Facts about Syria's 19 Border Posts with Its Neighbors

Turkey on Sunday shot down a Syrian warplane near their border as fighting raged between loyalist troops and rebels for control of the Kasab frontier post.
Here is a list of the 19 official land border crossings between Syria and its neighbors Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Turkey.
Nine of them are controlled by the Syrian regime, four by Kurdish autonomists, two by radical jihadists of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), and the rest are in the hands of other rebel groups.
- Border with Turkey -
- Kasab: in the northwestern province of Latakia. Fighting has raged there since Friday with three jihadist groups, including al-Qaida affiliate al-Nusra Front, trying to capture it from loyalist forces.
- Bab al-Hawa: Held by rebels, including the Islamist Front, it is in the northwestern province of Idlib.
- Bab al-Salama: Located in the town of Aazaz in northern Aleppo province. It is held by rebels.
- Jarabulus: In Aleppo province. Held by ISIL.
- Tal-Abiad: In the northern Raqa province, under ISIL control.
- Ain al-Arab: In Aleppo province, controlled by Kurdish fighters.
- Ras al-Ain: In the northeastern Hasakeh, manned by Kurdish fighters.
- Qamishli-Nassibin: The only crossing in the Hasakeh province controlled by government forces. Turkey has closed the crossing from its side.
- Ain Diwar: In Hasakeh, controlled by Kurdish fighters.
- Border with Iraq -
- Yarabiyah: In Hasakeh province, controlled by Kurdish fighters. On the Iraqi side, the crossing is knows as Rabia.
- Albu Kamal: In the eastern Deir Ezzor province, held by al-Nusra front and other opposition fighters. The crossing is known as al-Qaim on the Iraqi side.
- Al-Tanaf: South of Deir Ezzor, it is the only crossing with Iraq still controlled by Syrian government forces. Iraqis call it al-Walid.
- Border with Jordan -
- Nassib: In the southern province of Daraa, controlled by government forces. Jordanians know it as Jaber.
- Former Daraa customs post: al-Nusra Front and other Islamist fighters seized the crossing, known as al-Ramtha by the Jordanians, in October 2013.
- Border with Lebanon -
All five crossings are controlled by Syrian government forces:
- Jdaidet Yabous, known as Masnaa on the Lebanese side.
- Daboussiye, known by the Lebanese as Abboudiyeh.
- Jussiye, called al-Qaa by the Lebanese.
- Tal Kalakh, called Buqaiaa in Lebanon.
- Tartus, or al-Arida on the Lebanese side.