Nasrallah: Nusra Suffered Major Defeat in Arsal Outskirts, Battle with IS Has Begun
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah declared Wednesday that the Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front has suffered a “major defeat” at the hands of his group's fighters in the outskirts of the northeastern border town of Arsal, as he announced that the battle against the Islamic State group has started in the border region.
“In the past few days, major achievements were made in (the Syrian border region of) Qalamoun, and I can say that the strategic hills and mountains in that area are now under the control of the Syrian army and the men of the resistance,” said Nasrallah via video link to a conference about Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
“As for Arsal's outskirts, huge advances have happened and al-Nusra Front suffered a major defeat,” added Nasrallah.
He also noted that “the battle against the IS in Qalamoun and the Eastern Mountain Range has started.”
Since last week, Hizbullah has made a series of military advances in Arsal's outskirts, seizing several strategic posts from al-Nusra's hands. Nasrallah announced Friday that the party managed to "liberate dozens of square kilometers" of land in Qalamoun.
On Tuesday, the party repelled an IS attack on the outskirts of the north Bekaa border areas of al-Qaa and Ras Baalbek. Hizbullah has also managed to link the outskirts of the Syrian border town of Flita with the edges of Arsal.
“We are determined to eradicate the takfiri presence on our border no matter the sacrifices, and we stress that we will no longer accept the presence of takfiris near our villages,” Nasrallah underlined on Wednesday.
He noted that it was the IS that began the battle on Monday by attacking Hizbullah's posts.
“It is better for us when a certain group begins the battle against us,” said Nasrallah.
“The IS tried to attack us in an attempt to undermine our morale and advance in the al-Qaa and Ras Baalbek regions, but the brothers in the resistance repelled them, killing and wounding dozens of them,” Hizbullah's chief added.

Thanks Nasso for keeping in undermining the Lebanese army. As for major defeats you lost 9 terrorists in one day.

I'm sure Al-Arabiya & Al-Jazeera tell you all that to calm you takfiris down. Not very likely mohammed, do you realize how bad this is for you people?
The Resistance controls the border alongside the LAF now, your takfiris have mostly retreated to Arsal and others tiny enclaves.

is that a martyred iranian jihadi terrorist family in your avatar, god forbid?

Do you realize how bad it is for your people ASSad and Nasso that they lost more than two thirds of Syria? As for credibility I will take Aljazeera credibility as an internationally renowned award winning media outlets over any of your bogus media outlets that claimed dozens of Saudi villages are in Houthi hands lol. Of course zero address of the point of undermining the Lebanese army in controlling the border.

Stupid extremist terrorist that he thinks he is better than da3esh. Glad they are killing each other

The day this evil sectarian terrorist is brutally murdered is the day we celebrate our independence.

Everytime Nasrallah manages to overcome his psychosis and make a speech is a great achievement. A true victory for the mental health profession.

The Dahieh security plan in action and in full force!
عراضة “عسكرية” لحزب الله على طريق المطار والمسلّحون يظهرون علناً
خاص بالصور: “شتي يا دنيي” رصاص على عين الرمانة

ansarullah and hizbullah are men of god. They liberate Syrian Land so we can live freely in Lebanon. Labayka Ya Hussain

I must apologize for my rare appearances. My crew and I have been buried with an influx of martyrs to the point where we are receiving them without the usual rituals and accommodating them 10 to a room.

Lol men of god ma kilkon takfiris...u guys know nothing about islam...cuz ur hizb killed so many innocent women and childrrn which is forbidden in islam

Contrary to what all the naysayers claim as an eye witness I can attest that Sayyed Hassan's rock collection has increased at least three folds. It only cost us a few dozens Jihadis who, while performing their Jihadi duty, have joined Hajjes Imad, Abbas, Jihad, Laqqis and many others in that great Lemonade stand up in the sky. Sayyed Hassan's newly acquired rock collection can be admired nightly free on Al Manar TV or 24/7 on their Youtube Chanel. In person visitations are subject to availability. Sayyed Hassan will not be taking possession of his new rock collection at this time pending the decision by President Bashar Assad on if it is located within Syria or in Lebanon. Since 2013 this is the six or seven time that I was part of liberation that same rock collation and I tell you what it's always spectacular. Many of my best friend would say the same but I guess they are now enjoying their Lemonades with the Mughniyehs.

