Israeli Soldiers Cross Blue Line at Mais al-Jabal

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Israeli troops crossed on Wednesday the Blue Line border in southern Lebanon, announced the Army Command in a statement.

It said that at 7:22 am on Wednesday, eight soldiers crossed the Blue Line at the Mais al-Jabal region and walked 20 meters into Lebanese territory.

Lebanese army units in the area took the necessary defensive positions to confront the soldiers.

The Israeli unit however returned to the occupied territories at 8:03 am.

Earlier on Wednesday, the National News Agency said that a number of Israeli troops had crossed the technical border fence with Lebanon near the Wadi Qatmoun region.

They then deployed near the Blue Line near the town of Rmeish in the Bint Jbeil district.

On Monday, Israeli forces carried out road work near the southern town.

An Israeli unit had created a makeshift road in the Khillet al-Qatmoun area near Rmeish.

The operation took place within the technical fence along the border, as well as within Lebanese territory.

Tensions were recently high along the Lebanese-Israeli border after an Israeli soldier was shot and killed by a Lebanese soldier on December 15.

The Lebanese army announced that the soldier had acted on his own.

It marked the first time in three years that an Israeli soldier was killed in a cross-border shooting.

Comments 31
Thumb _mowaten_ 15 January 2014, 11:13

we need more snipers

Thumb _mowaten_ 15 January 2014, 11:16

this is at least the second time they cross the border in one week. and we're not talking technical fence or whatnot, we're talking enemy troops in full combat equipment actually crossing the border.
we will never have peace as long as we have animals like them as neighbors, who worship mass murderers like sharon.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15 January 2014, 11:36

they want us to think israel would be oh so nice if we disarm. the "take your pants down and hope they use vaseline logic" ;)

Thumb zahle1 15 January 2014, 14:27

I think it is silly to pretend Israel does not want to control us, does not want our land and that these massacres like Qana did not take place or was retalation or deserved.... I think we need a strong unified Lebanese Army. I understand that our army cannot stand up to Israel as is. But why is that? What if HA and the large southern contingent of our population were to join the LAF? Why shouldn't the LAF have drones and missles...? If we are unified they will respect us. And if we could control the Palestinians and other takfiri from lobbing things over the fence, we would be in a much better position. I am anti zionism, but cannot support a long term military build up of a single sect.

Default-user-icon Barborosa (Guest) 15 January 2014, 15:21

The Soviet communist Zion of Israel is to blame for every think in Middle East after flooding their neighbors streets with unwanted citizens non-Jewish Israeli refugees creating poverty, terrorism and on top of that they have spy networks, nuclear programs, assassins and air space violation.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15 January 2014, 15:54

zahle: could the army absorb tens of thousands, perhaps over a hundred thousand hezbollah fighters? pay them salaries, equip them, build barracks for them? most of them as resistance fighters do not earn salaries, and live their daily lives as normal citizens, working, studying etc.. but if they were to join the army, they would have to quit their jobs and join in full time.
not to mention the reaction of lebanese politicians, if the army more than doubled its size, with members of only one sect. they would start pulling their hairs out about sectarian quotas.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15 January 2014, 15:57

also, if this was done and a traitor in power (for the sake of the debate, let's not name names) decided to let israel take over the south, what will the southerners be able to do? what guarantee do they have? who is to say that political games wont paralyze the government and therefore army if israel invaded?

what you dont understand is that most people in the resistance lived under israeli occupation. while the rest of lebanon lived normally without even noticing the south, they endured oppression, torture, killings, arrests, and all sorts of humiliations. they took decades to build a power to liberate and protect them from that, and believe me, they'd rather die then take any chance of going back to it.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15 January 2014, 16:01

so, unless they are given bullet-proof, water-tight guarantees, dont even dream of HA disarming.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15 January 2014, 16:04

and as long as m14 politicians spend more time giving advice to israel than sitting down with hezbollah to discuss a national defense strategy, it's not going in the right direction.

Thumb Mystic 15 January 2014, 17:46

Proves Israel again, got no respect for international law, and UN blue lines.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15 January 2014, 19:08

yes samy, i'm sure it makes perfect sense for you to get paid in shekels.

Missing greatpierro 15 January 2014, 22:01

I think the animal it is you.

Missing greatpierro 15 January 2014, 22:04

the Qana massacre was a hideous error and Israel recognized this. Now, every day since nearly three years your beloved syrian regime is making massacres using all sort of weapons not to mention lethal chemical weapons against its population. But this does not disturb you at all.

Thumb zahle1 16 January 2014, 01:09


What a great problem to have? A multitude of citizens who want to join the army. Yes I do believe that we can equip those soldiers and build barracks. There is a cost, but it is not cost prohibitive. Besides if there was no more HA arms, than the economy would improve. The current HA militants would have to make a choice between their job and the army absolutely. That is how it is supposed to be. I am not afraid of one sect being predominant in numbers over another because the army would be united under a neutral leadership.

Thumb zahle1 16 January 2014, 01:09

Nobody wants Israel in Lebanon, especially if Syrian agents are out of Lebanon. Let's not pretend that certain sects did not benefit under Syrian occupation, similar to Israeli occupation of the south. The sooner we can agree on these facts, the faster we can unite, heel and move on. I have lots of friends from Rmeish, Ain Ibl and Bint Jebail and even Barachit, Christian and Shiite. And I know Israel did all of these things to my countrymen, but I can tell you that Syria did the same things further north.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15 January 2014, 16:14

they did, for a few days, then they realized their mistake. the difference with others is that almost half a century later they haven't yet realized lol.

