Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade Warns Head of Cyber Crime Bureau: We Will Inflame Lebanon
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The obscure group known as the Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade threatened on Sunday to target Maj. Suzan al-Hajj, chief of the Internal Security Forces' Cyber Crime and Intellectual Property Protection bureau.
The shadowy group urged al-Hajj in a tweet using a new account on Twitter to reconsider her tactics and “stop meddling with fire.”
“Not you nor your cyber crimes (office) are capable of locating us and inflicting harm to us,” the group's emir Saifullah al-Shayyah said in a tweet, advising al-Hajj to “take care of her family and to sit in the company of women like her instead.”
He warned that the agents of the brigade will turn the “Emirate of Lebanon into a rubble of iron and fire in a matter of hours if any of our members were harmed by the Crusader (security) agencies.”
The tweets come in light of a statement by al-Hajj that “those behind the previous account of the so-called the Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade were identified.”
Her announcement comes two days after the account on Twitter was deactivated.
“Investigations identified the people running the account and their locations... They will be apprehended soon,” al-Hajj said.
Earlier in July, the cyber crimes bureau announced that the Twitter account of the vague Brigade is being probed.
According to the bureau, two fake names have operated the account and they are Omar al-Shami, a former Syrian inmate who died in the Adra prison in the neighboring country, and Saifullah al-Shayyah, who does no exist.
Shayyah in his tweets on Sunday also warned Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq and “the Crusader (security) agencies.”
“We halted our jihadist operations due to thorough and careful planning.”
Mashnouq had revealed recently that tweets by the so-called “Free Sunnis Brigade” were in fact made by a foreign intelligence agency.
However, he did not disclose further details on the matter.
But the shadowy brigade was quick to hit back, telling Mashnouq that he will not be able to prevent the group's "jihadist operations."

Nobody took them seriously in the first place. Their objective is to spread fear and propaganda specifically amongst the christians. I am sure they are a byproduct of an intelligence agency or even HA.

yea? is it like isis and nusra that were bashar's creations, until they werent anymore?

as for Saifullah al-Shahhata, if he thinks he can inflame Lebanon let him come out.
Nothing would make he happier then to him caught and hanged. Too bad we don't have executions by burning though, would be so fitting in his case

@mowaten + FT : Gullible, naive idiots of Naharnet !
The cybercrime Bureau has exposed the Free Shiite Brigade ... i mean Sunni Brigade - as a Hezbollah operation. Now they threaten them.
This is exactly what happened when they murdered Eid reponsible for uncovering their assassination cells of Rafiq Hariri.
Again, Nusra / Qaeda / Takfiri are children of Bashar / Saudi / US policies. They only exist to mask behind the scenes war games and can dissappear just as easily. They are all fabrications with no solid basis. Inventions for sheep like you to believe in !

"The cybercrime Bureau has exposed the Free Shiite Brigade ... i mean Sunni Brigade - as a Hezbollah operation. Now they threaten them."
LOOOL any proof of that? you call us gullible but you live in your own fantasy land.
Just like your claim about Eid, it's pure fiction uncorroborated by any fact, and that doesnt even make sense.
If Eid had gotten to the same conclusion that the STL "investigators" did, then what does killing him achieve? Any proof he would have had the STL would also have, wouldnt they?
Also, since the authority to render justice has been surrendered to the UN in this case, Lebanon and any of its judicial bodies are irrelevant.
If however, he had found evidence that DISPROVES the STL's (unproven) allegations, then someone would have a definite interest in killing him.

please mowaten, don't waste your time debating and asking for proof from these "biased" and "gullible" people. Please, never stop posting your free and secular mind on this forum. I care...

as for the takfiri gangs, i do not "believe in them", and they are definitely fabrications of intelligence agencies, but they clearly exist nonetheless. hear what they say, see what they do, and you'll know who's behind them.
here's a hint
haaretz has recently restricted the access to the full article, but it says that isis's declared intentions are to fight shias and alawites, and that this is what they are doing. they say they do not want to fight israelis but rather iran and it's allies. only self-deluded people cannot understand what that means.

@Mowaten, if you want proof, look very deep up your glory hole where you shove all the evidence thrown in your face. I don't understand how you can fit so much up there !

lol really. The paid propagandist uses Haartez, an Israeli news portal to try and prove prove his point. But, if others use the same source, he discredits them and says they are zionists. What a loser

hahahahaha thanks flamecatcher, i'll take that as an admission of failure.
when you resort to pathetic insults it means you know you just had your behind handed to you.

eagledown: many other sources confirm what haaretz say. actually this is ISIS's announced doctrine, you just need to go and listen to your friend baghdadi, and see what they are doing.
i used the haaretz source because it shows that even israelis know it and are not even afraid of saying it publicly, because they know that idiots like flamecatcher and geha are too deep in the brainwash to be able to realize anything anymore.

so what are you saying mowaten...? that this Free Sunni Brigade is a genuine group made up of Sunnis and they have a Sunni emirate in Baalbeck and they are allowed to operate along with their followers in HA heartland. Ok, that makes perfect sense.

Mowaten : As much as I would love to admit failure, the only one admitting anything here Mowaten is you proving to the world you're either a naive brainwashed sheep or a paid traitor. Which is it ?
Now go post some twitter messages on behalf of you boss Baghdadi, the Shiite Hezbollah leader of the Free Sunni Brigade !

18 minutes ago Security source to MTV: The arrest of those operating the Twitter account of the Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade has become imminent and we won't fear anyone.
19 minutes ago MTV: Those operating the Twitter account of the Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade have been located and they are in Baalbek.

all this started by a kid named Saad, who a few years ago decided to seek revenge from Bashar at all cost (even at the cost of Takfiris in Lebanon)... kids in positions of power!

is this why you have their emblem in your avatar. Plus, they are your brethren in baalback ya fake.

maybe the free sunnis consider the new "is" state freedom?
if not, is saudi arabia or pakistan the land of free sunnis?
if not, where? free sunnis do not exist or do they?