Qaouq: We Reject Any Policy Statement that Satisfies Israel

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Deputy head of Hizbullah's Executive Council Sheikh Nabil Qaouq on Sunday stressed that the party will “reject any ministerial policy statement that would satisfy Israel.”

“We reject any ministerial policy statement that would satisfy Israel because we don't want to give up the reason behind Lebanon's strength, which is the resistance,” Qaouq said during a memorial service in the southern town of Houla.

“We are ready to bear all forms of insults and incitement because the issue is not related to a certain party, movement, region or sect, but rather to the country's dignity,” he added.

“We will not impose dignity on those who don't want it, but we won't allow that Lebanon's strength be given up in the face of Israeli threats,” the top Hizbullah official said.

He noted that “the resistance's strength, its growing capabilities and its decision's courage are what deterring Israel from taking advantage of the Syrian crisis to carry out an aggression against Lebanon, not the statements of the March 14 camp.”

“The only thing that has humiliated and insulted the Israeli army since 1948 until today is the resistance and not anything else, as who can guarantee Israel's intentions against Lebanon should we give up Lebanon's strength and the resistance?” Qaouq added.

He pointed out that the resistance did not ask the government for “any political cover for its role in Syria, but rather for a strong national stance in the face of Israel.”

“The policy statement must represent a message of strength, invincibility, potency and pride for the country against all takfiri and Israeli threats and must not represent a message of reassurance to Israel,” Qaouq underlined.

“Our stance is clear following the provocations, statements and media and political tensions that happened. Those who support the resistance will gain more dignity, pride and honor and those who don't want to support it will only gain further repentance while those who want to target it will only gain further disappointment,” he emphasized.

“We are not people who would give up a single iota of the resistance's dignity or who would allow an attack on any of its letters,” Qaouq pledged.

On Saturday, Hizbullah and President Michel Suleiman were at loggerheads over the president's recent statement concerning the cabinet's policy statement.

Suleiman said Friday that the land, people and common values formed the country's “permanent equation,” describing the people-army-resistance equation as “wooden” or outdated.

Hizbullah was quick to hit back at Suleiman, accusing him on Saturday of not being able to differentiate between “what's golden and what's wooden.”

On Friday, the committee drafting the ministerial policy statement failed anew to reach an agreement on the clause related to resisting Israel as the March 14 forces insisted on “the state's authority over everything.”

The committee's meeting was the seventh since Prime Minister Tammam Salam's cabinet was formed around two weeks ago.

The panel will hold a new session at the Grand Serail on Monday.

Salam has announced that his government's mission is combating terrorism and preparing for the upcoming presidential election.

Comments 43
Missing un520 02 March 2014, 18:41

For my part the policy statement can be something like: "Our army will deal with any invaders, be it Israel or any other enemy"
This will not please Israel, and it will emphasize the lebanese unity and common goal.

Thumb nadine 02 March 2014, 20:49

I really do not wish to be in the shoes of Hiz-ballah. Fighting Israel on one side and the backwardness of some people on the other side. What is funny that the same people who are explicitly dealing with Israel and urging Israel to eliminate Hiz-ballah, are accusing Hiz-ballah of being an Israeli.

Missing VINCENT 02 March 2014, 23:09

You lost me.

Thumb _mowaten_ 03 March 2014, 12:15

lol if you guys didnt understand nadine's comment i suggest you donate your brains to science, as it would help the study of mental deficiencies.

Thumb geha 02 March 2014, 18:48

the free Lebanese people reject you and your hizbushaitan.
we reject the fact you are imposing yourself on us.
we reject your existence.

Missing beirutbastard00 02 March 2014, 19:12

how long can we live like this?

Thumb geha 02 March 2014, 19:18

by the looks of things, either Russia backs down or we are heading to a global show down. the next few days will decide what will happen in the world.

Thumb _mowaten_ 03 March 2014, 12:16

russia doesnt back down, neither does HA, nor bashar. the backing down is your specialty.

Thumb kanaanljdid 02 March 2014, 19:59

Not long. For them, Lebanon is just a battle playground, to advance their khomeinist goals. They don't give a damn about social justice and education or developpment in Lebanon.

Thumb ice-man 02 March 2014, 19:17

yes, what do you expect:)

Missing helicopter 02 March 2014, 19:20

I looked in his eyes and I saw the devil.
Qaouq: We Reject Any Policy Statement that Satisfies Israel ...........
Go ahead devil, keep on using Israel as the boogy man to establish your hegemony over Lebanon - Suleiman is the Jewel and U R the devil.

