Nasrallah to Deliver Speech on Latest Developments on Friday

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is scheduled to make a speech on Friday to tackle the latest local and regional developments.

The speech will be held during a ceremony for al-Mahdi Scouts.

His appearance is set for around 4:45 on Friday afternoon.

The Hizbullah secretary general last made a political speech on May 24 during which he warned that al-Mustaqbal Movement and its leaders would be “the first victims” if the Islamic State and al-Nusra Front take a foothold in Lebanon, vowing that his group would try and eliminate the two groups' militants from the outskirts of the Bekaa border town of Arsal if the Lebanese state failed to do so.

The cabinet on Thursday tasked the Lebanese army on Thursday with taking necessary measures to deploy inside the northeastern border town of Arsal to protect it against militant attacks.

Media speculation has surrounded the town in recent weeks in the wake of Hizbullah's battles againt jihadist groups in the neighboring al-Qalamoun area in Syria.

Fears have grown lately over the possible infiltration of extremists to the town.


Comments 21
Thumb _mowaten_ 04 June 2015, 16:22

trying and succeeding is not the same, Nasrallah and Hezbollah are too smart for them, and their local goons (you)

Missing CFTC 04 June 2015, 19:42

@mowaten E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T. Still laughing since yesterday. Thank you

Default-user-icon Mike Solomon (Guest) 04 June 2015, 16:40

is anyone else tired of all these speeches? it seems he is giving speeches now on a weekly basis

Thumb theresistance4.0 04 June 2015, 17:01

Why u mad Texy. Ahhh yes the truth hurts of course. Lol

Thumb theresistance4.0 04 June 2015, 22:13

Simple to keep your feeble minded side in check and dismiss the constant BS propaganda in the media paid by your petrodollar homeland of Texy of Saudi

Thumb theresistance4.0 04 June 2015, 23:01

I see your spaghetti logic of playing connect the dots is still point on bravo princess :) now if you will excuse me I must go bathe in the blood of innocent Wahhabi Sunnis that Bashar and HA kill daily with their wine barrels as you say of course

Thumb theresistance4.0 04 June 2015, 23:22

Yes yes of course that's why Hezbollah chops peoples heads off in south beruit, doesn't allow any Christians to leave in their areas until they convert or pay the jizza tax not to mention all the women are covered from head to toe as well...O wait my fault I just described your holy Wahhabi warriors of Syria and Iraqi and what they are doing (with your glee) :) have a nice day Texy of Saudi

Missing peace 05 June 2015, 00:10

hezbollah does worse than that but brainwashed followers are too blind to see it and believe they are saints and "patriots"! LOL

Thumb theresistance4.0 05 June 2015, 00:25

Of course they do Peace the poor Christians and Sunnis have lived in constant fear of the oppression since their establishment! O how we all wish for your beloved Israelis to come back and free us from their tyrannical ways!Back in the good ol days when your lady Gaga leader dawned his true Israeli uniform colors tsk well on the bright side the democratic free-will loving Saudis and their Israeli partners are soon try free us all from them as they are doing in Iraq and Syria...YAY :)

Thumb theresistance4.0 05 June 2015, 03:08

LmaoooTexy of Saudi thanks for posts I see know that you clearly have no life. HA and Iran have consumed your very being... Keteer cool! FYI don't listen to who ever tells you to get back on your MEDS. Your comedy gold! :)

Thumb Mystic 05 June 2015, 06:28

texas, your stories are becoming rather amusing.

Thumb -phoenix1 04 June 2015, 17:16

Oh, not him again, shifting to Animal Planet, Discovery or Natgeo it's a lot more rewarding than hearing him rant again.

Thumb Mystic 04 June 2015, 18:29

Ofcourse you will hear it Phoenix, like all other Lebanese you know this mans words has more validation than Geageas.

Thumb -phoenix1 05 June 2015, 12:36

Mystic, for you my dear brother to know how a person starts with his downwards spiral, here is just an indicator: Not long ago, when Sayed Hassan was expected to speak, every single Lebanese TV and some Arab TVs would stop their normal programs and air Sayed Hassan's speech. Nowadays at the most, it's only Al Manar TV, NBN naturally and maybe OTV, but the rest will just show excerpts in their evening news. Surprisingly, some even no longer bother to even mention him anymore and you know why? The secret lies with talking less, unless what you have to say is convincing enough to let people spend their time and intelligence on something worth it. I am grateful for the fact that cable TV offers a lot better alternatives, recently my perception of the sharks species changed a lot, from what I used to believe to now what I understand, thanks to Natgeo and other like stations.

Missing peace 04 June 2015, 18:11

sure texas, it is hezbis weekly comedy show to keep the spirits of his troops up! the more you tell lies the more his sheep will believe in them... just take this forum to witness it LOL!

Missing peace 04 June 2015, 20:52

yes you re right daily show! it proves how desperate they ve become and the urge to brainwash their sheep....

Thumb Mystic 04 June 2015, 18:29

Something to look forward to.
One of the real voices of Lebanon that really matters.

Thumb shab 05 June 2015, 00:40

looool @ small note

Thumb Moni 05 June 2015, 02:04

Same terrorist words as Bin Laden, one is Sunna, the other is Shia, but their content is exactly the same. No one can guess the difference between both speeches if written. BTW, both attack and insult KSA now, what a coincidence, right?

Thumb thepatriot 05 June 2015, 11:07


Default-user-icon Karbalaaaaa (Guest) 05 June 2015, 12:07

Today the vampire will announce the capitulation. Already he have drunk too much blood from all others that do not obey him. Anyone heard about today’s latest news in battles in neighboring country? Well there will be a lot of funerals these days. The insanity of blood thirsty vampires is about to end this year in their full termination.