Thumb kanaanljdid 15 January 2014, 17:35

Ok, nothing happened and nothing bad will never happen unless Hizbulshaytan decide to lead us to a new useless war. In the meantime, Lebanese are killing and abducted at the Syrian border.

Thumb kanaanljdid 15 January 2014, 17:36

are killed*

Thumb IndependentThinker 15 January 2014, 18:12

Any one who thinks that the war path is the right choice is totally out of their mind. Israel could destroy lebanon in a few days if they wanted to, and we will only have hezb to blame for.

If there's no Hezb, there is no risk from the Israeli border. It's that simple. If you want to solve the Palestinian issue, go solve it from somewhere else than from Lebanon.

Thumb IndependentThinker 15 January 2014, 19:26

sorry, wrong to your argument! go back to history, and a) Israel and Lebanon were living in peace prior to 1975, b) Lebanon and Israel almost had a more in-depth peace treaty during the civil war, but it was thwarted by Syria twice.

We can deal with Israel as a united nation, not by being led by Hezbollah, or by military strength. They are laughing at us right now because we're in a status quo. What does Hezb want to do with their arms and power? Either use them, and they will get destroyed and destroy Lebanon, or get off the pot, and let the peaceful Lebanese deal with Israel. We can do it without Hezbollah. We have sat down with Israel in the past.

Thumb IndependentThinker 15 January 2014, 19:32

So what? What's a space violation. They are at war with Syria.

We can live in peace with all our neighbors if there is war or weird ideology behind it.

Dealing with Israel is not an M14 fabrication. We have been at peace with Israel prior to 1975 with no issues. Economic power and strength is what wins the future, not arms. Hezbollah is the one that is totally delusional. What good has come from Hezb for Lebanon? Nothing but trouble as I see it. They keep wanting greater political powers and they keep killing our smart activists/intellectuals/politicians with the help of Syria. That is weakening Lebanon more than Israel's actions.

Thumb IndependentThinker 15 January 2014, 19:33

"We can live in peace with all our neighbors if there is no weird ideology behind it."

Missing VINCENT 16 January 2014, 00:08

Absolutely right on! The Palestinians were and still are the original sin, and Lebanon has no business in participating to find a solution of their faith or put their burden on our shoulders. It is time to demand their exodus from Lebanon so other capable and oil rich nations deal with their predicament.

Thumb IndependentThinker 15 January 2014, 19:36

It was 7:22am? Maybe they wanted a manouche or knefe?

Thumb -phoenix1 15 January 2014, 20:20

Well, I wonder if it was our army that did the same thing, would it come to pass peacefully? Wouldn't the Israelis make all the wrong noises because of that? Twice in a week now, it smells the rat as far as I know.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15 January 2014, 20:46

yes, maybe. and maybe you're a political genius too.

Missing VINCENT 16 January 2014, 00:15

When things do not make an sense to the average man and/or the public at large that is because it is serving someone's and/or a small group's personal/hidden agenda. And a portion of the remainders jump into conclusions based on conspiracy theories or wishful thinking and make useless arguments on this site.

Missing VINCENT 16 January 2014, 00:16

Having said that, I'd support a strong and united Army to deal with such incidents.

Default-user-icon CanAm (Guest) 16 January 2014, 08:11

I love you guys. I started reading the comments and noticed they were all for "hate the Zionists". Then some smart people jumped in and it makes my comments easier.
To the commentators who actually uses facts, thank you.
To those who make up history as you go along...let thee be warned...I only comment on factual and stupid. So, Mowaten, Sourthern, Mystic and Zahle...I'm coming!
Baby Step 1). Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, US, France, Brits, Italy etc... are your friends. Take a few minutes if needed.
Baby Step 2). Syria, Iran and the Palestinian issue are your enemies. Again, take a few minutes if needed.
I am for a safe and secure Israel. They deserve it. I feel the same way about Lebanon.
I'm here to stay on Narharnet, Ya Libyan, Daily Star and other news sites until you have a Lebanese State. Last thing: You're Parliament sucks!
Peace be with Israel & Lebanon.

Thumb zahle1 16 January 2014, 19:27

CanAm, you are more than welcome. I respect everyone on here and do not engage in name calling, or condescending tone. I am not sure where you got the quote "hate the Zionists". I feel there is a difference between a Jew and a Zionist. I feel Israel has a right to exist as long as it has mutual respect for its neighbors. Not annexing new Lebanese land, Syrian land, or expanding settlements... They should not challenge us in our Lebanese waters, they should not try to steal our inland streams/water... Yes they have a right to live here, they have always lived here. They should live safe. However, they need to respect our borders, our natural resources. There is no need to bring thousands of settlers from all over Russia...take Palestinian land, and expand settlements for foreigners from Russia because they are Jewish. This is Zionism. Many jews are against this.

Thumb zahle1 16 January 2014, 19:27

So most, not all of us want to live in peace with Jews and Israel, but are against Zionism. But please do not quote us as saying "hate". So please take a few minutes if needed.