Thumb Mystic 02 March 2014, 20:24

You have alot of wishes i see, just like you said The resistance would be crushed in Qusayr. Not likely to happend benzona, your brothers are being turned to ashes, and there is nothing you or your salafi brothers can do about it.

Missing phillipo 02 March 2014, 19:27

Excuse me, but wasn't it Hizballah head who stated a few years ago that the only reason they keep their arms is that Israel is on Lebanese territory.
Now it isn't, and still they keep their arms, and threaten the government of Lebanon not to say anything that can be thought of as acceptable to Israel.
So who are the bad guys here, HA, the Government of Lebanon, the Government of Israel?

Thumb general_puppet 03 March 2014, 00:44

Let me guess Nasrallah himself will jump out of his hole in the ground, land in the middle of Jerusalem and wipe out the Evil Israeli Zionist. Then he will Proclaim Jerusalem as the new southern tip of the Iranian Crescent.

Thumb _mowaten_ 03 March 2014, 12:19

no philipo, HA didnt say that, it said the reason was the israeli threat, not just the presence (would be a little too easy if all they needed to do was reatreat, wait for HA to disarm, and come back in, wouldnt it?)
and israel is still occupying several areas in south lebanon. we're not giving up an inch, you better be sure of that.

Missing phillipo 03 March 2014, 13:40

"israel is still occupying several areas in south lebanon"
Where exactly. Even the UN has categorically stated that Israeli is not occupying a single square centimetre of Lebanese territory.

Thumb _mowaten_ 03 March 2014, 17:09

lol at your silly israeli propaganda.

"UN cartographer handling the matter in recent months has determined that the area is indeed Lebanese. The officials added that Syria and Lebanon also agree that the area is Lebanese. Therefore, the UN has said there is no reason for Israel not to relinquish control over the area. "

choke on it.

Thumb ice-man 02 March 2014, 19:38

you said you never post on weekends?

Thumb general_puppet 02 March 2014, 23:56

ibinharethreik, the snore was punishing us. Thank goodness we were only deprived of his presence for 2 weeks… I personally was sooooo Sad!!! I think the first time I heard him sing that song was when he threaten to go away unless we stopped making fun of the Lunatic Aoun

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 02 March 2014, 20:44

What dignity is he speaking of? How delusional do you have to be to believe all your acts of terrorism are dignified. What a joke!

Thumb general_puppet 02 March 2014, 20:44

"so there might be a time, when rockets from Syrian territory will be fired upon the zionist country"…. that is the funniest thing you ever said Mystic, I think some of Assad's boot polish is making you delusional. The Assad clan has not even blow their nose In Israel's direction for 30 years and you have the nerve to post this BS… now that is proof of desperation.

Thumb Mystic 02 March 2014, 21:04

Not desperation, but realism. Time will tell Mr. puppet

Thumb Mystic 02 March 2014, 23:57

General of Naharnet huh? That figures, for the record, Syria has supported Resistance against Israel for years. So whatever you are saying about them not fighting Israel, is another simple lie.

Thumb general_puppet 03 March 2014, 00:28

I said General Puppet, you should be happy I am paying tribute to your beloved Aoun.

"Syria has supported Resistance against Israel for years"… The Assad's and the Ayatollah's are the greatest Resistance Talkers of all time. They get their Axis stooges in Lebanon to do their dirty work so that Lebanon pays the price.

Let me put it clearly to you, the Israelis have been attacking the Assad regime since 2007 and the only respond from The New Lion of Damascus was more talk…

Thumb Mystic 03 March 2014, 00:37

So tell me zionist puppet, how come your beloved Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Al Qaeda, etc. Never fired a single bullet themselves at Israel? Another lie, Mr. zionist puppet, Israel actually send the takfiris to Syria, to destabilise that country. Because they knew along with the US and Saudi that, it might weaken Hezbollah, which is another blow to them, they thought Assad would be gone within a few months, but it never happend.

Now what are you afraid of? Lebanon paying what price? You do not even live here. The majority Lebanese support their Resistance, whether you like it or not.

Thumb general_puppet 03 March 2014, 02:06

Mystic, I don't care about Saudi Arabia or Turkey, you are the one always praising Syria and Iran. As far as Al Qaeda goes they are terrorist killers that should be wiped out. You on the other hand condemn one type of jihadist and praise another.

Why are you changing the subject we were talking about the Great Resisters from the Glorious Axis, specifically the Assad clans gutless lack of Resistance.

