Calm Restored in Ain el-Hilweh after Seven Wounded in Clashes between Armed Groups

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Clashes erupted on Monday in the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain el-Hilweh between armed groups after news of the death of Fatah al-Islam official Alaeddine Ali Hujair broke out, reported the National News Agency.

It said that four people were wounded in the fighting between supporters of Bilal Badr and Talal al-Urdoni in the camp's al-Fawqani area.

Al-Mayadeen television said that seven people were wounded in the unrest.

Calm has since been restored after the Palestinian security committee made the necessary contacts.

Hujair was wounded three days ago in al-Fawqani area, but no details were given over how he was injured.

Upon the announcement of his death on Monday, his supporters took to the streets and began firing gunshots into the air.

This soon escalated into the armed clashes.

Located near the southern city of Sidon, Ain el-Hilweh is the largest Palestinian camp in the country and is home to about 50,000 refugees.

It is known to harbor extremists and fugitives.

By long-standing convention, the Lebanese army does not enter the country's 12 refugee camps, leaving security inside to the Palestinians themselves.



Comments 20
Missing coolmec 12 May 2014, 15:54

Hi Southern
I totally agree It is time for our forces to take over these camps eliminate the criminals and raise the Lebanese flag on Lebanese territory. It is a national insult that these camps are off limits to our forces

Missing coolmec 12 May 2014, 17:18

I fully agree with you I would even say a stronger word than nuisance. I would call it a sever drain on our society and our economy. Our country size, our population and its ensuing institutions simply cannot absorb 3 million refugees if not more

Thumb cedre 12 May 2014, 17:23

3 millions ? get real please...

Missing coolmec 12 May 2014, 17:25

you have at least 2 million Syrian refugees, add the 600,000 Palestinian refugees then add the sri lankans Bangla deshi soudanese Egyptians, Ethiopians etc...
do the math dude and let me know

Thumb cedre 12 May 2014, 17:36

Government+ UN estimated 1 million syrians in april.
There arent 600k palestinians in Lebanon, about the half i would say...
So we're not even at 1.5 million, which is at least 10 time over our capacity. Now why are those people here ? Who burned their houses in qusayr, qalamoun, zabadani, ghouta ? Who blocked palestinians and abu amar to accept the west bank from the israelis in 80's ? please answer those questions...

Thumb -phoenix1 12 May 2014, 19:20

Cedre and who sold his lands to the Jews?

Thumb ex-fpm 12 May 2014, 20:31

..and who is selling christian lands in mount lebanon and metn to HA?

Thumb cedre 13 May 2014, 04:24

less than 2 percent of lands were sold and by a handful of big owners... If hafez had let plo accepted west bank, most of them would be probably gone...

Thumb -phoenix1 12 May 2014, 17:41

Them again? Eupht...

Missing coolmec 12 May 2014, 18:28

My friend HELP! I am sooo tired of this lame mutual blame. Any topic we discuss the answer is always its M8's fault or M14's fault
it is getting old

Thumb -phoenix1 12 May 2014, 19:18

Hi Coolmec, sadly it's one of those abject dynamics of our forums in Lebanon. This is my third forum now, I started off with the LF forum which had the worst mods ever, then I found which was good until the trolls came and spoilt it. This forum has the same problem, no sooner would one voice an opinion, would some come and jump over your head and make you a speech of morality. Coolmec, you know what dear brother, there are times when one has to post what he wishes to post, speak your mind loud and clear and those that cannot live with free-speech, well, tough for them. The good thing about Lebanon is this, it's got lots of concrete walls, let those who don't like what we write go and bang their heads in any wall of their choosing.

Thumb zahle1 12 May 2014, 19:38

But the problem on this comments section is I can't track my posts. Is that a problem for everyone or is it just me?

Thumb -phoenix1 12 May 2014, 19:20

Alfinik, brother of Wolf Rear, just confirms my worries for you. Here I am, posting over the subject and you are posting about me. I checked to see if the posts were of me and confirmed they were never of me, yet you keep at it. You want an advice? Take it, it's for free, your owner, you know? The guy who created you, and the rest of La Familia, you need a shrink. Now as a good family, go figure it out. Lol, yalla because the camels and cows will come again.

Thumb -phoenix1 12 May 2014, 19:21

Roar, with you all the way.

Thumb zahle1 12 May 2014, 19:33

This is our land. They are guests. No guests have a right to be armed on our land. They cannot defeat Israel with their arms anyways, and these camps have done nothing to get their land back with their weapons anyways. Therefore, I say they must disarm. Disarm or face our wrath. Can't we all come together in agreeing on disarming Palestinians or driving them from our soil. Send them to KSA or Jordan or Egypt, just get them out of here. We need like the most hadeed checkpoints for anyone coming in to the camps, and seal them off tight. Their police should be allowed to have batons and tasers wa bess:)

Thumb -phoenix1 12 May 2014, 19:42

Well said Zahle, and the earlier they leave, the better.

Thumb cedre 13 May 2014, 04:33

wasnt it a christian presidentthat gave those camps the extraterritoriality status ? what kind of refugees are armed ?
will hizbos let the LAF disarm them or will they bow to Iran like usual ?

Thumb terminator 13 May 2014, 03:30

Just like sabra and shatillah huh?

Thumb cedre 13 May 2014, 04:29

u're right coolmec, lets put a bucket under the hole instead of fixing the roof, then lets complain when the bucket is full...

Do u have any realistic solution or just want to moan about the situation ? I gave u government and UN figures, what are your sources ?

Thumb cedre 13 May 2014, 04:29

like ur amal boyfriends did ? did it work conchita?