Cabinet Formation Enters Last Stage Despite Aoun's Rejection of Latest Offer

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A two-hour meeting held between President Michel Suleiman and Premier-designate Tammam Salam on Monday signaled that the formation of the new government was imminent despite the alleged insistence of the Free Patriotic Movement to hold onto the energy and telecommunications portfolios.

Suleiman and Salam discussed the ministerial portfolios and ways to choose the names of new ministers in a 24-member cabinet based on the 8-8-8 formula, media reports said Tuesday.

Free Patriotic Movement officials told An Nahar daily that FPM leader Michel Aoun was still awaiting a response from Salam on several questions that caretaker Energy Minister Jebran Bassil had raised during their meeting on Sunday.

But An Nahar said that the premier-designate was the person waiting for the response of the FPM on a proposal that he had made to give it the foreign ministry and eduction portfolios in the new cabinet.

Aoun is expected to make his stance clear during a press conference he will hold following the weekly meeting of his Change and Reform bloc in Rabieh.

FPM sources told al-Joumhouria newspaper that the FPM's stance is clear. They began raising doubt whether Salam wanted to form a government or not.

Aoun's insistence to keep the energy portfolio, which is held by Bassil – his son-in-law – in the resigned government of Premier Najib Miqati has been blamed on the cabinet standstill after the rest of the rival factions struck a deal to give the March 8 and 14 alliances and centrists eight ministers each in a government based on the rotation of portfolios among sects.

As Safir newspaper said that Speaker Nabih Berri, who had played a major role in striking the agreement, has decided to distance himself from the latest crisis.

But Berri is not likely to approve a cabinet in which not all factions that were included in the deal are not represented.

As for Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat, whose share in the government is part of the eight ministers that the centrists would get, has abided by the statement of “no comment.”

His envoy caretaker Social Affairs Minister Wael Abou Faour met with Suleiman on Monday.

He told Hizbullah's al-Manar TV that an all-embracing government would be formed along with the FPM ministers and despite a lack of blessing from Aoun if the last-minute mediation efforts fail.

Comments 26
Thumb ice-man 04 February 2014, 08:21

Flamethrowr: There is no excuse for you to insult the President and the PM designate simply because you disagree with them. Insults will lead you nowhere and if anything go to show your inability to hold a civil and mature debate. I am so disappointed in your online behavior:(

Thumb general_puppet 04 February 2014, 10:23

Mr. Flimflam, Mr. Snore & the Lunatic Aoun are always insulting the president, it is pure envy.

Thumb lebanon_first 04 February 2014, 08:40

Check link above. Positive analysis

Missing un520 04 February 2014, 08:43

I am with Aoun on this one. The road to nowhere is the constant change of ministers. Like it or not, more has happened on the petroleum-file during Bassils tenure than during the past 30 years combined. Why change a winning team? Oh, I forgot, to make them look like loosers, of course. FPM success is a threat to most other parties.

Thumb general_puppet 04 February 2014, 10:19

"during the past 30 years"… un520, don't you think you are stretching that a little thin? Just when exactly do you think the fields were discovered?

Missing un520 04 February 2014, 16:37

Yes, I agree. Ironically we can thank Hizbollahs (crazy) war against Isreal in 2006 for that. After the war several countries offered help, and PGS seismic company identified the interesting structures and reservoirs that attract some interest from oil companies today.

Thumb cedars2 04 February 2014, 11:15

The success that FPM are crowing about (electricity 24 hours) is costing us several more times than it should. There were several solutions regarding electricity, the owner of the successful Zahle electricity had a solution for all of Lebanon and within four months. Why didnt they listen to him. This was 4 years ago. How much money have we lost because of the electricity fiasco within these 4 years. If you could buy something for 90% less than whats on offer what would you choose? Have you seen the smog those ships are generating?

Thumb cedars2 04 February 2014, 13:41

Sure solar, gas powered, hydro powered, renewable source powered, they all need to be used. These power cuts and the diesel generators are a huge environmental problem that needs to be addressed ASAP.

