Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength!

Hey I'm Canadian like you and in canada if I don't like a political idiot because he changed then I have a right not to like him anymore... one day he switches his skin so I has a free thinker UNlike yourself do NOT like him anymore... Now IF nASSri or Aoun changed would you still like them???
Go adjust your FACTS on political changes mr fact.
PLUS I'm sure all the mourners knew he was coming... NOOOOT... Ohhhh did you see how they bloodied his nose... Like Hizbshitan supporters would ... Actually if it was a Hizbshitan situation he would have been easily mascered by those thugs.

Look Mr Fact... your right! about one thing, I have no right to Judge him, of course he prays but islam is prayer + been a good boy and girl... he befriended the Devil ... AKA HIzbshitan and met with the Tyrant's Syrian's representative ... he and his son have this great reputation of splurging money some people say he stole ...(but Hey I'm Not going to Accuse him of that)... at the same time his muslim brothers in the country are starving... You know that he spent just $30,000 on his house kitchen!!! If he has businesses and he's making a lot of money well good for him... I don't like him anymore, i don't trust him anymore... NOR do i trust M14 people anymore BUT on a scale of corruption with M14 on one side and M8 on the other... M8 will totally not only out weigh the M14 but I think they'd accidentally catapult M14 into high earth orbit!
Proof! this country ever since M8 took it has been at its best in corruption.
OH and even though I'm Canadian I LIVE HERE and i SEEEEEE.

In Islam we pray directly to Allah (all mighty)
If a religious figure betrays his duty to Allah by aligning him self with EVIL then the people have every right not to respect him anymore...
Unlike any other religion, Islam (not shia) mufti or sheik is suppose to be a teacher of the faith ... He is still a man like other men... When he is good at what he does he will be respected and loved by the people and by Allah (all mighty) if he is wicked and uses his knowlage to sell ... We'll you get my drift right?

In Islam we pray directly to Allah (all mighty)
If a religious figure betrays his duty to Allah by aligning him self with EVIL then the people have every right not to respect him anymore...
Unlike any other religion, Islam (not shia) mufti or sheik is suppose to be a teacher of the faith ... He is still a man like other men... When he is good at what he does he will be respected and loved by the people and by Allah (all mighty) if he is wicked and uses his knowlage to sell ... We'll you get my drift right?

Grand Mufti ... Superiority ??? In Islam we don't Raise them to higher levels over other men... If you raise a man like you say then you creat sheirk. example the Shia do (not to be disrespectful but it's true). Oh Shia brothers come back to Islam... Truth is clear from error.
... La i Allah illila allah... Mohamad Rasoulil Allah.

I don't claim to speak for all Sunnis, but the vast majority who I know in Lebanon and abroad don't support anyone, including religious leaders, who support the proliferation of weapons, militia, and occupation forces of the Syrian regime or their Lebanese traitor proxies.
As for your comment FT about opposing people we disagree with, you re right. We oppose openly and directly, whereas your employers and masters plot and plan and assassinate.

Look Mr Fact... your right! about one thing, I have no right to Judge him, of course he prays but islam is prayer + been a good boy and girl... he befriended the Devil ... AKA HIzbshitan and met with the Tyrant's Syrian's representative ... he and his son have this great reputation of splurging money some people say he stole ...(but Hey I'm Not going to Accuse him of that)... at the same time his muslim brothers in the country are starving... You know that he spent just $30,000 on his house kitchen!!! If he has businesses and he's making a lot of money well good for him... I don't like him anymore, i don't trust him anymore... NOR do i trust M14 people anymore BUT on a scale of corruption with M14 on one side and M8 on the other... M8 will totally not only out weigh the M14 but I think they'd accidentally catapult M14 into high earth orbit!
Proof! this country ever since M8 took it has been at its best in corruption.
OH and even though I'm Canadian I LIVE HERE and i SEEEEEE.