"Israel actually send the takfiris to Syria"… Mystic everyone knows that the Cannibal takfiris in Syria are a branch of the Israeli Mossad, they are protecting Zionist holy sites in Syria.

Thumb general_puppet 02 March 2014, 20:56

The Iranian militia is on a full scale propaganda press. In the last two days they have attacked the president and Lebanon and have shown their traitorous colors.

The Presidents "land, people and common values" declaration is 100% what Lebanon needs, that is the reason the Iranian's are foaming at the mouth.

“We are not people who would give up a single iota of the resistance's dignity or who would allow an attack on any of its letters,” Qaouq pledged…. take your RESISTANCE back to Iran you filthy terrorist.

Thumb scorpyonn 03 March 2014, 04:19

A Republican President needs to be elected... Iran will be reduced to ashes.

Missing agenor 02 March 2014, 22:21

It's funny that Taouk and his silly clan are always so focussed on Israel. Why not say we reject any statement that does not satisfy Lebanon. Kind of tells you where their allegiance lies.

Missing VINCENT 02 March 2014, 23:20

When all fails, blame it on Israel. OK, from now on I am coining a new term for the Israelis. "Joker Wild". The Israelis will never get off their bottoms to find a solution re. the Palestinians as long as the Arabs are incapable to declaring a common goal and continue to kill each other. As though this is not hard to overcome, now we have the Iranians with their own regional agenda who have further divided the Arabs. Amongst these main players, who are prospering? Iran, hell yes. Oil money, industrial advancements, building nuclear power, etc. Israel, hell yes. They have advanced in high tech technology, building settlements, etc. Saudi Arabia, it is obvious. Now poor Lebanon, and you people are fighting for your respective masters to what end?

Missing ex-tayyar 02 March 2014, 23:32

Go and look how the Emirates/Qatar/Jordan/Kuwait/Yemen/Oman have a beautiful life! They are improving and Lebanon is going backwards.
Yesterday they had a magnificent air show in Dubai...and we in Lebanon we want to spend our life destroying Israel.
Soon the Palestinians will sign a peace treaty, but Lebanon will still want to make war.
Some Lebanese are doing harm to themselves.

Thumb Mystic 02 March 2014, 23:56

I agree, I doubt any of these western takfiri zionist even live inside Lebanon.

Thumb general_puppet 03 March 2014, 00:09

But it is easy to see the Glorious militia came from Persia they broadcast it all the time.

“The only thing that has humiliated and insulted the Israeli army since 1948 until today is the resistance and not anything else, as who can guarantee Israel's intentions against Lebanon should we give up Lebanon's strength and the resistance?”

If anyone ells would make statements like that you might think they are arrogant & delusional. But Hizububallah has been sent by a higher power, that is why their Victory's are Devine.

Thumb scorpyonn 03 March 2014, 07:12

you are so naive and stupid!

Thumb general_puppet 03 March 2014, 00:34

Mystic, you forgot to include Cannibals… your Icon has a little boot polish on his beard.

Thumb Kalzyturks 03 March 2014, 02:37

Anything & everything, could someway in another satisfy Israel?

Hmmm, does this mean the country is run by whom?

Does this mean an elected government needs to meet the requirements of this group?

Or this government can tinker on the edge & be accused of siding with Israel?

Who runs this country?

Thumb scorpyonn 03 March 2014, 04:18

It is embarassing for Lebanese to dress like Iranians. I am surprised we do not have public hangings yet- what we do have is the women dressed in those hideous looking headscarves. I am embarassed to be from the Shiite sect.

Missing helicopter 03 March 2014, 03:33

I bet you do not swim in Sour's beach

Thumb kanaanljdid 03 March 2014, 10:27


Thumb _mowaten_ 03 March 2014, 12:20

have you ever been to Sour beach, "helicopter"? i doubt, you probably werent born the last time your israeli soldiers were there.

Missing VINCENT 03 March 2014, 04:36

Please make sure that resistance built and made possible by foreign countries do not jeopardize the rest of our country who do not share the view of those who back the resistance.

Missing VINCENT 03 March 2014, 04:45

Well? What's happening in Syria today? I am the first person to declare the return of the Palestinians to their lands and home and out of Lebanon and Syria. They can do whatever they want with the Israelis. Let Syria and Iran who have the numbers and the mighty armies engage and deal with the Zionist. Why put the pressure on Lebanon? Hasn't Lebanon suffered enough? H.A's army is going to bring the so called Zionists to their knees? Who are you kidding?

Thumb scorpyonn 03 March 2014, 07:06

ou are so right- Iran has no bnusiness in our affairs.