Thumb cedars2 05 February 2014, 06:22

Well good for you FT im happy that you feel paying less for the "generator" is an achievement. I will repeat and S L O W L Y so you can catch up, this electricity issue couldve been solved years ago and you wouldnt need to pay anything for electricity anymore because you probably stole a line from the main supply anyway. I am saying that the electricity issue could have cost a fraction of what it's costing us now to be fixed baadine you dont need to be a rocket scientist to provide 24 hour electricity, they have that in Bangladesh.

Thumb cedars2 05 February 2014, 06:25

Baadine shoo am bit fashikh alayih 15 amp? Inti max 5 amp thats if you have an ishtirak. :)

Missing un520 04 February 2014, 16:26

Regarding spelling: Sorry, but I posted this almost before my eyes had opened this morning, but I guess that you got my meaning, right? I know its tempting to take the man if you can`t take the man, but please try to avoid falling into that trap.
Did what you say? Well I live in a country where a big oil company submitted their bid for licence to drill. They are ready to invest and create job opportunities in Lebanon like they have done in other countries where they operate. However, this constant change of regime at the oil ministrycreates uncertainty, which again turn their attention away from Lebanon.

Default-user-icon dddd (Guest) 04 February 2014, 08:46

how much aoun must hate General/President Sleiman for ignoring him and of course for being president.

Missing canadianadam 04 February 2014, 08:52

I wouldn't expect anything else from FT. Like master like servant.

Thumb Mazen 04 February 2014, 08:52

Message from Bashar to Suleiman, Salam and the Lebanese people

Feb 4
رفعت عيد : واهم من ينتظر حكومة جديدة أو انتخابات رئاسية قبل خروج سوريا من أزمتها

Thumb EagleDawn 04 February 2014, 09:03

This outlaw must be brought to justice asap.

Thumb EagleDawn 04 February 2014, 08:59

coz someone famous reported you:)

Default-user-icon Reason (Guest) 04 February 2014, 09:50

If Suleiman and Salam take the Telecom and Energy ministries from the FPM, they better give them the finance ministry.

Let's not forget who held the finance ministry for 10+ years and vowed never to give it up. Ironically they are the same people who are accusing the FPM to holding on to a ministry.

As soon as there's progress in the Telecom + Energy, they want to take it from the FPM. This is so stupid.

I'm not a big fan of the FPM, but you have to give credit where credit is due.

Thumb ice-man 04 February 2014, 11:29

"I'm not a big fan of the FPM, but you have to give credit where credit is due."

@Reason: I have no "reason" to doubt you are not a big fan of the FPM. We need "reasonable" people like you on this forum as members rather than just honored guests. I urge you to log on with your usual screen name and contribute to the debate.

Thumb general_puppet 04 February 2014, 10:06

Just go ahead and form it, enough talk do something do anything at this point. If the Lunatic Aoun doesn't want to accept the terms, then so be it.

Default-user-icon Hanoun (Guest) 04 February 2014, 11:57

10 month and still no government what a strong constitution we have ?
repeat since the problem is religion , and taef need to be amended , politically our Christian president has no power
the best thing to do is moudawara
president :massihi - sunni chii3i
prime minister :sunni -chii3i-massihi
president of parliament :chii3i massihi sunni

president of parliament :

Thumb ex-fpm 04 February 2014, 12:36

It will be interesting to see HA and Aoun's reactions to the proposed lineup. Soon, will see who cares about this country or whatever is left of it.

Thumb FlameCatcher 04 February 2014, 12:46

Even if you give Claoun what he wants, he will ask for something else. His only purpose is to block the formation of a government.

Missing petal 04 February 2014, 15:04

love the movie analogy Lebforever - LOL

Thumb eli-g 04 February 2014, 20:35

mihlit the 10 days has been over for few weeks now. Do it. Just do it. Form the cabinet already. Matetraja3 be kilimtak Mr. President.

Missing peace 04 February 2014, 22:04

your aoun girl is part of an all M8 cabinet ... therfore he shares the responsibilities of the current situation... if not, then you should resign! LOL

Default-user-icon Kieran (Guest) 06 February 2014, 23:25

I am genuinely gld tο glance at tҺіs website posts ѡhich includes lots oof valuable data, hanks fοr provfiding tҺese data.