Kuwait Reopens Yemen Embassy in Aden, instead of Sanaa

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Kuwait has joined its Gulf partners Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates and decided to reopen its Yemeni embassy in Aden, instead of the militia-controlled capital Sanaa.

"In the framework of supporting constitutional legitimacy in Yemen represented in President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi... the state of Kuwait has decided to reopen its embassy in the city of Aden," the foreign ministry said, quoted by the official KUNA news agency.

The ministry said the decision was in accordance with an agreement by the foreign ministers of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council. 

Saudi Arabia and the UAE also announced this week that they would reopen their Yemen embassies in Aden.

Hadi fled to the southern coastal city a week ago after escaping house arrest in Sanaa, which the Shiite Huthi militia overran in September before seizing power this month.

The three Gulf nations were among many countries, including Britain and the United States, that shuttered their embassies in Sanaa this month over security fears.

Western-backed Hadi, who rescinded a resignation he offered last month and has declared all actions by the Huthis to be illegitimate, has said he hopes to make Aden secure for foreign diplomatic missions.

Aden was the capital of an independent south Yemen before the two Yemens were united in 1990.

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