Syrian Opposition Figure Dies after 'Torture'


Veteran Syrian opposition figure Oday Rajab died on Monday of kidney failure following beatings he suffered in a government prison, a monitoring group said.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Rajab, 52, was arrested in April in the western city of Tartus at a military intelligence checkpoint.

"For eight days he was tortured and beaten," Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said, adding that he was later moved to a hospital where he died on Monday of renal failure.

Rajab had been imprisoned for six years under the regime of Hafez Assad, the father of Syria's current President Bashar Assad, for membership of an outlawed communist party.

Comments 4
Missing humble 23 June 2015, 00:43

The Butcher is the greatest criminal. Anyone who supports him is also a criminal

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 23 June 2015, 05:38

this is what happens to all those who dare oppose to what some on this site call a democratic regime , it's leader is a monster, butcher son of a butcher.

Thumb EagleDawn 23 June 2015, 09:18

Torture by Assad... No way!
Torture of kids by Assad.... No way!

فيديو مسرب من 2011 يظهر قتل جنود الأسد لطفل بعد تعذيبهفيديو-مسرب-من-2011-يظهر-قتل-جنود-من-النظام-لطفل-بعد-تعذيبه-1632.html

Missing greatpierro 23 June 2015, 10:53

and yet M8 supporters support the assad regime