جرح طفل في قصقص جراء رصاص أطلق من مناطق مجاورة خلال تشييع قتيل من "حزب الله".

and the field commander of the isis that attacked el qaa and ras baalbeck is a saoudi national

Yes yes of course they drank there blood chopped there heads ate there organs...oops i just described ur holy democratic loving wahhabi warriors instead :)
(1). Ya Sayed Hassan, it seems there's no battle that you enter that you don't win outright. It seems that you are invincible ma heyk? Well ya Sayed, only yesterday, your boss Bachar has lost his 2nd most important brigade, the 52nd brigade base to the FSA which now is receiving a lot more weapons and training, now what is that ya Sayed, another victory of yours? Trust me, most Lebanese wish you no harm, neither to you nor to your Shiite or Mitweleh constituencies, people like me do not gloat at the death of your fighters, they are no longer seen as martyrs because they are not fighting for the Lebanese nation but for Syria, Yemen, Iran and in fact anyone that has nothing to do with Lebanon.
(2). Ya Sayed Hassan. True, you have a TV station, you have your own media outlets, therefore you can come and talk as much as you wish, but that's as far as you could go nowadays, what you need ask yourself is this: How much is actually being accepted or believed by the majority of the Lebanese? Maybe you also need to make this poll with your fellow Lebanese, "what do you want of Hezbollah?". I know you will not listen no matter what because we've been drumming this for years on your ears, but now that you started this mess in Syria, now that the Lebanese Army has drawn the line over this conflict, expect of us Lebanese that you and your Hezbollah clean up the mess that you started and keep this conflict as far away as possible from our frontiers.
(3). In those border areas you're fighting with the Syrians and Iranians for your survival and that of the Syrian regime, fine by me, if you can keep Qalamoun and other related areas under your triangulated control which you know is a must anyway, it so happens that the Lebanese Army has done enough so far to clean up your mess, lest I say more.

At least they are fighting, what will the rest of the Lebanese do once international Salafists overrun Lebanon? They'll flee and let Hezbollah do the fighting.
Mega, who will flee, us Lebanese? Nah bro, no one will flee, no one fights better, or harder or more bravely than one on his own land. Let the Takfiris try, they already know what will await them, one of them the art of cutting people to pieces. Let them come, they'll get the red carpet treatment.

Yes, the Lebanese Army is good, but it is small. A 100,000 against who knows how many hundreds of thousands of Salafists from all over the world?
Mega, I do not disagree with your reasoning, to a certain extent it holds true. Then one has to see a very basic logic, ISIS is made up mostly of Non-Syrians, foreigners for the most part. Contrary to what is believed, these fighters are not only coming for ideological reasons but also for a lot more, like a good salary, for the adventure, the chicks and for fake promises of glory. But we are Lebanese after all, and few fight as bravely and smartly as we do, so yes I give it to HA fighters as far as this is concerned, but then, I cannot hold dual positions on Hezbollah's role in Syria, I still hold on to the fact that it should not be there in the first place, any other justification towards that end as far as I'm concerned is pretext and excuses.

He still hasn't figured out the nation-state thing. And recent reports are that Nusra is an enemy of ISIS and that ISIS is out to dismantle Al Qaida of which Nusra is a Syrian subsidiary.
Though we are now in a period of "the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy", the fact that Hezbollah has eliminated Nusra in these areas, only means that Hezbollah has made ISIS that much stronger by elimination of one of its principal rivals.