Charlie Hebdo to Feature Mohammed Cartoons, 50 Anti-Muslim Incidents in France since Attack
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةThis week's edition of Charlie Hebdo, put together by survivors of last week's newsroom massacre in Paris by Islamist gunmen, will defiantly feature caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed, its lawyer said Monday.
The special issue, to come out on Wednesday, will also be offered "in 16 languages" for readers around the world, one of its columnists, Patrick Pelloux, said.
Charlie Hebdo's lawyer, Richard Malka, told French radio the upcoming publication will "obviously" lampoon Mohammed -- among other figures -- to show staff will "cede nothing" to extremists seeking to silence them.
The two gunmen who slaughtered 12 people in their attack on Charlie Hebdo's offices last Wednesday, including five of its top cartoonists and three other staff members, claimed as they left the scene that they had "avenged the Prophet Mohammed".
That was a reference to the fury expressed in some Muslim countries over past Mohammed cartoons which Charlie Hebdo had printed.
The gunmen, brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi, claimed to belong to the jihadist group al-Qaida in Yemen.
They were killed on Friday, as was an accomplice claiming affiliation to the rival Islamic State group, Amedy Coulibaly, in separate but coordinated French commando raids on sites in and near Paris where they had taken hostages.
In all 17 people and the three Islamist attackers were killed in three days of violence.
Charlie Hebdo's offices were firebombed without casualty in 2011 when it published cartoons lampooning Mohammed.
Its staff has been receiving death threats from radical Muslims since 2006, when it reprinted Mohammed cartoons by a Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten in the name of freedom of expression.
The surviving Charlie Hebdo staff have since Friday been working out of the offices of another French newspaper, Liberation, with equipment loaned by other media organizations. Their own blood-soaked offices remain sealed by police, with the entrance covered with flowers, pencils and candles in tribute to the dead.
The 44-year-old newspaper has always sought to break taboos with its provocative cartoons on all religions, current events and prominent personalities.
It had been sliding towards bankruptcy before the attack against it. It used to typically sell only half of the 60,000 copies it printed weekly.
But since gaining worldwide notoriety in the past few days, it has earned pledges of support from the French government and media groups.
One million copies of this week's special "survivors' issue" are to printed, with many of them to be made available outside of France.
It will be created "only by people from Charlie Hebdo," its financial director, Eric Portheault, told AFP. Offered contributions, notably from cartoonists in France and other countries, were declined.
There have been more than 50 anti-Muslim incidents in France since last week's shootings by gunmen claiming to represent Islamist groups, the country's Muslim community said on Monday.
The incidents included 21 reports of shooting at Islamic buildings and the throwing of some form of grenades, and 33 threats, a spokesman for the monitoring body at the Central Council of Muslims in France said.
"It had been sliding towards bankruptcy before the attack against it. It used to typically sell only half of the 60,000 copies it printed weekly."
"One million copies of this week's special "survivors' issue" are to printed"
Basically cashing in on the dead, and continuing the silly anti-muslim provocation...
T'as pas honte Momo!?
Personne ne t'a invité en France. Si tu ne l'aime pas, avec ses traditions et ses valeurs..., la satire, la libre expression, la laïcité, la démocratie, reste chez toi!
Deuxièmement, ça n' est pas une question économique aujourd' hui, mais une question de principe... pour que survive ce qu' on a essayé de tuer!
Troisièmement...."cashing on dead"... t'as pas honte!
Pour ton information, Charlie provoque aussi bien les musulmans, que les chrétiens et le juifs... mais ça... ton petit cerveau sélectif ne peut pas le comprendre. Ces gens n' avaient de haine contre personne... contrairement a toi!
patatriot tu dis nimporte quoi. dabord pour ton info je suis chez moi. ton refrain ne marche que quand il s'addresse a des immigres en france, mais ca tu n'a pas du saisir. tu repetes des petites phrases toutes faites que tu as vues sur facebook et tu chantes en choeur.
ensuite ton refrain sur la soi-disant provocation de toutes les religions est de un, hors sujet, ca n'a aucun rapport avec ce que je disais.
et finalement tes insultes tu peux te les carrer, tu ne fais que passer pour un demeuré incapable de s'exprimer sans hurler et vomir dans tous les sens. il ne te manque que la cagoule et la kalash
hahahahah oui c'est ca. quand tu n'as rien a dire coco ferme la ca vaudra mieux pour tout le monde, y compris toi meme
J'ai plein de choses a dire, mais il va de soit que tu es limité mon pauvre Ami... tu nous en fait le démonstration (helas) une fois de plus...
I'd like to welcome the new and improved mowaten, rediscovering his inner jihadi suicide bomber. One more stop and your virgins will be on the way. do you prefer blondes, brunets, redheads or the Dahieh, Jeddah, Tehran, Kabul models fully wrapped like in a box of chocolate you never know what you're gonna get.
anonymetexasusa, when they get there they can ask St Peter to show them something in a surf and turf.
anonymetexasusa, the word in arabic is not houriyeh lol, it's hour al 3ayn and it's NOT translated as mermaids. Just so you know.
so i'm a jihadi suicide bomber because i think religious provocation is silly? what a binary limited mind you must have.
Cashing in on the dead is something HA and takfiris do all the time. Whether it is via kidnappings for ransom or marketing Jihad to the feeble minded youth, or engaging in wars and threats
i agree as well anonyme. in my opinion they are both stupid, those who provoke and those who take the bait. i dont see why they entire world should feel concerned by their stupid games.
I'm sure it's not important... but Richard Malka is a Séfarade Jew, it's just a coincidence people.
On another note, Chralie Hebdo made One (1) Jewish Insulting cartoon... and guess what Happened? They fired them! Watch here:
Watch at 7 Minutes in:
You ar a fool... just open the links i just provided you with instead of reading propaganda!
Total lie... I read C H, and i can tell you that they hit on all... jews, christian, muslims, black, asian, politicians, they have zero taboo...
thefool don't be foolish Charlie Hebdo is a far left publication and an equal opportunity offender, anti Muslim, anti Christian and anti Jewish. The Siné firing was an isolated case. It did not stop Charlie Hebdo from publishing other Jewish Insulting cartoons or comment since. Thefool you should have done your research before commenting, but I can't fault a self described fool.
Bigjohn, Charlie Hebdo insults everybody you hate. From conservatives, capitalists, religions, clergies, the far right all except fart lefties like yourself. Besides I did not see anyone putting a fatwa or threaten to burn or kill Iranians when Iran claimed that the " authentic version" of the Gospel of Barnabas will "cause the collapse of Christianity worldwide". The dumb chimps were so proud of this "discovery" they even and commissioned a TV Series on the subject that Al Manar and NBN were going to proudly broadcast in 2010 around Ramada. I guess they were too stupid to realize that such a thing was offensive to Christians.
I don't see any reason to argue about this whole incident. I still call it another psyop as part of a continued campaign to paint muslims and arabs as evil doers and to prep the masses in the west for a possible full scale physical or psychological war on the middle east and the rest of the muslim world for the benefit of the zionist masters.
In the name of fighting zionism and imperialism qaddafi, saddam, arafat, assad 1 &2 for decades mudered their citizens and exported terrorists to lebanon and throught the world, the beat goes on.
First day, it was je suis charlie from flame, mowate and the others in m8. Hassan's message came down, those are blasphemous who hate Islam, je suis charlie turns into je hais charlie,