Saniora: Electricity Draft Law is a Victory for the Lebanese

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The head of the Mustaqbal bloc MP Fouad Saniora stated on Thursday that parliament’s approval of the electricity draft law is a “victory” for the Lebanese.

He said after the parliamentary session: “The agreement refuted all arguments that one political camp supports electricity in Lebanon and another opposes it.”

“It is a victory for the Lebanese because we wanted the law to be transparent and for it to benefit from loans from Arab funds,” he added.

“The Energy Ministry and cabinet need to clarify several issues in the law in the upcoming days and weeks,” Saniora noted.

Parliament had approved on Thursday the joint parliamentary committees’ version of the contentious electricity draft law.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 22 September 2011, 17:48

mabrouk to you mr saniora , and say that u ve been prime minister and all u did is adding the debts

Default-user-icon canadian (Guest) 22 September 2011, 19:48

no seniourita he was too busy stealing from the treasury.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 23 September 2011, 06:24

If the Shia start paying for electricity there would be no reason to borrow more and bankrupt the country for them.

Thumb mrbrain 23 September 2011, 08:14

Is this audacity of hypocrisy?

Thumb leblover 23 September 2011, 11:37

الى + oua nabka +
عزيزي تكثر الديون عندما يكون هناك فئة من الشعب اللبناني غير معنية بالتزاماتها تجاه خزينة الدولة من ضرائب و فواتير كهرباء و غيرها
تكثر الديون عندما تفرض الوظائف على الدوائر العامة
حيث تجد موظفين بالجملة ليس لهم شغلة سوى فنجان قهوة و كلمات متقاطعة.

Default-user-icon + OUA NABKA + (Guest) 23 September 2011, 12:58

to leblover
btiktar el diounne bass ykoun fi 3ina houkoumet 3am yessirfo bala mizenieh
btw we are all leblovers
god bless lebanon and its true citizens

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 24 September 2011, 01:04

cut the electricity to the shia, they may go to iran