Army Arrests Abdullah Azzam Brigades Chief
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Army Intelligence recently arrested a suspect wanted by Saudi Arabia and a member of al-Nusra Front in Syria, reported LBCI television on Tuesday.
It said that Majed al-Majed was arrested about a week ago in Beirut.
He is wanted by Saudi Arabia for being affiliated with al-Qaida.
Authorities are awaiting the results of DNAs tests to verify Majed's identity, reported OTV.
The suspect had headed about a month ago to Syria where he pledged his allegiance to al-Nusra Front chief Abu Mohammed al-Joulani.
Majed is also the head of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades in the Levant and he is wanted by the United States on terrorism charges.
News reports had previously said that Majed was leading a campaign in Lebanon aimed at pressuring Hizbullah to withdraw its fighters from Syria.
He may have been involved in the bombings that targeted the Iranian embassy in Beirut's Bir Hassan neighborhood on November 19.
The Abdullah Azzam Brigades had claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was aimed at pressuring Hizbullah to withdraw its fighters from Syria.
Majed was residing in the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain el-Hilweh before leaving to Syria and he was reportedly responsible for a takfiri network that was planning attacks against the army in 2012.

Saudi Arabia financed this guy to begin with, thats what happens when the dogs turns on his master.

Lol u guys are serious??
This guy was fighting against ha, he's with nusra! You're mad that he was caught? Or you're mad that the army got 3bl??
Your hypocrisy amazes me!

@Mystic : When you say a stupid and baseless statement like "Saudi Arabia financed this guy", back it with proof or shut up.
He's wanted by SA on charges of terrorism and links to Al-Qaeda. They finance the guy and want to arrest him at the same time ?
Your takfiris are a SYRIAN Government invention imported to sabotage a legitimate opposition to the regime!

good news: one less terrorist to worry about for the new year.

Are you kidding me. They're the ones funding him. They'll take him back on the premise that they want to rehabilitate him and then redeploy him somewhere in the world to cause a terrorist act. That's what the Saudis do. They fund terrorism abroad so that the terrorists are busy and don't bother them at home.

You've noticed the gcc, and Israel for that matter, are usually left by the jihadists? And the jihadists are usually from the gulf. I think it makes sense that they would finance them to keep them away from their homeland.

Very good news indeed...but the blind Hizb supports will see it as a KSA conspiracy....Takferis = Hizbeez, both must be eleiminated...

why would they think this way?(although they already voted me down 3 times!)
it is not the ISF who caught the guy, rather their army intelligence!
they do not trust the army intelligence anymore?
hizbushaitan and their cronies are so lost these days. they look like a dog chasing its tail :)
Happy New year to all.

Texas, how many lines of bs can you put in one post, to make it seem like you have a point? You don't and all media & leaks now reveals that Saudi Arabia is the main financer of Al Nusra & ISIS (Al Qaeda)

Their only mistake is, that they forget that Takfiris can't be controlled, they will always turn on their masters in the end.

It's more then likely that Hezb caught this guy and then handed him over to army intelligence.
Cedre - were you not calling the army a Hezb Iranian army the other day?

M8ers stupid logic = Majed, ben laden are terrorists thus all saudis are terrorists
why don't they also say to stick to their logic =
assir is a terrorist so all lebanese are terrorists!

they are simplistic. do not forget where they come from :)
this is too difficult for them to understand.
they cannot understand that for us Lebanese each terrorist arrested or killed is good for us.
their simplistic way of thinking is that any terrorist other than hizbushaitan is therefore associated with their enemies. they are the only ones allowed to bomb and kill.
whereas for us: all terrorists are terrorists.

This guy wasen't in Syria? Second, i have seen takfiris also condemning the hand that feeds them, because they know Saudi Arabia is an open ally of the US and Israel, whenever the Al Qaeda turns against their masters, this happens, i gave you the same answer as above. How am i hanging on my own words then? Did i ever call you a traitor because you are against my views? Nah i'm not the hothead barbecue American texas.

