More Arrests as Army Clampdown on Militants Continues

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The army said on Thursday that it has arrested a Lebanese man who admitted to smuggling arms to jihadists taking position on the Lebanese-Syrian border as the military rounded up dozens in its clampdown on militants.

Abdullah Mahmoud al-Hujairi was apprehended in the area of Wadi Hmeid in the northeastern border town of Arsal, said an army communique.

He admitted to smuggling weapons and food to the terrorists on the outskirts of Arsal, it added.

Also Thursday, the state-run National News Agency said the military arrested 13 suspects in the town of al-Dreeb in the northern Akkar district.

NNA said that three of the suspects are Lebanese nationals.

The remaining are Syrians, including the leader of an armed group that engaged in battles in the village of al-Hosn in central Syria.

The army said in its communique that the number of suspects rounded up during raids in northern Lebanon on Wednesday reached 50.

Nine of them are Lebanese, one is Palestinian and the others are Syrians, it added.

The Lebanese army has been carrying out large-scale raids since weekend battles with fighters in Tripoli and the region of Koura in search for suspects. Despite the arrest of scores of militants, several of them have fled.

The battle between the Lebanese army and extremists in northern Lebanon was widely expected after members of the Islamic State group and al-Qaida's branch in Syria, the Nusra Front, launched several attacks over the past weeks in areas on the border with Syria.

Army units continued on Thursday clamping down on gunmen involved in the town of Bhannine Akkar as Army chief General Jean Qahwaji inspected military positions in Tripoli and Akkar.

An army reconnaissance drone accompanied the operation.



Comments 12
Default-user-icon karim--. (Guest) 30 October 2014, 10:18

god bless the lebanese army and down down down with the iranian funded terrorist militia

Thumb _mowaten_ 30 October 2014, 10:44

not that it really makes a difference, but according to the title it's 10 lebanese and 3 syrians, according to the body of the article it's 10 syrians and 3 lebanese...

Thumb EagleDawn 30 October 2014, 11:23

not that it matters, but why did you have to write about something that does not make a difference. I wonder

Thumb ex-fpm 30 October 2014, 15:03

lol, that's what trolls usually do.

Default-user-icon TrollGuest (Guest) 30 October 2014, 11:56

mowaten... eagledawn... firethrower/fighter don't remember his nickname...

I wished I as able to post the meme of Micheal Jackson eating popcorn on all Naharnet articles... if you know what I mean :)

Missing --karim. 30 October 2014, 12:57

Excellent news! God bless the Lebanese Army!

Thumb al.finique 30 October 2014, 13:27

bro, This is the reason why more and more people are asking of the Army to suspend the constitution and declare Marshall Law throughout the land. Let there be Military Rule, let the army arrest all of the politicians, all of them, be they M8, M14 and whatever other crooked thieves still remain on the lose and let us all live again under the same law, under the same justice. Let the army have no mercy on anyone who breaks the law, let the army rule with an iron fist and let it hit as hard as need be. 5 years of military rule, and Lebanon will regain its sovereignty and independence, from all the mafia crooks that have subjugated this country to all their unbelievable whims and caprices. let the army return to us the people our pride and dignity. Today the people of Lebanon want their peace and only the army will bring it, send the politicians to hell if need be, all of them.

Thumb -phoenix1 30 October 2014, 13:48

Naharnet, why did you delete my post?

Thumb al.finique 30 October 2014, 13:53

bro, don't worry I will re-post it for you:

I have been travelling quite a lot these past 2 years, meeting with many Lebanese in the diaspora, all of them and without any exception want to see peace in Lebanon and with peace, a good number of them want to reinvest and live in their homeland. The expatriate Lebanese communities are bleeding profusely from the ridiculous situation in Lebanon and most of them want to see military rule. Lebanon is so close to being what everyone of us wants, yet remains so far because of the political establishment, that's right, the crooked mafia of Lebanon. let's have our military rule, and let Lebanon LIVE again.

Thumb liberty 31 October 2014, 05:15

because you write nothing of substance and you drown the forum with spam. This is not a therapy clinic. Go address your issues whatever they maybe at your local shrink. @al.finique exposes you pretty well. He's got your number and got it right.

Thumb -phoenix1 30 October 2014, 13:52

It is a huge shame for any Lebanese person to support and provide weapons to those terrorists who shoot at our troops. The army now ought to make an example of whoever betrays his country with such despicable acts, and the prime example is that our justice system starts with the execution of such traitors. Only when the terrorists realize that our justice does not tolerate such betrayals would they understand our seriousness in dealing with them, all of them. (Now ya Naharnet, please leave my post in peace will you?).

Default-user-icon roland el hokayem (Guest) 30 October 2014, 20:20
