Jumblat Pessimistic over Developments in Syria

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat expressed pessimism over developments in Syria, saying that the international evaluation of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s alleged reforms isn’t very optimistic.

High-ranking sources quoted Jumblat as saying: “I fear for Syria as a whole.”

Al-Liwaa newspaper reported that the Druze leader’s ties with Damascus and Hizbullah have reached a standstill.

The daily said that Jumblat’s latest stances are to neutralize the Druze from the conflict that is happening in Syria.

The sources quoted Jumblat as saying: “There’s no escape from reforms, and there’s no need to waste time and chance, this is gambling with Syria’s future.”

Meanwhile, al-Mustaqbal Movement sources denied to An Nahar newspaper the possibility of a meeting between former PM Saad Hariri and Jumblat in the near future.

However, the daily said that the PSP leader might visit Saudi Arabia and meet with Hariri there.

Comments 10
Thumb charbel 09 August 2011, 11:41

This guy has a big maneuverability, that helps him change sides so easily. Let's watch him, and see.

One thing is sure, he can smell the end for Bashar and the Syrian Regime

Default-user-icon (i) (Guest) 09 August 2011, 12:17

However, i consider that Joumblat is the perfect illustration of how Lebanese are completely corrupted inside. Whatever he does, they will always follow their leader. How can one single person still follow him after all the changes?

3anjad sha3eb.......... "NoCommentje" :)

Default-user-icon noone (Guest) 09 August 2011, 12:23

i'm guessing that its not only Joumblatt followers that you need to talk about but each and every person in Lebanon that follows a political figure. We have been turned into voting and demonstrating sheep and we'll never get over that.

at least the guy is smart enough to read politics and maneuver himself as such. Kudos.

Default-user-icon Formidiablo (Guest) 09 August 2011, 14:40

charbel knows what Jumblat smells! I wonder where he sticks his nose!

Default-user-icon Vagabondi (Guest) 09 August 2011, 15:32

When news media claim "sources close to ..." it usually means wishful thinking or a trick to sell more newspapers. Don't raise your hopes too high, losers.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 09 August 2011, 15:42

He feels for a loss of income...

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 09 August 2011, 15:56

Jumblatt is giving the clearest signals that he possibly can of his readiness, willingness and ability to play interlocutor in easing Assad out. Unfortunately, no one is listening.

In the past I have been highly critical of Jumblatt for his flip flops and his abandonment of M14, his jump to M8 as the price for reconciliation with Syria. But he reconciled for a reason. Jumblatt sensed the need to protect his community from Hezbollah. He could, on May 7, 2008, see that the LAF would not do the job when Hezbollah took West Beirut and the Chouf. Further, if the backers of the LAF, that is, the US would not intervene, then he had to move to someone who would, and pay the price demanded for the protection.
But there is a method to Jumblatt's apparent madness. He is quite rational in his observation of the political dynamics of Lebanon and Syria. Witness how Michel Aoun sticks to Assad even as Assad is going down, just like he stuck to Saddam in 1990. Aoun is the mashnoon.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 09 August 2011, 16:04


Default-user-icon PpKk (Guest) 10 August 2011, 01:00

Hey wassup everybody this guy changes his mind a lot but always for a reason. He always see what's best for him and for the druze not only in lebanon but in syria and israel too. The only 2 parties that stuck with their principles are hizbo and leb forces. I would include phalange but they almost made a deal to join the current ruling. At the end of the day we are a bunch of corrupted sectarian people and we need to change the whole mentality of dealing with each other...

Default-user-icon Habib Tabrizian (Guest) 10 August 2011, 09:32

The Syrian Regime is a sinking sheep. It are going to be DOWN nobody can help rescu it even Miqati or Hezbollah eller Mishel Oun. Atter Asad it will be Hasan nasrolah,s turn to go down with the all of his notorouspack!