$3B for the LAF ......... HA supporters complains
Shooting at warplanes dropping bombs in Lebanon ...... HA supporters complains
LAF arrests a takfiri ........ HA supporters complain
They hide HA members accused of crimes against the State, civilians or Politicians
I am so touched but they overwhelming support for our LAF and Lebanon's sovereignty

Maybe it has to do with the way the article is written - this is the guy who was accused of the Iranian embassy bombing. Clearly he would be wanted by Lebanon, Iran and Hezbollah. This article makes it seem as though he has committed a crime in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis fund this douche bag and thousands more like him.

We will be celebrating New Years with the likes of Fayrouz and Julia Boutros. Enjoy your New Years Texas, who knows maybe Fadel Shaker will come out and sing you a song

Why are you accusing Mustqbal to harbor Quaeda terrorists? Just to have a good excuse for your support of terrorist hizbullah? There is no evidence whatsoever that Mustqbal supports Quaeda. On the contrary Mustqbal and m15 have always condemned and distance themselves if the extremist Islamists.

You do understand that Islam forbids partying, boozing, etc. it' has more to do with following Islamic beliefs then following the orders of Iran. You should also keep in mind that many Hezb members follow the teachings of sayyed Fadlallah. BTW I can tell you first hand that Hezb does not force Niqab on any women - I have female cousins who live in the day7ieh who dress as they wish. Nothing is imposed on them. Your spreading lies and propaganda

Yes! Excellent news! God bless the Lebanese Army! Extract ANY and ALL information out of him!

Yep, Israel and Saudi including the west, sponsored these terrorists, that will attack them later, just as what happend with Taliban. CIA sponsored them against the Soviets, and look what happens now.

Any body who doesn't think that all secret services including Saudi , Syrian , Egyptian , Iranian , Israeli , American , Russian and Jordanian work together is a fool wing taken for a ride .
They all have 1 common enemy , Islam .
And we are currently doing there dirty work and wiping out our own best fighters , including ones amongst the ranks of Hezbollah and Alqaida .
It's a scam.

The Saudis (i.e. Bandar Bin Fashlan & his fractional-brothers of Al Fashlan) kill (sacrifice, more like it, as they did before through their agents when they barbecued the Big Pig) one of them, Shatah, to cause strife (fashar bi ra2ebton, God willing, but then who knows with the filthy despicable grave dancers and big-time losers of Farts 14 and Sanni First) and then hand over another one of them, al-Majed, on a silver plate to fool the idiots by showing what fierce fighters of terror they are (they do take the vast majority of people for idiots!). Seriously fighters of terror? takbir

Yea good point... And it will only get better after ha is integrated.

Southern ur an idiot. And if 3 billion was his price, I hope we catch one everyday. I can't wait till every sect is forced to abide by the laws equally!

Hahaha are u guys retarded?! This guy is linked to the Iranian embassy bombing, and ur still not happy???? He was trying to kill ur side, the army caught him, and ur mad?? Lool should he be let free in ur opinions?

Like when Assad sent fatah Islam to Lebanon, then the jihadists bit their master...
Anyway, of course ksa/gcc funds the Sunni jihadists, just like how Iran funds the Shia jihadists. But that's not the point. I just don't understand why u wouldn't be happy over this news... One of ur enemies was captured... But by the army, not ha...
Maybe u guys are mad cause times are beginning to change?

I hope he's extradited ASAP... Before his friends get a chance to break him out. Roumieh has more holes than Swiss cheese.

They might arrest all of these once you stop being an idiot, which means... well... umm... duh... never?

It won't always be like that. At least they're actually accusing the suspects publicly, as soon as the state is strong enough we'll have equal justice.

Use him to release the archbishops that his militia kidnapped in bilad al sham.

this type of terrorists should never be freed for any reason.
all terrorists should be either imprisoned or eradicated starting with hizbushaitan.

Not mad no, but it is an ironic episode. Especially when it says Saudi Arabia ordered it, sounds like the army took orders from Saudi which is wrong.

Nassy with Muhammed Baqir al-Sadr in Najaf in the good old days

Two losses for Farts 14 and Sanni First in one week? What a shock for the takfiris.

sagh is "Santa" the name of the village that you come from in Latakia?