Lebanon Could See Additional Power Rationing Hours

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Lebanon seems to be looking at additional power rationing hours in the looming summer as the result of the Electricite du Liban's fiscal deficit, and the inability of the Finance Ministry and the Energy Ministry to solve the differences that have been lingering on for long.

Power rationing hours could be upped to as long as 10 hours per day including administrative Beirut, a letter sent by EDL to the Energy ministry said on Monday.

The letter said that the deficit compels the institution to either up rationing hours or increase the tariff in a bid to reduce the current deficit.

EDL had requested the allocation of 3097 billion LBP to cover the deficit, but the Finance Ministry asked to reduce this amount to 2537 billion in a bid to urge better bill collection, and to reduce waste and electricity theft.

Electricity is a constant concern for the government, which allocates the third largest slice of its budget, after debt servicing and salaries, to power supply.

The country suffers daily power cuts, including in the capital where many businesses and apartment blocks use generators to tide them over during lengthy blackouts.

Comments 25
Thumb geha 02 June 2014, 09:48

force the areas who do not pay to pay their share of the electricity consumption!

Thumb .mowaten. 02 June 2014, 10:09

you're looking for trouble in akkar, the area that has the lowest bill paying rate.

Missing peace 02 June 2014, 10:28

no mowaten it hasn't so stop your BS...and do not accuse just for the sake of your hezbi propaganda....

Missing ultra.zip 02 June 2014, 10:56

any proof or evidence to substantiate your sectarian rhetoric mowaten?

Thumb EagleDawn 02 June 2014, 12:29

sure sure, and he was hired by Bassil when he was energy minister. Who do you think you are fooling:)

Thumb EagleDawn 02 June 2014, 12:31

The expert at deceit and distortion. This is not according to financial times but according to the fpm hired "advisor"..!

Missing lebcan 02 June 2014, 12:40

Hey FT and Mowaten...
FT like you said electricity theft is wide spread amongst a lot of poor (maybe some we'll off) Lebanese BUT have we not considered the fact that there are so many Syrians and Palestinians ... How do most of them get their electricity ???

Thumb .mowaten. 02 June 2014, 13:22

ouch take it easy FT! they were already foaming from the mouth when i mentioned akkar, and now you brutalized them with those two links

try to be nicer, it's very hard for them to accept those simple facts, it makes their whole sectarian rhetoric collapse and they lose their beloved finger-pointing hobby

Thumb ex-fpm 02 June 2014, 13:38

did the FPM appointed expert/advisor mention in his report if the EDL collectors in Akkar get shot at the same way they do in dahiyeh or the south. I guess not..

Missing cedars 02 June 2014, 13:56

wrong..go learn about the houses in akkar where they have donkeys and every house has at least one member in the leb army, people who do not pay and steal the infrastructure of the state are in security square or Beirut suburbs including inside Palestinian camps. We are talking many streets and buildings with apartment built via the Iranian money.

Thumb cedre 02 June 2014, 17:52

yeah make akkar, dahieh pay.
Better would be to destroy all illegal buildings...

Missing peace 02 June 2014, 18:07

unlike you FPM thingie who says that akkar steals but dahiye are good citizens, i check my sources, sectarian hater... i never said what you put in my mouth... but if it pleases your delusional empty brain to think so then go ahead, i guess it satisfies your inflated ego

Thumb ex-fpm 02 June 2014, 09:50

Ask Berri and HA.

Default-user-icon Naharra (Guest) 02 June 2014, 10:32

Privatize this failed institution already!

Missing thatisit 02 June 2014, 12:23

elecnique du liban

Missing lebcan 02 June 2014, 12:41

EDL ...Privatize IT!

Missing lebcan 02 June 2014, 12:43

Maybe Berry will buy it ;$

Thumb canadianpaul 02 June 2014, 13:13

Failed country. $1.25B spent by im-Bassil and electricity is worse. Wonder where the money went.

Thumb ex-fpm 02 June 2014, 13:17

in his pocket

Thumb popeye 02 June 2014, 14:03

"The letter said that the deficit compels the institution to either up rationing hours or increase the tariff in a bid to reduce the current deficit."

EDL did not mention increase in output that you attributed to the refugees. It talked about financial deficit. You fail at sounding intelligent... Here you go:

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, flamethrower-- , but alas!

Thumb popeye 02 June 2014, 14:05

btw, did something change in your name?

Thumb Kalzyturks 02 June 2014, 14:17

How many fake flamethrowers could there be on this naharnet?

Thumb Marc 02 June 2014, 15:45

Power rationing and the pollution fom local electricity producers are just some of the reasons I haven't gone to Lebanon in recent years... The world is moving forward and our region is moving backward. الله يهني هالشعب بقياداتو

Thumb cedre 02 June 2014, 17:53

lebanon is an arrogant third world country...

Thumb ex-fpm 02 June 2014, 18:07

flamethrower is true to himself: In real life he reports his neighbors and on this forum he reports posters.