Report: Little-Known Khorasan Group Plotting to Assassinate Mustaqbal MPs
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An obscure group called “Khorasan” is allegedly plotting to assassinate lawmakers affiliated to al-Mustaqbal Movement in an attempt to topple the dialogue between the party and Hizbullah.
According to As Safir newspaper published on Monday, security sources obtained information warning that Mustaqbal MPs will be targeted with attacks to hit the dialogue between the party and Hizbullah and to create a sectarian strife between Shiites and Sunnis in Lebanon.
Sources told the daily that a group linked to Khorasan, comprised of four or five fighters, is planning to carry out a similar attack against Speaker Nabih Berri.
The Khorasan group had been a vague cell until U.S. intelligence officials flagged it in September.
The White House has said the group includes al-Qaida operatives from Afghanistan and Pakistan who made their way to Syria.
The representatives of al-Mustaqbal and Hizbullah held their sixth round of talks last week and agreed to come up with a national strategy to combat terrorism.
They kicked off the talks in December under the auspices of Berri at his residence in Ain el-Tineh.
The upcoming session is set to be held on March 2 as media reports expect it to tackle the presidential vacuum.

Another credible report by mowaten and As Safil. If Israel wants to cause strife, it assassinates M14 and Mustaqbal leaders/MP's. If the "Khorasan group" wants to topple the dialogue between Mustaqbal and HA, it assassinates Mustaqbal MPs. Assassinating HA MPs will not topple the dialogue?...LOL

It is weard that they are talking about khorassan, what is interesting to know is that this group leadder Muhsin al-Fadhli who was born in kuweit found refuge in iran after US incasion of afganistan and before going to syria.....
One of the many who transited in iran without doing any trouble there... in a conflict opposing sunis and shia fanatics all over the region but i am sure mowaten/southern and co. have a verry logic explanation....

Musta2bal are accused of being Israeli/Zionists agents. Yet, Israel kills Musta2bal leaders. Musta2bal are accused of being takfiri/Isis. Yet, Isis/takfiris kill Musta2bal. It all makes sense!

Safir newspaper is a mouthpiece for hizbollah and anything it writes is directly coming from the terror party. This only indicates that Hizbollah has some future assassination plans in the works.

reminds me of the Free Sunni Brigade of Baalbek, a wholly owned subsidiary of hizballah.

M14 not budging....?
How else would you make them budge?
Budge or else!
Tactics of the enemy of the state.

And they even called this invention "Khorasan" so it sounds Iran-ish. LOL.

The Islamic Republic of Iran condemns any and all acts of violence and assassinations against its opponents and the opponents of the resistance. The Republic believes in freedom of speech and tolerance. The zionist enemy is behind all assassination attempts and the Islamic Republic will not stand still if and when such acts are carried out.

@naharnet: I posted that on February 23 1980 the hands of evil assassinated Maya Bachir Gemayel in Ashrafieh. Does my comment deserve to be deleted? Do you even read comments before you delete them? Your site is full of trolls who make fake accounts every minute to insult and report people to get them deleted. Only Southern, mowaten, and Mystic nonsense comments remain with 15-20 votes each. What a shame!

flamethrower has used 12 of his accounts so far;) He still has another 30;)

Asafir talking up the free sunni of baalbek brigade mark II. The most interesting fact is the team of five terrorists ploting to kurde4 Mustakbal MPs, the same number in the hezballah cell on trial for murdering the head Mustakbal MP.

Flamer no one asked you, but am glad this make you happy. As they say learn to appreciate the little pleasures of life and take care of your nervous breakdown.