Kerry Urges Egypt to Implement Rights, Hails Syria Opposition's 'Courageous' Decision

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The United States Saturday called on Egypt to fully implement the rights guaranteed under its newly approved constitution.

Egyptian voters approved the constitution by more than 98 percent in a referendum result that the government hailed as a popular endorsement of the army's overthrow of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry cautioned in a statement, however, that "it's not one vote that determines a democracy."

He added "it's what comes next that will shape Egypt's political, economic and social framework for generations.

"As Egypt's transition proceeds, the United States urges the interim Egyptian government to fully implement those rights and freedoms that are guaranteed in the new constitution for the benefit of the Egyptian people, and to take steps towards reconciliation," he said.

"The brave Egyptians who stood vigil in Tahrir Square did not risk their lives in a revolution to see its historic potential squandered in the transition," Kerry said, adding that Egyptian leaders must "make difficult compromises and seek a broad consensus on many divisive issues."

Meanwhile, Kerry also praised a decision by Syria's opposition leaders to attend an international conference that aims to bring an end to the war there.

"This is a courageous vote in the interests of all the Syrian people who have suffered so horribly under the brutality of the (Bashar) Assad regime and a civil war without end," Kerry said in a statement, calling the opposition decision to attend the Geneva II meeting "a path that will ultimately lead to a better future for all Syrians."

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