Two Wounded as Ain el-Hilweh Family Dispute Sparks Clashes


Two people were wounded Sunday evening as a family dispute escalated into armed clashes in the Ain el-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp in Sidon, reports said.

“Clashes sparked by a personal dispute are still ongoing in the Ain el-Hilweh camp and two people have been wounded,” MTV reported.

Earlier, state-run National News Agency said one person was injured as a family dispute erupted into gunfire in Ain el-Hilweh's al-Zeeb neighborhood.

The Joint Palestinian Security Force was trying to contain the situation, NNA added.

On June 18, a ceasefire was reached in Ain el-Hilweh after two days of clashes left two people dead and several others wounded. The fighting was triggered by a personal dispute between an Islamist militant and a supporter of the secular Fatah Movement.

Ain el-Hilweh, the largest Palestinian camp in the Lebanon, is home to about 50,000 refugees who live in dire conditions and is known to harbor extremists and fugitives.

By long-standing convention, the Lebanese army does not enter the country's 12 refugee camps, leaving security inside to the Palestinians themselves.


Comments 3
Thumb _mowaten_ 29 June 2015, 13:07

Les Palestiniens ne sont pas Chiites, et les Chiites Libanais sont dix fois plus méritants de leur citoyenneté que la crapule sectaire que tu es. Si tu es si dérangé, tu n'as qu'a te casser, ah mais attends, c'est déjà fait! Je me demande pourquoi tu continues encore a venir ici vomir ta haine sectaire, ya pas un club du front national ou un ptit parti neonazi sympa a cote de chez toi?

Thumb _mowaten_ 29 June 2015, 15:16

De quoi il se mêle l'autre affreux?

Thumb -phoenix1 29 June 2015, 14:16

Palestinians like Syrians must go and leave our country. Hezbollah should leave Syria and return back to the family fold, then let us unite and rebuild the nation. If we believe, then we can.