Nusra Front Members Kill Syrian in Arsal

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Syrian members of the Nusra Front killed on Thursday a fellow Syrian in the eastern Bekaa town of Arsal, reported the National News Agency.

It said that a number of the gunmen killed Khaled al-Mustafa.

The reasons for the murder were not disclosed and the whereabouts of the gunmen is not clear.

Ever since the Syrian revolt erupted in March 2011, Arsal has served as a key conduit for refugees, rebels and wounded people fleeing strife-torn Syria.



Comments 5
Thumb theresistance4.0 05 June 2014, 16:41

Must be a HA lie those people do nothing but Taqakya with Iran pulling the strings of course. The honest fun loving organ eating Al Nusra would never do such a thing...Damn u Bashar u probably invented these bad Nusra people as a plot against the holy head chopping good ones! It's obvious for all to see he never attacks these people so their proof! Pillar of democracy Wahhabi Arabia where are u to stop this tyranny?!!

Missing 05 June 2014, 17:46

Even if he was, only the legitimate authorities in Lebanon has the right to deal with him.

Thumb ice-man 05 June 2014, 18:04

@ultrahabib: you genuinely sound like a nice guy; I just hope you are not sectarian.

Missing karim. 05 June 2014, 19:01

Find the terrorists and eliminate them.

Thumb cedre 05 June 2014, 21:39

good to have u back icey...